After several successive explosions, someone set fire secretly, so that the four decks were completely covered by the fire.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the whole ship will be burned to ashes and finally buried at the bottom of the sea with everyone.

The tourists on the deck, aware of the urgency of the situation, spontaneously began to put out the fire. Some people called people to search for the arsonists. For a time, the whole cruise ship became flustered.

The bottom cabin reservoir area is a mess of porridge.

Knowing that they were trapped, they were likely to be buried at the bottom of the sea. Everyone was eager to find a way out, and they were busy one by one.

Unfortunately, the cabin area is already narrow, coupled with the deliberate destruction of entrances and exits, hundreds of people crowded together, and air circulation alone is a problem.

It didn't take long, because after strenuous exercise, oxygen consumption increased, and many people began to have difficulty breathing.


"It's over. We can't get out. We all have to suffocate!"

"Damn it! The captain, an old man, has lost all conscience. Why did he hurt us?"

"Son of a bitch! If I go out, I must throw him into the sea to feed son of a bitch!"

A group of people cursed and roared angrily, venting their dissatisfaction.

More and more people are looking for a way out, but in vain, they sit down and despair.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao knew that if it went on like this, everyone would have to suffocate. The top priority was to control respiratory consumption.

"Listen to me!" Lin Xiao stood on the ruins and shouted.

The rumbling sound immediately filled the whole space.

Hundreds of eyes came together.

"If you want to live, you must first ensure smooth breathing. Everyone should not make noise and sit down quietly! Reduce breathing loss!"

"The more the noise is, the more oxygen is consumed. If sufficient oxygen supply cannot be guaranteed, no one can live until the rescue comes!"

Lin Xiao's words made everyone quiet. At the same time, he also figured out that without oxygen, everyone would die.

Many people sit down as they say, but many people are still flustered.

"How do you get out? Even if you have oxygen, you'll be fine for one day and two days. What about ten days? A month? You'll suffocate if you can't get out sooner or later!" Someone yelled.

"Yes! We have hundreds of people. How can we have enough oxygen with such a little space?"

Many people showed a ferocious color. Several men stood up and shouted, "let me see, many people are cumbersome. If they become dead, they won't consume oxygen. Do you think so?"

"You're right!"

"Since everyone is going to die, it's better to let some people sacrifice themselves to help us!"

Many people echoed his words.

Facing the crisis of life and death, the ugliness of human nature broke out in an instant.

Even someone was ready to take action, took out a knife and put it across a tourist's neck, "I'll fucking kill you first. If I breathe less, I can live a little longer!"


Suddenly, a cold flash flashed.

The knife holder's hand fell to the ground with blood.

Lin Xiao cut off his palm with a knife.

This terrible scene frightened the people to change color.

"If you don't want to die now, just sit down!" Lin Xiao's voice was frozen, especially his hand cut through the air, which shocked everyone.

This is a special effect scene that can only be seen on TV. It has caused a sensation among ordinary people, no less than the earthquake and tsunami.


People who immediately sat down were scared to sit down with their legs soft.

"If you want to live, listen to me!" Lin Xiao shouted again, "breathe as I asked."

"Inhale slowly once and exhale slowly seven times..."

Lin Xiao began to teach these people the method of breathing and breathing. This is the turtle breathing method, which can achieve a longer life posture in limited oxygen.

In Lin Xiao's state, he can prolong his breathing more than ten times with turtle breathing. Even if he holds his breath at the bottom of the sea, he can survive for several hours.

If you are short of oxygen, you can live a few more days.

Stunned by Lin Xiao, many people began to learn his turtle breathing technique, and the scene slowly recovered calm.

The consumption of oxygen decreased sharply, and the hope of life increased by 10%.

However, in the face of endless darkness, the belief of whether to go out has always been around everyone's heart.

Can not open the channel, no matter how much oxygen, there will be only one death in the end.

Lin Xiao knew that oxygen was only one of the causes of death. If he wanted to live, he had to open the channel and escape from heaven as soon as possible.

In front of the destroyed passage, Lin Xiao found that if he wanted to clean up the destroyed debris and escape, it was likely that the upper layer collapsed due to the destruction of the bulkhead structure, and the whole ship would fall apart.

"It's cruel enough. Why do you want to trap so many people at the bottom of the sea?" Lin Xiao frowned and thought about countermeasures.

On the deck, Qi Zhengyi, Lin Tian and others had been looking for the captain, but they found that several speedboats had escaped from the sea. They understood at that time.

"Shit!" Qi Zhengyi stood on the edge of the deck and observed with a telescope for a long time. He angrily said, "it's the captain with a beard. He ran away!"

Xu Jin grabbed the telescope and said in a deep voice, "what does this bastard want to do?"

"He must have destroyed the cruise ship and wanted to kill us all!"

"This old thing!"

"No!" Cui Wanquan flew back and said, "the ship is going to stop. The engine is damaged and can't work at all. Even the helmsman has run away, and the cruise ship will be paralyzed immediately."

Sure enough, as soon as Cui Wanquan's voice fell, the speed of the cruise ship slowed down and soon stopped in the sea and drifted with the waves.

The waves beat down one after another, making the cruise ship rise and fall aimlessly in the sea.

Obviously, the tourists also found it and ran around on the deck screaming. Someone went to investigate and found that the cruise ship was paralyzed and the engine was damaged. In other words, they were trapped on the sea.

"No, not even the signal!" Someone lost his voice and exclaimed, "the signal transmitting device on board was damaged, and there was no satellite signal in this area. We were trapped at sea!"

"What should I do?"

"Escape, and the escape boat is gone?"

"It's over! We're completely trapped!"

Looking at the vast sea, people only feel that they are infinitely small. Without the cruise ship, they have no chance to return to land. If there is no rescue, they can only wait to die.

Thousands of people are trapped at sea. Over time, even food supply will become a problem. I'm afraid something more serious will happen at that time.

Moreover, after investigation, all the fishing tools and fishing equipment on the ship have disappeared. It is unrealistic to go to the sea to replenish food by manpower.

Even the devices for holding fresh water were destroyed, and the equipment for filtering seawater was blown to pieces.

In short, the ready-made food and water on board can't last a week. Seven days later, everyone will face starvation and thirst.

"The situation is a little bad!" Xu Jin frowned, "we have to find a way to save the son first!"

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