"I'll come!"

Qi Zhengyi could not help but be eager to save people. He picked up his long sword and rushed to the bombed entrance, banging and chopping.

Cui Wanquan and Xu Jin had to go up to help.

Now we can only save people by this local way.

However, the straight-line distance from the upper deck to the bottom cabin is 30 meters. It is unrealistic to open such a deep channel only with the efforts of a few people.

Lin Tian turned around and impatiently told Lin Lang, "go! Get me hundreds of people. Even if you dig with your hands, you have to dig them out for me!"

It's a chance for him to make great contributions. If he loses the little Lord or lets the little Lord die, he will die when he goes back.

Complaints were heard on the deck.

Hundreds of people who were forcibly arrested gathered around the ruins and were about to cry when they learned that they were going to dig a passage nearly 30 meters out.

"I tell you! As long as you dig people out, you can live, or I'll throw you all into the sea now to feed bastard!" Lin Tian is unscrupulous. He doesn't care about human life. As long as he can save Lin Xiao and sacrifice the whole ship.

Everyone was stunned. No one dared to disobey Lin Tian's words.

The site excavation will start soon.

In order to ensure that the main structure does not collapse, people do it very carefully.

The result of caution is that the progress is very slow.

The place is so big that hundreds of people can't do it all. Part of them dig, part of them transport waste, and then come back in shifts. According to the work process, it is estimated that it will not be finished in ten days and a half months.

Moreover, with so many people working, the diet will certainly increase sharply, which is also a big test for the amount of food left.

"If this goes on, people will starve to death if they are not rescued!" Xu Jin was worried and said in a deep voice, "it seems that he has come early to prepare!"

"You mean fishing in the sea?" Qi Zhengyi asked subconsciously.

"What else can you do? Just shoot a few sharks or something. It's enough for everyone to eat!"

Xu Jin said in a deep voice, "yes! Let Lin Tian's two bodyguards do it together!"

"Hum! Why should I work for these people in vain?" Lin Tian said with a disdainful smile, "the food in the storage room is enough for me to eat for half a year. Even if I eat and sleep all day on this ship, I won't starve to death. As for the life and death of others, it's none of my business?"

"You..." Qi Zhengyi stared, "is there any humanity? Is this human talk?"

"What?" Lin Tian sneered, "do you want to be the virgin mount? Then do it yourself. I can divide the food equally with you according to the number of heads. As for who you want to eat, it has nothing to do with me. How about it?"

The captain ran away without a head. In this irregular sea area, whoever has a big fist is the boss.

Lin Tian has two masters at the grand master level as guards. Naturally, he has a strong voice.

If he takes the food, others have nothing to do.

Qi Zhengyi wanted to hit people. Lin Tian quickly hid in Lin Lang and Lin fitness, and sneered, "I warn you! The young master is from our Lin family. If you dare to fight me, he will look good on you when he comes out!"

"This bastard, I'm so angry..." Qi Zhengyi was angry and smiled.

Xu Jin stopped Qi Zhengyi and said in a deep voice, "what Lin Tian said is not unreasonable. Food should be distributed according to needs. Now is a critical period, so special methods must be used."

"What do you mean? You really want to share the food with this boy? It belongs to everyone. Why are we the only ones?" Qi Zhengyi said unhappily.

Xu Jin is very clear that Qi Zhengyi is a stubborn donkey head with a tendon in his head and won't detour. After pondering for a moment, "in this way, Lao Qi, you can count the food, and then set aside some for standby. The rest will be distributed according to needs. Those who participate in labor can have priority to eat, and others stay behind, so that even if there is a shortage of food, there will be no trouble."

"No!" Lin Tian immediately disagreed, "we must separate our share first, take out our share, and you can distribute the rest freely!"

"Smelly boy, you really want to fight, don't you?" Qi Zhengyi stared at Lin Tian and shouted, "how dare you divide it?"

"How dare you?" Lin Tian hid behind them and showed a pair of eyes, "if you don't divide, I'll make trouble. No one has anything to eat!"

"Asshole..." Qi Zhengyi's face turned green and wanted to do it, but they were stopped by Lin Lang.

Xu Jin hesitated for a long time and knew that Lin Tian did what he said. If he didn't distribute it, he would make trouble.

The two great masters made a mess. They couldn't prevent it at all. At that time, thousands of people on the ship were unlucky.

"Stop it!" Xu Jin said in a deep voice, "just divide!"

"Lao Xu, do you really want to give this boy points?" Qi Zhengyi said angrily, "he has only three people in total. Do you want to share 30% of the food? We have thousands of people!"

Xu Jin continued, "points are OK, but you must help. If you encounter any danger, you must do it. Otherwise, we will never be polite!"

The two great masters are absolutely powerful help. As a last resort, Xu Jin doesn't want to turn against them.

It's just some food. Give it to them if you want.

The big deal is to hunt some meat in the sea to fill the gap.

It is difficult for ordinary people to hunt in the sea, but it is still very easy for great masters.

As for fresh water, if you save some water, you can last for a few days.

As long as the son is saved, with his intelligence, there may be a way out.

"Hey! That's about the same!" Lin Tian was elated. "Now go to the food storage room. I want to have a good meal first!"

Qi Zhengyi almost died of anger, but he was not easy to attack. His eyes were cold and threatened, "boy, be careful!"

"Hum!" Lin Tiancai didn't care about Qi Zhengyi's warning and swaggered out with two bodyguards.

Soon, the tourists got the news that food should be distributed and those participating in the rescue had the right to choose food first.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jin and others came to the food storage warehouse, which has been occupied by dozens of people.

These people, headed by a tall and strong young man, guarded the door with submachine guns and pistols in their hands.

"Want to rob food? I tell you! Now the food in the warehouse belongs to our brother. Whoever dares to rob, I'll give him a bullet!"

The young man resisted the submachine gun and shouted at the people who wanted to rob food. His arrogance was very arrogant.

There are already five or six corpses lying at the gate of the warehouse, and their deaths are very tragic.

The space is narrow. If you want to control more than a dozen gunmen at the same time, even the great master should be careful.

Although the great master is strong, according to the body, every fetus will die if it is hit to the point.

"Why do you rob food? Food belongs to everyone! You occupy food. How can we live?" A fashionable middle-aged woman shouted, "is there any compassion?"

"Compassion?" The young man spat on the ground, "in this situation, can compassion be a meal? I tell you plainly that no one can fucking rob the food today!"

"Of course," the young man glanced at the beautiful women in the crowd, and Lang smiled, "if the beautiful women want food, they can come and share it together. Our brothers still have great pity for the beautiful women!"

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