Qi Zhengyi won't get used to the problems of these boys. He stepped out and shouted, "I warn you, get away now, or all of you will be thrown into the sea to feed bastard!"

The young man was happy when he saw someone coming out to fight against injustice.

"Where do you come from? Do you want to die? Are you tired of living for a long time?" The young man looked contemptuous with a gun in his hand.

Just now, there were several groups of people who wanted to be big heads, pretend to be heroes, shoot down a few guns, and all ran away.

At this time, having a gun in hand is the king.

What bullshit laws and rules don't work.

Even if you have money, power and power on land, it's not worth a bullet here.

Obviously, many people don't understand this truth and want to show off.

The end result, of course, is lying on the spot.

Unfortunately, young people obviously don't know much about real cruel people, let alone that when a person's force reaches a certain level, even a gun is of little use.

Qi Zhengyi sneered. He didn't give the young man a chance to respond. He rushed to the other party with an arrow and gave him a hard blow on the chest.


The young man didn't even have a chance to pull the trigger, so he was slapped out.

Qi Zhengyi moved, and Xu Jin and others also moved.

Five great masters, it's too easy to deal with more than a dozen boys with weapons.

After only a few messy shots, all the boys in front of the door were knocked down.

"Fuck!" Lin Tian swaggered out, "I dare to rob my food. I ate bear heart and leopard gall!"

"Go away!" Lin Tian kicked away the young man like a dead dog and pulled the door of the warehouse hard.

There are buckets of wine and drinks, as well as mountains of rice flour, vegetables and meat.

Those tourists who were worried about food turned green when they saw this scene.

Trapped at sea, with external signals interrupted, food and water are the most important resources, and no one will care.

"You all listen!" Lin Tian turned around and said condescending, "I have 30% of the food here, and you can distribute the other 70%. Now I want to choose a strong boy to keep the food for me. Who wants to?"

Qi Zhengyi really wanted to rush to do this boy, but Xu Jin stopped him.

Lin Tian's two bodyguards are so powerful that tourists know the boy's terrible. If they can follow him, they can at least keep the food safe.


A strong guy will stand up right away.

"And me!"

"I will!"

Dozens of people stood up one after another.

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, "OK! You will be my people in the future. As long as you take care of the food for me, you will have a bite to eat. The food here has been enough for us for several years, and the rescue will come early!"

They were overjoyed and hurriedly gathered around Lin Tian and became loyal dog legs.

"Hum! Lin Tian! We have met your requirements. Now let your people remove all your food immediately!" Qi Zhengyi said unhappily.

Lin Tian sneered, "don't bother you. I'm sure I'll move away. Stay here. I'm afraid you'll steal it."

"You boy..." Qi Zhengyi was so angry.

Lin Tian commanded the dozens of people and began to get busy. After half a day, he moved 30% of the food to a safer place.

The remaining 70% of the food can be supplied to thousands of people for about a week, and we have to save food.

The tourists were even more flustered when they got the news.

But forced by reality, they can only accept their fate.

For food, more and more people join in the excavation work.

Lin Tian asked two great masters to help, especially asking for more food rations.

It is called that the great master is more efficient than ordinary people. At least one person is up to ten people, and two people need 20 people's share of food.

Qi Zhengyi was so angry that Lin Tianming had already divided 30% and had to take part from the remaining 70%. What's the difference between this and robbing.

If Xu Jin hadn't stopped him all the time, Qi Zhengyi could tear Lin Tian in half.

He had never been so angry with a hairy boy.

Three days in a row.

The excavation work is progressing smoothly. Nearly ten meters have been excavated.

However, it faces an important problem.

Due to the hull structure, the faster the upper layer is excavated, the more serious the collapse of the main structure is.

On the contrary, in the second half, each part of the excavation will be covered by new collapse.

The internal structure of this large cruise ship is very complex. The excavation process also needs to ensure that the main body is not damaged, and the work progress is more and more slow.

Hundreds of people trapped are also in crisis at the moment.

Even with the turtle breathing technique taught by Lin Xiao, oxygen has become the biggest problem.

In addition, they didn't eat for three days and nights, so they were physically overdrawn and had a greater demand for oxygen.

Not to mention, people are kept in a dark environment for three days and three nights, and they have to force themselves to learn turtle breathing. They are hungry and cold, and their mood collapses. Few people can stick to it.

So, someone is crazy.

Yelling and even killing with a knife.

Many people fell into chaos and the scene was out of control.

"I can't live anyway. I'll kill you first!" A big man with messy hair, waving a kitchen knife, cut several innocent tourists. Now he is pointing at Lin Xiao and looks fierce, "get away from me! Or I'll kill you!"

Lin Xiao frowned deeply. He couldn't control this situation. After all, once the people's heart got out of control, God couldn't recover it.

Killing the perpetrator is easy, but it will cause a greater rebound, make those who are afraid more desperate, and eventually lead to the outbreak of everyone's emotions.

Everyone stared at Lin Xiao with frightened eyes.

"Enough!" Lin xiaoleng drank, went forward and knocked off the kitchen knife in each other's hand, and directly pressed him to the ground, "don't go crazy! If this goes on, you will only die faster!"

The strong man cried hysterically, "I'll suffocate anyway. I won't live anymore. You have the seed to kill me!"

The strong man shouted out everyone's voice. More and more people were affected by the environment and became red eyed and panting like cattle.

"I've had enough!"

"Fart turtle breath technique! It's useful! In the end, I don't want to suffocate!"

"If you want to die, everyone die together!"

"No one wants to live!"

Half the people stood up and looked like they were going to work hard with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao gave them hope, but now the hope is getting more and more slim.

They turned this hope into despair, and pinned the cause of despair on Lin Xiao.

It's like killing Lin Xiao, they can escape from heaven.

"It is because of this boy that we are trapped. We can't live. He can't think of good words!"

"Yes! Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

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