More and more people surrounded Lin Xiao and prepared to kill him.

Lin Xiao naturally doesn't care about these three legged cats, but killing people will make things worse.


The strong man was going crazy. Lin Xiao suddenly took out three silver needles and stabbed them directly into his forehead.

"Er..." the strong man snorted stiffly, and his state of panting was improved for a moment.

Hypoxia makes the nerve center of a strong man hallucinate, so he yells and has the impulse to kill.

Others are in the same state as him for this reason.

Some sober people realize that if this situation is allowed to happen, I'm afraid the whole bilge will become Shura hell.

Therefore, these people have eyes and hands, and they drag those out of control who are panting and want to do crazy.

Lin Xiao was very fast. As long as the tourists around him were stabbed with three silver needles on their forehead, this technique seemed to have a calming effect. These people sat down one after another and looked at the front with dull eyes.

After a while, these talents slowly woke up.

After waking up, the red in their eyes has faded, replaced by horror and fear, and sweat soon seeps from their foreheads.

Gasping one after another.

"Listen to me!"

After dealing with dozens of people, everyone was quiet and looked at Lin Xiao who was talking.

"If you want to go out alive, do as I say. One more day is one day. One more point counts. Listen..."

Lin Xiao pointed to the top and said in a deep voice, "the excavation work continues. As long as you don't give up your faith and keep the last Qingming in your heart, you can live to the end!"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao's voice became condensed, "if anyone wants to continue to make trouble, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lin Xiao's words calmed those crazy people. They have seen Lin Xiao's strength, especially the invisible cut through the air, which can take people's lives at any time like magic.

"Everyone listens to Mr. Lin!" A middle-aged woman dressed in luxurious clothes stood up weakly, "in this situation, we must unite, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, and don't walk around at will to minimize the consumption of oxygen!"

The middle-aged woman then set an example, slowly sat back in the corner, closed her eyes, and fell into peace by using Professor Lin Xiao's turtle breathing technique.

Everyone converged and became more and more eager to live. If you want to live, you must obey Lin Xiao's words and minimize oxygen consumption.

Three days passed in a hurry.

More than half of the excavation has been done, but the hard metal structure has hindered the excavation work. It is estimated that it will take more than three days to succeed.

Qi Zhengyi was very worried. He stood among the ruins and hurriedly said, "it's been nearly four days. There are so many people below, so the air has long been suffocated?"

"Hey!" Lin Tian was carefree. He moved a table and sat in the ruins, eating delicious roast duck legs. He said, "anyway, as long as the young Lord is all right, it doesn't matter if everyone else is dead!"

"Are you still talking human?" Qi Zhengyi is almost fed up with this boy these days. When he hears this, he gets angry and can't help but start.

Lin Lang and Lin Jian stood under the block with no expression on their faces.

They are also very helpless.

It's still a young master to put such a thing on the stall. They both want to hit people.

"What? I'm not right?" Lin Tian sneered, "by my calculation, even if they have only 300 people, it's good to stick to it for three days in such a narrow space. There are still three days to dig. At least 90% of them will be suffocated at that time!"

Many tourists who were digging around couldn't help crying when they heard the news.

"Woo woo..."

Perhaps it is the desperate situation of these days that makes these people mentally unbearable.

They either had relatives or friends in the bottom cabin. They immediately collapsed when they learned that even if they dug through the ruins, their chances of survival were very low.

The cry sounded like a flash flood, almost at the same time. Everyone stopped digging and was very sad.

"What's the noise?" Lin Tian shouted angrily, "think for yourself. After digging, at least a week will pass. Even if they are not suffocated, they will starve to death?"

"If you don't eat or drink for seven days, I see," Lin Tian bit the duck leg and sneered, "maybe someone is hungry and crazy to eat people. Just start and eat one by one. That scene, tut tut......"

When they heard this, they cried even more.

"Shut up!" Xu Jin couldn't bear it this time. He said angrily, "if you don't talk, no one will think you're dumb!"

Originally, the atmosphere was depressed. If so many people collapsed, I'm afraid the whole ship will become Shura hell.

"Hum!" Lin Tian tilted his mouth bitterly, felt boring, and staggered away.

At this moment, Captain bearded, who had been far away, and others were stopping the ship for supplies.

There are more than 1000 nautical miles from the destination, which can be reached in three days.

The white haired old man looked away at the direction of the cruise ship. Although he could not see it, he would not stop the thoughts of infinite spread.

"Four days?" The white haired old man sneered, "in four days, I'm afraid there's a pot of porridge on the ship? Lin Xiao's smelly boy can't shake such a big scene!"

"The throne said..." Captain bearded quickly flattered, "maybe these people have been buried at the bottom of the sea. If people are crazy, they can't control so much!"

"Thousands of people are on board, just food and water is a problem!"

"When we left, the whole fourth floor was almost blown up. All the hull fragments were pressed on the bottom cabin. It is unknown whether Lin Xiao can escape!"

"Yes!" The white haired old man finally showed a knowing smile. He probably felt that the action was secure. With a big hand, he said in high spirits, "set sail and speed up! Strive to reach the destination in two days!"


The speedboat moved on.

Time flies by.

Three days is neither long nor short.

The excavation work finally came to an end.

However, the people who dig become more and more careful.

It has been reduced from hundreds of people digging at the same time at the beginning to ten people now. They are afraid that too much weight will collapse the last layer of ruins and bury the people below.

Qi Zhengyi, as the excavation commander, hesitated in the face of the last part of the ruins.

Ten people looked at him in unison.

"Mr. Qi, are you still digging?"

Someone asked cautiously.

Another man stabbed him and whispered, "what are you asking? You must dig. You can see people at this point. Dig another foot down."

"But... I can't hear anything below. It's been a week. Hundreds of people have starved or suffocated! Hey!"

These ten people are tourists who have no close friends under the ruins, so they look normal.

"Hey! Dig quickly! You can save the little Lord right away!" Lin Tian lay down at the entrance of the ruins and shouted down.

Qi Zhengyi did not want to dig, but did not dare to dig.

He was afraid to see the picture of corpses filling the cabin, or the picture of people eating people.

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