Dong Dong!

Suddenly, everyone heard someone beating the steel plate quickly below.

A voice came out to prove that there were still people alive below.

Everyone's heart suddenly rose to their throat.

Listen to this voice, very few.

Is it true that, as everyone guessed, hundreds of people have died in seven days and seven nights?

Qi Zhengyi took a deep breath and immediately shouted, "dig!"

Many people lie down at the entrance of the ruins and stare nervously at the excavation picture.

Half an hour later, the ruins were finally dug through.


A figure rushed up.

Qi Zhengyi Dingqing saw that it was Lin Xiao who was overjoyed. "Son, are you okay?"

Lin Xiao's face was just a little pale. It didn't matter. After all, he didn't eat or drink for seven days and nights. He even ran out of oxygen. It's not easy to persist until now.

He took a deep breath, his face quickly turned ruddy, swept around, and immediately said, "help!"

"Come on! Help!" Qi Zhengyi roared.

After everyone's efforts, hundreds of dying tourists were rescued, but unexpectedly, they looked in good condition.

For seven days and seven nights, there was no food and water, and even the oxygen was so thin that it was almost impossible to breathe. In such an extreme environment, hundreds of people survived?

Everyone felt incredible.

The sky is clear.

The sea is calm.

Hundreds of tourists lay on the deck.

Other tourists were noisy because of food and water. If Qi Zhengyi and other great masters were not in town, chaos would have broken out.

But at the moment, they were all quiet, with incredible eyes.

"How is it possible to survive?"

"What to eat? What to drink?"

"What about oxygen?"

Before the layout of Captain beard, the warehouse area had been blocked. After being covered, the whole environment was like a closed box.

It's a miracle that hundreds of people live together for seven days and seven nights.

The tourists who were bleeding for food shut up. They wondered how these people survived.

After several hours of help, the dying tourists woke up.

Everyone wept with joy, and there were weak cries one after another. Then, someone got up and knelt down to Lin Xiao without hesitation.

Without hesitation, hundreds of people soon fell to their knees.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

"Thank you!"


At this moment, their eyes are full of worship and awe.

Without Lin Xiao, they died three days ago.

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao accepted their worship.

No one knows what happened those days.

Not to mention the benefits of turtle rest, it can let people go into hibernation and greatly reduce oxygen consumption.

The key is food.

There is no solution to how to ensure the energy supply of hundreds of people.

"Son, how did they... Survive?"


"Young Lord, are you too divine?" Lin Tian exaggerated and shouted, "are you God? How can they survive?"

Lin Xiao looked around and didn't answer positively, "how about food and water?"

Qi Zhengyi sighed, "it's bottomed out. It's not so easy to control the diet of thousands of people. Some people secretly destroy it. The food is less than half of the stock! Now it's almost gone."

Xu Jin came over and said in a deep voice, "although I've caught a lot of fish these days, it's a drop in the bucket."

The deck was bloody and there were many remains of seafood.

Food is OK. Fresh water is the most stressful problem.

Many people fainted because of lack of water and never got up again.

Fear has long enveloped the whole ship.

Now there are hundreds more mouths, and many people are beginning to become anxious.

"Hum! These guys might as well be dead. Food is so scarce. Can we save them and rob our resources?"

"Yes! I thought they were dead, but I didn't expect they were still alive. It's really annoying!"

Hearing these harsh comments, Qi Zhengyi stared and shouted, "what's the noise? Are you still human? Who's talking nonsense. I'll throw him into the sea to feed Wang Ba!"

Many people's faces changed slightly and didn't dare to say anything.

These days they see that none of Qi Zhengyi is easy to provoke. They are all powerful people. Only with them can we ensure a certain living order.

However, with hundreds more people, that is, hundreds of mouths, the situation has become urgent.

"Little Lord! I knew you must be all right." Lin Tian came over with a smile and didn't care about the sad atmosphere on the ship. "Young master, I'll tell you a good news. In the spare cabin at the stern, I found a yacht, which was probably hidden by the previous ship owner. It wasn't found. We can leave by boat!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Qi Zhengyi was stunned.

Lin Tian glanced at him contemptuously, "why should I tell you?"


Lin Xiao frowned, "stop arguing! I can't leave for the time being. First solve the problems on the ship!"

If Lin Xiao and others leave, thousands of people on board will die sooner or later. He must settle them down anyway.

"Little Lord! How to solve it?" Lin Tian yelled and did not care about other people's emotions. "Thousands of mouths. You have to listen to and eat a few tons of food a day. It's OK to say food. Where's fresh water? You have to die of thirst without water! Leave them alone and let them live and die!"

Qi Zhengyi and Xu Jin were silent.

Lin Tian is telling the truth. This is the situation at present. It seems that Lin Xiao's stay is of little use. On the contrary, he is dragged down and delayed by them, and the final result will not change.

"Why don't we take a yacht and ask for help?" Qi Zhengyi murmured.

Lin Tian sneered, "cut! Are you stupid? Don't you need time to come and go? It takes three days to drive the land closest to us, and then it takes half a day to send a plane to rescue. Do you think they can last two days?"

Now the whole ship has been out of water for a day.

After three days, everyone had to die of thirst.

It's too late.

Plop, plop!

Many people fainted because of thirst.

The crowd on the deck became more flustered.

Others heard the existence of a speedboat and began to run towards the stern, ready to steal the boat and leave.

The situation suddenly became more and more tense.

After all, they all want to live.

Despair began to spread indefinitely.

"Son of God! You decide!" Xu Jin sighed. He couldn't help it.

Probably, only those hundreds of people are full of confidence in Lin Xiao.

Under such extreme circumstances, Lin Xiao can let them live. Now they escape from the sky. The sea is so vast. This God like figure will create miracles again.

"Mr. Lin! We believe you!" The elegant middle-aged woman stood up slowly, "I'm a scientist. The problem of fresh water can be solved reluctantly. As long as some filtering devices can be made, there is no problem with the water source!"

"The food problem is not a problem." Another man stood up, "I'm an oceanographer. There are endless treasures in the sea. I can make some bait to attract a large number of fish."

"As long as we have engines and materials, we can build ships!" A dozen people stood up one after another.

"I can help too!"

"Just follow Mr. Lin and let me do anything!"

Hundreds of people were excited and stood up to help. Such a warm and high mood shocked thousands of people who were in constant panic.

At the moment, they are more and more curious about what magical means Lin Xiao used to keep these hundreds of people alive and radiate such vitality in the desperate situation.

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