An area in the South China Sea.

Two modified battleships are cruising slowly.

This should have been a pirate ride, usually intercepting passing merchant ships nearby for self-sufficiency.

Unfortunately, such a powerful maritime force has changed its master at the moment.

Captain bearded and the old man with white hair stood at the bow, looking at the strange sea view vortex in the distance, and didn't speak for a long time.

There was a continuous flash of lightning over the vortex.

Below is the storm vortex.

The ship will not be spared if it goes in. It will spin and lose its way if it is not torn to pieces.

Half a day ago, they arrived in this area.

I didn't expect to be robbed by pirates on the way.

These pirates were unlucky. When they met these murderous gods, hundreds of people were fed to sea fish without a living mouth.

With two battleships, the white haired old man is more confident to find the supreme wooden tower.

"Throne! According to the map, the location is probably near the vortex, but in such an environment, it's not easy to go to the sea!" Captain bearded was worried.

He has sent several water-based experts to explore the sea, but no one can come back alive.

"Nothing!" The white haired old man said in a deep voice, "I have sent water-based experts in the organization to come with equipment. They will arrive in three days at the latest. Then they will go to the sea to find the tower!"

"Hey! That's good," said the captain with a flattering smile. "The throne planned strategies and turned the boy Lin Xiao around. He's probably still sleepy there. Maybe he's dead!"

"It's been seven or eight days. I guess those people are starting to drink human blood. Ha ha..."

Captain bearded smiled excitedly.

"Hehe... Don't worry about him. We can find the supreme wooden tower right away. There are many good things in this tower! The puppet core is one of them!" The old man with white hair looked deep.

Captain bearded understood it with the same look of longing, "puppet core! This thing is a good thing left after the collapse of ancient times. With these puppet cores, we will open a new door!"

"In addition to this wooden tower, there are two wooden towers that have not been opened. One of them is already being excavated and will soon succeed, and the other is far away in Feizhou, but... Tiangang district is now Lin Xiao's territory. I'm afraid it will take some trouble with local forces."

Bearded said thoughtfully, "I heard that the Titan king has been planning revenge and has sent a large number of elite armed forces to Tiangang district. Maybe it can help us a lot!"

"The Titan king is a waste. I have provided him with so many technologies. He has such a powerful plug-in armor that he can't even attack a small town. It's more than enough to succeed or defeat!" The white haired old man's eyes became sharp and said in a deep voice, "after this success, you immediately ordered me to take a batch of laser weapons and let him do his best to beat the simbati tribe in Somalia and try to grab half a map first!"

"Don't worry! I'll arrange it right away!" Said the captain with a smile.

"All right! Tell me to go down and block the surrounding waters. No one is allowed to enter!" The old man with white hair turned slowly and left as fast as flying. Even his clothes were not moved by the wind.


Captain bearded was full of fear. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and hurried to work.


People come and go, a lively scene.

Since Lin Xiao was rescued, earth shaking changes have taken place on the ship in half a day.

Originally decadent people were suddenly as excited as beating chicken blood.

Many people gathered at the bow of the boat, guarding a strange machine like a huge water pump, staring at the small bucket.


Suddenly, a burst of water gushed out of the tap.

"There's water!"

I don't know who shouted.


"Can drink!"

"Can drink! Really can drink!"

The tourists on the whole ship couldn't help cheering.

Duan Lirong, a middle-aged female scientist, successfully transformed a filter to successfully convert seawater into fresh water.

Although the output is still small, it can at least ensure everyone's minimum living requirements.

"Look! There are fish!"

Dozens of sailors in diving suits rushed to the edge of the deck and looked at the dense sea surface and the gathering of all kinds of sea fish. Their eyes were full of excitement.

"Come on! Get off the net!"

The sailors spontaneously drew fishing nets and threw them into the sea desperately.

With concerted efforts, a large number of marine fish were caught, which greatly supplemented the food source.

With water and food, everyone suddenly faced another crisis.

"Little Lord! What do they care? If I say go quickly, I found a few barrels of fuel, enough for us to return to land." Lin Tian is a little impatient. If he stays on the immovable ship for a long time, he may be crazy.

In particular, Lin Tian, a young master who is not dangerous but has lost his freedom, can't stand this bondage.

If it had not been for Lin Xiao's existence, he would have sailed away from this ghost place.

"Shut up, you!" Qi Zhengyi scolded angrily, "if we leave, all these people will die!"

Lin Tian couldn't help laughing. "There are more than hundreds of millions of people who have suffered. You can save them. Now we can't protect ourselves. Don't you find that the ship is sinking?"

A word surprised the dreamer. Qi Zhengyi and others remembered a very serious thing.

The huge hole in the middle of the ship caused structural imbalance, leading to the disintegration of the hull structure. It will completely fall apart and be buried on the seabed in a few days.

By then, no amount of food and water will be used.

However, most people do not know that extreme danger is coming and are still in a state of excitement.

Lin Xiao frowned tightly, looked at the south from a distance and said in a deep voice, "we must leave as soon as possible. I feel that Captain bearded's purpose is impure. Maybe... It's also for the supreme Wooden Tower!"

Xu Jin pondered, "the son of God means that those guys deliberately leave such a mess here to stop us from looking for treasure by themselves?"

"I think so," said Lin Xiao in a deep voice. "If they want to kill people, they can just burn the fire or detonate the hull with bombs. Why bother?"

"However, if you want to rob treasure, why do you just stop and don't kill? They can trap us all in the sea. If you use some extreme means, maybe you can kill us. Why..."

Lin Xiao sneered, "these guys know that we will stay to save this mess, so they stay and don't want to kill us!"

"So it's really possible!"

"Shit! Who the hell are these guys?" Qi Zhengyi was angry when he thought of it and couldn't help shouting, "it's crazy!"

"This is chiguoguo's plot, but we can only drill in!" Cui Wanquan sighed, "we can't watch the people on this ship die!"

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