Lin Xiao turned around and walked to a group of people. There were several shipbuilding experts who were studying how to get materials for shipbuilding.

"Building a ship requires some materials. If it is powered, it can only rely on manpower. However, where can we find the materials?"

"There is basically no suitable steel."

"There are few alloys!"

"Unless the Qinglong is dismantled!"

"Dismantled? What about so many people?"

"Dismantling the ship will speed up the sinking. Thousands of people will soak in the sea and die in a day!"

"If you build a ship, you need at least ten intermediate ships to release 3000 people. Even if you dismantle the Qinglong, the materials you can use may not be enough!"

All the people were discussing, while several shipbuilders were writing and drawing with notebooks, and they didn't know what they were calculating.

When someone heard that the ship was going to be torn down, he was in a hurry and shouted, "what are you talking about? Do you want us to go to the sea to feed the fish?"

Now there is food and water. The ship is their only carrier. As long as they can live, someone will come to rescue sooner or later.

"Why are you in such a hurry? We have food and water now. We can be self-sufficient. It's no problem to stay for a few months."

"Yes! Why take the risk of breaking down the ship?"

"We disagree!"

Many people came at the news and began to quarrel.

"Yes! We can't tear down the boat. Where do we live?"

"The conditions on this ship are so good that we can't live?"

A group of people surrounded the shipbuilder and others. They were full of people. They looked like they were asking questions.

A master was annoyed by the noise. He stared and shouted, "the ship is going to sink soon. You have to sink without dismantling the ship. Do you want to wait for death, or dismantle the ship and build a ship?"

In a word, the whole audience was silent.

"What, what? The ship is sinking?"

"What do you mean? How can it sink?"

"Such a big ship will sink if it says sink? Who are you lying to?"

The master was angry. He directly picked up a favorite boy named and pulled him to the big hole. "Look below, the water is overflowing. Can't you see?"

The man was surprised and his legs softened.

The people woke up with a start. The hope they had just recovered was hit in an instant, one by one.

"What should I do?"


"This fart, now we can only build the boat in three days, otherwise we all have to fall into the sea to feed the fish!"


Adults' noise and children's cry rose one after another, and the whole deck was a sad noise.

The masters were so noisy that they were about to escape when Lin Xiao's voice suddenly came in.

"Don't be afraid! There's no need to dismantle the ship. I have a way!"


When they saw Lin Xiao coming, they gave way one after another and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Mr. Lin, what materials are used? If you want to build a ship that can withstand hundreds of people, the materials should not only be strong, but also have strong buoyancy. There are no trees and no metal here. What can you do except dismantling the ship?"

"That's right! You can't say that you should take ore from the bottom of the sea and practice it?" Someone made a joke.

"Mr. Lin, you may not know much about shipbuilding. You have high requirements for materials. You can't cope with the ocean by building a few kayaks."

Lin Xiao smiled, "I know! The materials I give you can replace wood and metal."

Seeing Lin Xiao's confident smile, the hearts of several shipbuilding engineers immediately settled down.

I remember when he was crushed in the ruins, Lin Xiao fed them with his own blood in order to ensure the lives of others.

Strange to say, Lin Xiao's blood is extremely powerful and has unimaginable energy.

Just one drop can make people full of vitality and can avoid eating for a few days.

However, for the number of hundreds of people, Lin Xiao paid hundreds of drops of blood in three days, which was also a great consumption for him.

Thinking of what Lin Xiao did for them, these people were convinced and respected from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, Lin Xiao's words gave them confidence again.

"Come on, Mr. Lin, what do you need us to do!"

"Yes! As long as Mr. Lin is here, we will be able to live!"

More and more people began to gather here. They were waiting for Lin Xiao to give orders.

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "we can use the bones of large fish as the skeleton and coral reefs as auxiliary materials. There is a kind of fish viscera in the sea that can be made into very strong fusion glue, which is very sticky. With its help, we can combine these materials together!"

An oceanographer's eyes brightened, patted his head and shouted, "why didn't I think of it? It's really a way."

Everyone looked confused. They didn't know what fish bones could be used as a boat frame. I'm afraid it would be difficult to float with the proportion of bones. Lin Xiao wouldn't be joking.

Lin Xiao is ready to test his idea.

A large number of fish were attracted from the surrounding waters. Lin Xiao easily found an unusually large fish, whale shark.

Although compared with the vast ocean, the whale shark's body length of more than 20 meters is very small, in human eyes, it is simply a big Mac.

"Whale shark!"

I don't know who exclaimed.


Whale sharks are attracted by the special taste of food and toss around in the sea, stirring up tens of meters of waves.

Such marine creatures are daunting!

This kind of whale shark is hard to kill even with shells. It's just like the night in the sky to get its bones.

"Mr. Lin, even if the whale shark's spine bone can be used as a ship frame, it's too difficult to hunt a whale shark. It's impossible. Moreover, we don't have large weapons on board, so it's difficult to do it!" The oceanographer shook his head reluctantly and mused, "it's better to find some smaller fish, such as tiger sharks, and splice the bones together, which can barely be used."

"The bones of tiger sharks are too thin. If they are spliced together, it takes at least 100 tiger shark bones to build a ship."

The oceanographer's face changed slightly, as if he imagined the boundless blood, and muttered, "it's cruel!"

"Cruel what?" Lin Tian didn't know when he came over and said carelessly, "thousands of people are dead. Do you care about a hundred sharks? What do you think? If necessary, I'll let Lin Lang and Lin Jian hunt immediately!"

"Let's tear down the boat!" The oceanographer bit his teeth.

"Break a fart!" Lin Tian cried, "dismantling the ship will speed up the sinking of the Qinglong. I don't want to be in the sea! And without the Qinglong, how can you build a ship?"


"All right!" Lin Xiao scolded angrily, "a whale shark can build a ship. In special times, we have to use special means!"

"Yes!" Lin tiangan stepped back with a smile, "just at the command of the little Lord!"

"But hunting whale sharks is a problem. There is no suitable weapon..."


Before the man's voice fell, Lin Xiao rushed out.

"Master Qi! Give me a hand!"

Lin Xiao roared like a dragon flying for nine days. He jumped down from the ship and rushed straight at the fierce whale shark.

The crowd was stunned.

Do you want to fight against the dominant whale shark in the sea?

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