Lin Tian was praised. He looked proud and continued, "of course! I also know what the supreme wooden tower in the sky means."

"You say!" Lin Xiao is interested.

Lin Tian was elated and shook his head. "The so-called supreme tower in the sky actually refers to the wooden tower on the top of the high mountain. It looks like it is on the sky que between the clouds."

"High peak?" Lin Xiao blurted out, "Mount Everest!"

"Should I? Anyway, there is a supreme wooden tower on the highest mountain in the world."

Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world and known as the roof of the world, deserves it. If this legend is true, the supreme wooden tower may be there.

Unfortunately, he can't communicate with the outside world now, and Lin Xiao can't send someone to check it on the spot.

"If it's true, I'll go up and have a look when the treasure hunt is over." Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and said, "now prepare to distribute the bone ship and set off!"

Xu Jin nodded silently, hurried out, summoned people and began to allocate ships.

Lin Xiao's boat is naturally a left over speedboat.

Lin Tian has already prepared several barrels of fuel to ensure that the speedboat can sail continuously for three or five days.

When they parted ways, many tourists were still very reluctant to give up Lin Xiao.

If it weren't for him, one tenth of these people would live by burning Gaoxiang.

"Mr. Lin! See you later!"

"Take care, Mr. Lin!"

Among thousands of people, there are all kinds of people, most of whom are elites from all walks of life.

Everyone was excited that they could save their life. Today, they deeply remembered the name Lin Xiao.

"Take care, everyone!" Lin Xiao bowed hands with the crowd.

The ships on both sides gradually moved away.

"Full speed!" Lin Xiao ordered.

The two refitted battleships robbed by the white haired old man have long been close to the center of the storm.

Not far away, a submarine rose slowly, and soon several frogmen jumped out of it.

"Throne!" A frogman reported loudly, "the submarine can't go down. The underwater vortex is too dense, which has an impact on the electronic system. Every approach will cause the engine to shut down. It's impossible!"

The white haired old man looked thoughtful and said in a deep voice, "where's the frogman team? There should be no problem using the underwater laser shuttle?"

"I've tried. The laser shuttle can only move forward one step, it is involved in the vortex, and the frogman is directly torn to pieces!"

"What?" The white haired old man obviously didn't expect such a result.

He brought more than a dozen masters who were most familiar with water and wore the most advanced underwater combat clothes. Even so, he could not break through the underwater vortex, let alone close to the supreme wooden tower.

The supreme wooden tower stands quietly in the rocks nearly 100 meters below the sea, but there are not only magnetic fields and vortices around, but also many ferocious underwater fish and animals. It's hard to get in.

"Throne! What should we do? We have lost six frogmen and destroyed six sets of equipment. If this goes on, I'm afraid we won't see the wooden tower. Everyone will die. We must find a panacea!" The frog captain was very anxious.

The white haired old man asked in a deep voice, "what's another plan, for example, directly bombarding the ship track to break the air pressure balance? Can you take the opportunity to rush in?"

"This..." the frogman captain fell into a deep thought. "In theory, it is OK, but the angle and timing of penetration are very important. Otherwise, it will not only be ineffective, but also lead to the imbalance of wave dryness and air pressure. At that time, the storm will become more and more violent, and there will be no chance to enter the water."

"Neither can this nor that. What should I do?" Captain bearded scolded angrily, "what do you want to eat? Every set of equipment on you is worth a few memories, just to cope with the extreme environment. Now you have lost so many people. Tell me you can't?"

Captain frogman stood on the submarine with a look of shame on his face.

In fact, the seabed environment is too complex and steep. Even if it is filled with human life, it can't get over the thunder pool in the face of the power of nature.

"You stand by first!" The white haired old man mused, "let the submarine stop at the position where it is easiest to launch an attack and follow my orders!"

"Yes!" Captain frogman immediately turned and jumped off the submarine.

Soon, the submarine sank slowly and went to the deepest place.

"Throne! It's not very good. I think the storm is getting stronger and stronger. If you bring irrelevant people, it's difficult to start!" Captain bearded was worried.

The white haired old man sneered, "Whoever dares to come, blow them to pieces with shipborne cannons. We have two battleships. What are you afraid of? The top priority is to find a way to break through the vortex!"

"What the throne said is..." big beard said with a dry smile, "but it's not like that to spend all the time. You're not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!"

"I'll see it myself!" When the old man with white hair said that, he jumped down and plunged into the deep sea.

Captain bearded was frightened. It was too late to stop him.

"Come on! Keep up with the throne!" The beard shouted.

More than a dozen experts grabbed their diving suits and dressed themselves in a hurry before jumping into the sea.

The white haired old man is vigorous, like a swordfish, with his pen straight down in the water.

The whirlpool under the sea is really unusual. It seems that there is a rumbling thunder coming from inside, which is difficult to get close to.

However, the old man with white hair has strong strength and wants to get close to the center by breaking the vortex directly.

The underwater line of sight is blocked, and the surroundings are gray, but it can still be vaguely seen that a black wooden tower stands quietly 100 meters below the sea floor, unaffected by the sea water.


The white haired old man was about to dive when suddenly the vortex in the water changed direction and an invisible wave suddenly rolled over.


In a hurry, the old man with white hair only felt that there was great power around him and wanted to distort his body.

In great horror, the white haired old man resolutely retreated, but he still couldn't resist the suffocation of his chest and rushed out of his throat against the blood.


Even under the huge sea water pressure, the blood arrow spewed out several meters away.

The thick blood slowly fused into the sea and was rolled in all directions by the vortex.

The suspicious white haired old man dared not continue to approach, quickly retreated, stared at the center of the vortex with lingering fear, and murmured in his heart, "I'm afraid only the Supreme Master can approach with such a powerful tearing force. What should I do? Should I really use shelling!?"


The old man with white hair immediately stepped back and swam towards the sea.

However, as soon as I turned around, I saw dozens of sharks smelling blood and killing them like crazy.

In the other direction, more than a dozen frogmen in black rushed to rescue with laser guns.

"Hum!" Naturally, the old man with white hair didn't care about these sharks. He turned his paws and grabbed a shark rushing towards him.


The shark's big mouth was torn in half by the white haired old man. After a few convulsions, he slowly sank.

A lot of blood dyed the shark's eyes red, making them more crazy.

Poof poof!

The frogman started shooting, and a lot of sharks began to die.

Unfortunately, such an attack not only did not curb the sharks, but aroused their greater ferocity.

Deep under the sea, a giant was startled and arched like a mountain.

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