More and more sharks have not stopped the white haired old man's attack. At least he is also a great master. His power is very powerful.

With the laser guns in the hands of those frogmen, it's not too difficult to deal with groups of sharks.

Five minutes later, after killing dozens of sharks, the party drilled out of the sea and returned to the ship.

"Ouch! Throne! It's too risky. How can you go into the water yourself?" Bearded looked worried and walked quickly with a towel.

The white haired old man looked at him, "why don't you go?"

"Cough... I can't swim!" With a dry smile, beard hurriedly asked, "what's the situation below?"

"Hum!" The white haired old man was covered with blood and his eyes were a little gloomy. He grabbed a towel and wiped his body. He said in a deep voice, "something's wrong! Unless it's the supreme, no one can cross the seabed vortex!"

"And..." the white haired old man continued, "it seems that in the center of the vortex, near the supreme wooden tower, an ancient fierce beast has awakened."

"What, what? Ancient beasts?" Beard was surprised.

The mysteries of the ocean cannot be explored at all.

At the bottom of the sea, there are some unimaginable creatures, which are mysterious, powerful and diverse.

It can be called an ancient fierce beast, which is definitely a great beast. At least it is more powerful than the predators at the top of the marine food chain such as sharks and whales.

Under normal circumstances, no one will easily provoke these fierce animals, but now if you want to get close to the wooden tower, I'm afraid it will cause the dissatisfaction of the fierce animals.

Because the older the beast, the more important it is to the territory. If someone invades the territory, it will be the end of immortality.

"You tune out the underwater sonar spectrum. I want to see what it is!"

"Good!" Captain bearded hurried back to the control cabin.

The sonar spectrum will be retrieved soon.

After careful study, the white haired old man frowned deeper. He looked up at another battleship, "it seems that special means need to be used!"

"Throne, do you mean to use..." the beard was slightly stunned and his face obviously turned pale.

The white haired old man waved his big hand, "take me to the surprise ship!"


It was getting late, and the thunder and lightning in the center of the storm became more and more dense, illuminating the sky more brightly.

However, the sea level far away from the storm area is surprisingly calm.

Far away.

A speedboat is approaching quickly.

Lin Xiao and others finally arrived.

Seeing the storm area connected day to day, Lin Xiao looked puzzled, "where is that? What a big storm!"

Xu Jin stared at the sea storm for a long time. His pupils slowly shrunk into the tip of a needle. He couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, "thunder vortex?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao obviously didn't understand. He just felt that the thunder in the storm area was extremely fierce and was releasing its power all the time.

"It's a natural anomaly. There must be a particularly large chaotic magnetic field area under the sea, and even crisscross underground cracks."

Xu Jin was a little nervous. "The supreme wooden tower, isn't it under there? That's terrible."

"What happened to those two ships?" Lin Tian asked weakly, "it seems that a ship is coming towards us!"

At this time, everyone noticed that a battleship 45 degrees to the left was turning around and speeding towards them.

Before they could react, they heard the gunfire.


The ship borne cannon fired and smashed fiercely.

"Shit!" Lin Tian was surprised and turned to jump into the water.

In the vast sea, there was no hiding place at all. The target of the other party's shell was very obvious and hit the speedboat straight.


Lin Xiao took the lead and quickly plunged into the water.

Plop, plop

The crowd quickly fled into the sea.


The speedboat was immediately blown to pieces.

Affected by the impact, the crowd made several turns in the sea, and then swam deeper while the smoke filled the air.


Another shell fell and set off huge waves in the whole area.

On the deck, the captain with big beard glanced, "I don't know where the fisherman came from. It's not a pity to die!"

"Captain! The target has been destroyed, please give instructions!" From the messenger, my men reported.

Beard said casually, "go and see if there are any survivors. Our whereabouts must not be revealed!"


The warship came arrogantly and crushed the fragments of the speedboat again.

Lin Xiao looked up at the dark shadow pressing on the sea and made a gesture to Xu Jin and others.

The crowd quickly approached and leaned against the side of the ship wall.


Lin Tian showed his head, gasped and scolded in a low voice, "shit! I have to kill these grandchildren!"

"Silence!" Lin Xiao glared at him.

On the deck, a patrol is lying around to observe the strange image of the sea.

The party clung to the wall of the boat and did not move.

"Report to the captain! Nothing!"

"Not here!"

"Probably all killed!"

"Must be dead!"

"Yes!" Big beard said in a deep voice, "patrol around the perimeter and don't let any ships approach!"


Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xu, "it's the captain!"

"Hey! There's nowhere to find, old man!" Qi Zhengyi bit his teeth, "let him die in a moment!"

After waiting quietly for two minutes, the seven quickly adhered to the wall of the ship, led by Lin Xiao, and slowly climbed up.

With the strength of several people, they can easily climb to the edge by using the gecko wall swimming skill.

"Go up!" Lin Xiao jumped and floated down on the deck like a big bird.


The people got on board one after another.


Lin Tian was put down by Lin Lang, and one of them didn't stand firm. Suddenly, a dog gnawed at the mud. He wanted to cry angrily, but Lin Xiao warned him in his eyes.

In the distance, the patrol just walked away.

The place where they stood was just covered by the shipborne gun base, and no one could see the situation here.

"Xu Jin! Go and catch the beard!" Lin Xiao gave a silent order.

Several people did not avoid it.

With their strength, they can sweep everywhere.

Thinking of being calculated by big beard, Xu Jin was angry and said in a cold voice, "I'll let this old man taste my methods."


Xu Jin quickly spread his body and rushed out.

Soon, there was a terrible cry.

"Enemy attack!"

The ship's alarm was sounded and all the armed soldiers took action.

More than a dozen golden soldiers rushed out of the cabin and besieged Xu Jin.

"Shit! Who's so bold! Do you want to die?" Captain bearded came out arrogantly and was stunned to see that he was an expert around Lin Xiao.

Xu Jin's eyes brightened, "old man! I finally see you!"

"Shit!" Beard was startled, turned and ran, "he came out alive! Come on! Stop him!"


More and more soldiers rushed out and rushed towards Xu Jin.

Xu Jin knocked these people down with three fists and two feet, and jumped to the beard.


The beard was kicked over and screamed in pain.


Xu Jin quickly took a few steps, grabbed the beard in his hand and shouted, "where's your master? I don't believe you have the ability to calculate us! Say!"


Suddenly, a roar came from the sky.

Xu Jin suddenly looked up.

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