Two rockets roared down.


The deck of the battleship was flooded by the fire.

The hull shook, and everyone stood unsteadily, looking in panic in the direction of the explosion.

"What happened?" Lin Xiao rushed towards Xu Jin quickly.

The place where Xu Jin stood just now has turned into a sea of fire.

"Xu Jin!" Qi Zhengyi roared.

Cui Wanquan quickly turned back and exclaimed, "hide!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

The Raider launched an all-out attack, and huge shells fell from the sky one after another and bombed the ship.

Boom, boom!

The crowd was staggering.

The deck was riddled with holes.

Xu Jin is gone.

Everyone was worried.

In particular, Qi Zhengyi, who is a close friend of Xu Jin, lost the trace of Xu Jin and was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

The war was raging, and the ship was in a mess.

In the face of the full bombardment of battleships, the aircraft carrier can't support it, not to mention the smaller ships, and now it can't fight back. In a few minutes, the ship will be bombed and sunk.

Lin Xiao immediately ordered Qi Zhengyi and shouted, "go find Xu Jin! I'll stop him!"


Lin Xiao jumped into the sea.

In the bottom cabin of the surprise attack, dozens of soldiers in strange clothes are gathering.

They were wearing slightly thin but very compact black armor, carrying huge guns and laser swords around their waist.

The white haired old man was in the middle, facing everyone, and said in a deep voice, "after I start the laser shuttle, you will stop those guys and buy me five minutes for life and death, okay?"

"Don't worry about the throne!" A black armored soldier dressed as a captain came out and said coldly, "I'll blow everyone to pieces!"

The white haired old man nodded slightly, then did not stop, turned and entered an electronic door.

Inside the door lies an oval shuttle like a spaceship.


The hatch is open and there is only one seat.


The old man with white hair jumped directly into the inner cabin and resolutely clicked the button to close the cabin door.


A blue light flickered, and dozens of light spots flickered in the cabin.

The laser shuttle rises slowly and then stops on the transfer track.


The external hatch opened and the laser shuttle shot out like electricity.


Tens of meters below the sea, the laser shuttle drew a straight white tail and plunged directly into the seabed.


Two extremely bright white searchlights turned on and began to break through towards the storm.

At the same time, Lin Xiao had come to the Raider and jumped on the deck.

A large number of armed soldiers are gathering. Seeing the invading enemy, without saying a word, they pick up their guns and rush over.

Dada dada

Dense guns blocked Lin Xiao's attack route. He resolutely hid in a corner and secretly buckled a silver needle in his hand.

Acupuncture is usually used to save people. At the critical moment, it turns into darts to hurt the enemy. No one will notice that such a small silver needle can become the most cruel killing weapon.


As soon as Lin Xiao raised his hand, dozens of silver needles flew out and drew an arc in the air, as if he had eyes, and shot them into the battle array.

Plop, plop

The person who hit the needle stumbled for several seconds and fell to the ground one after another because of the toxin on the needle.


Lin Xiao took the opportunity to rush out and easily reap several lives with a dagger in his hand.

He wanted to catch a man and ask who was behind the scenes, but he was suddenly surprised by a group of black armor soldiers in front of him.

"Get out of the way!"

The leader of the black armor soldier roared.

Other armed soldiers retreated one after another.

This group of soldiers wear armor, which is somewhat similar to the Titan King's Titan armor, but it is more concise, has better flow linearity and has less impact on action.

If Titan armor is heavy armor, are these light armor or upgraded armor.


Lin Xiao just hesitated for a second and stabbed someone with a dagger.

It was this that stunned Lin Xiao.

With Lin Xiao's strength, although he did not increase his internal strength, he could easily penetrate the gold and stone, but only caused a slight slip mark on the opponent's chest.

Pedal pedal!

However, the huge impact still made the other party withdraw more than ten meters.


It was obvious that the energy groove on the chest of the opponent's armor sent out a violent blue light, flashed away, and then stopped.

"Laser armor!" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

This armor is similar to the laser weapons of the dark net, which makes Lin Xiao feel familiar.

When I met the dark net task force, their laser weapons were amazing. I didn't expect to meet the laser armor again today.

"Are you the people of the dark net?" Lin Xiao took back his knife and stepped back.

Dozens of black armor soldiers looked at Lin Xiao and independently separated several formations to surround Lin Xiao.

The dense black armor warriors give people a strong pressure.

From the instant of contact just now, Lin Xiao can infer that even if the ordinary Grand Master meets these black armor soldiers, I'm afraid he can't make a good deal.

Their armor is too tough and driven by laser energy, just like a simplified version of iron man.

"The throne ordered you to go and never return!"

"Hum! Dare to fight against the dark net and don't know how to live or die!"

"Put down your arms and leave you a whole body!"

Many black armours were domineering and did not pay attention to Lin Xiao at all.

"Dare a single horse break into a thing that doesn't know how to live or die?"

"Even if you are a great master today, it's hard to escape!"

Lin Xiao glanced at everyone with a sarcastic look on his face. "With your armor, you want to stop me?"

"Boy! You're quite arrogant. When you meet our dark net black armor, you can only blame your life. It's better to give you a chance to live." Someone said jokingly.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe we will give you a happy chance for your poor sake!"

The crowd obviously relaxed, separated slowly and surrounded Lin Xiao in the center of the venue.

Dozens of black armor soldiers hold special laser swords, which are the same as the weapons of qizuo.

They carried their guns behind them and disdained the use of such heavy weapons.

Lin Xiao's magnetic knife was destroyed by this kind of sword. He was worried that he had no weapons to take advantage of. His eyes couldn't help brightening. "The sword in your hand is good!"

"Hum! Don't talk nonsense to him! The throne has an order and is captured alive!"

Lin Xiao nodded silently, "the throne... It's really a dark net! It seems that your throne is ready to fight against the heaven and earth court and become a traitor."



The storm area suddenly changed, the thunder became more and more dense, and the waves on the sea became more and more manic, even affecting the surrounding sea areas.

Lin Xiao sensed something was wrong and sensitively speculated that there might be some abnormal activity under the sea.

If the supreme wooden tower is at the bottom of the sea, someone may have got there first.


Thinking of the this, Lin Xiao didn't delay. Instead of the fighting, he turned and rushed to sea in direction of the storm.


The black armour warrior naturally wouldn't let him go. He spread his body and stopped Lin Xiao at an incredible speed.


Lin Xiao rushed left and right. This time he didn't leave his hand. All his moves were deadly moves.

The damage of the dagger after internal breathing is suddenly increased several times, and dense knife marks appear on the opponent's armor immediately.


A black armour soldier rushed too hard and was stabbed into his stomach by Lin Xiao.



Many black armor soldiers were surprised.

Ordinary dagger can destroy black armor that can't be penetrated by bullets. How fast and powerful is this knife.

"Go away!"


Lin Xiao kicked him, stepped back with his feet, turned over and jumped off the ship, drew an arc in mid air and plunged directly into the sea.

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