"You can't let him run away!"

The black armour captain roared, directly picked up the gun and rushed to the sea.

Boom, boom!

The black armour soldiers fired guns.

The torrent of the sea was blown up, and the dead fish and shrimps turned into a large area.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao had already swam to the bottom of the sea.



Captain black armour made a decision immediately, threw down the gun and jumped down.

The order of the throne is to intercept Lin Xiao and not let anyone destroy his plans and actions.

If Lin Xiao disturbed the throne, they black armor soldiers would die.

The left and right are dead, and they don't care to fight to the death with Lin Xiao.

Plop, plop

Black armor soldiers jumped into the deep sea one after another.

With the help of the scanning function of armor, people soon found Lin Xiao's trace, but they were frightened by his swimming speed.

"OK, fast..."

The black armour soldier was stunned for three seconds before he ordered by radio, "start the fish swimming function and chase!"


The black armor warriors started the drainage and swimming function of the black armor, pushed their bodies, and quickly chased Lin Xiao like a fish.

Unfortunately, even though their black armor is powerful, it is still a big difference compared with Lin Xiao's swimming speed.

Lin Xiao came to the bottom of the sea in just one minute. He saw a slight flash of blue light hundreds of meters away and quickly stopped.

"What's that?" Lin Xiao bit the dagger in his mouth and slipped over quietly.

The dark king throne in the laser shuttle is adjusting the instrument, his fingers crackle on the control panel, and the weapon system is also starting.

With the help of laser power, even the weapon system is a laser weapon, which can play a powerful role.

The dark net throne looks serious. It is methodically adjusting the attack intensity, ready to forcibly tear a hole from the vortex, and then rush under the supreme wooden tower.

As for the ancient beast, the dark net throne didn't care. Anyway, it had nothing to do when it was in the laser shuttle.

Buzzing, buzzing!

More and more intense energy fluctuations, from the laser shuttle, make the surrounding sea water seem to be boiling.

As soon as Lin Xiao swam near, he was pushed out by a very fierce force.


Lin Xiao made dozens of somersaults in the sea and hit a submarine reef heavily.

"What the hell?" Lin Xiao's chest fluctuated and almost didn't come up at one breath. He let the sea water into his mouth and stared at him.

"The technology of dark net is too advanced. Is this the laser shuttle in the concept equipment?"

The military has also studied similar underwater combat weapons to assist nuclear submarines in small-scale raids.

Unfortunately, the military's scientific and technological strength, which is clearly stuck at the final threshold of laser energy convergence, has not been improved.

Unexpectedly, a non-governmental organization of the dark net has developed such a mature scientific and technological weapon. If this weapon falls into the hands of hostile forces, I don't know how much waves it will cause.

Lin Xiao has a deeper understanding of the dark net.

Just about to continue to break through the past, a large number of water breaking sounds suddenly appeared around.

Wow, wow

More than a dozen black armor soldiers have chased close, and their green eyes are particularly frightening in the sea.

Gudong, Gudong

Bubbles came out of the black armor warrior's helmet.


Captain black armour did not hesitate to attack directly.

Under the sea, Lin Xiao's speed was greatly reduced due to the pressure of sea water.

The speed of black armor soldiers was not much affected.

Lin Xiao was surrounded by more than a dozen people.

The laser sword broke through the water and flew fast without obstacles. It roared and cut in front of Lin Xiao.

Hoo Hoo

Lin Xiao is like the most flexible fish in the sea. He takes up his long tail and shuttles through the formation of more than a dozen people.

The laser shuttle is getting brighter and brighter, and the muzzle position is gathering huge energy.

Lin Xiao's battle was also extremely fierce. Although more than a dozen black armor soldiers were fierce and more than enough to deal with ordinary great masters, they could not help him.

However, when Lin Xiao was in the water, it was difficult to kill the black armor soldiers, wasting each other's energy at best.

In the sea, the energy consumption of black armor soldiers is very large, almost geometric. Several of them have seen the bottom of their energy tank and issued a red light warning on their chest.

Without energy, the iron sheet will become a burden, and it will be difficult for them to rise to the sea.

"Hum!" The black armour captain winked at the players who were about to run out of energy and ordered by radio, "you go up first and change the energy battery!"


Six black armor soldiers retreated.

Lin Xiao's pressure dropped sharply and finally had time to look in the direction of the laser shuttle.

The charged laser shuttle sent out a slight vibration, followed by a bright blue light in the direction of the main muzzle.


The straight laser beam plunged into the vortex.


The balance of the vortex was broken and a torrent appeared.

As soon as the dark net throne's eyes brightened, he quickly drove the laser shuttle into it.


Without the complete vortex structure, several turbulent flows could not affect the impact of the laser shuttle, and rushed in instantly.

Lin Xiao's pupils narrowed slightly. He realized that this was the only chance to rush in. Without saying a word, he turned and left.


The powerful internal force broke out, pushing Lin Xiao's body to break through the sea like a bullet, and rushed to the vicinity of the turbulent current in just a few seconds.

Taking advantage of the short seconds when the vortex was affected by the laser beam, Lin Xiao rushed into the center of the vortex without hesitation.

Other black armor Warriors also rushed over. Unexpectedly, they came late. The vortex returned to normal, and an incredible tearing force acted on them.


Captain black armour, who bore the brunt, didn't expect the power of the vortex to be so great. In a short blink of an eye, his body was torn to pieces.

Poof poof!

The black armor soldiers were torn to pieces one after another.

The others were stunned and retreated desperately to stay out of the vortex.

Drastic changes have also taken place on the sea.

When the vortex was impacted, the thunder storm seemed to change color, stirred the sea water, set off huge waves, and slammed down towards the Raider.


The Raider was slapped heavily by the sea, and the ship could not be stable. It suddenly buckled the side ship in the sea, and then was severely pressed into the sea.

Under the chain reaction, the waves rolled all around, as if they were as terrible as the world.

Qi Zhengyi and others turned pale when they saw this scene.

Even if the great master is very powerful, he is no different from Tianwei.

"Young Lord, will nothing happen?" Lin Tian looked nervous.

Qi Zhengyi and his party, standing on the broken deck, looked at the scene of more and more rampant thunder storm center, and their hearts raised their voices.

Xu Jin was covered with blood and finally found his life. Seeing this scene, his heart sank again.

"Less nonsense!" Qi Zhengyi glared at Lin Tian, "don't know the crow's mouth all day!"

"Hum!" Lin Tian doesn't dare to talk nonsense. If he makes a prophecy, he will become a sinner. If he doesn't talk about others, Qi Zhengyi must kill himself.

"Shit!" Lin Tian vented his anger, rushed to the captain bearded, pulled up his beard and said, "say! What means do you have in the dark net, and honestly tell me to keep your whole body!"

Captain bearded screamed in pain and shouted desperately, "the throne will kill you all! Wait to die!"


Lin Tian kicked the beard off the boat, "you die first!"

In a twinkling of an eye, the beard was swept away by the irritable sea.

"What are you doing?" Qi Zhengyi angrily said, "he is an important hostage. How did you kill him?"

Lin Tian said disapprovingly, "this bastard dares to threaten us. Who won't kill him?"

"You..." Qi Zhengyi was so angry that he had a stomachache.

Lin Tian turned his eyes and suddenly stared straight at the sea, "look!"

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