The crowd was attracted and immediately turned to look. Six dark shadows rushed out and stepped on the surprise ship that had just returned from the waves.

"Is that the man of the dark net?"

"They must know the news of the little Lord!"

"I'll catch one!" Lin Lang immediately flew out and jumped into the sea.

The Raider also suffered heavy damage, and its side was torn to pieces by the waves, causing the whole ship to begin to crumble.

Lin Lang quickly came to the dilapidated Raider and saw several black armor soldiers rush into the bottom cabin. Without hesitation, he jumped down.

The black armor soldier quickly changed the energy battery. As soon as he was about to return to support the captain, he was stopped by Lin Lang.

As soon as the six people saw that the other party was alone, they were very angry. They dared to block our way. They were looking for death.

"Kill him! Then support the throne!"

Without hesitation, the six immediately deployed their means and rushed towards Lin Lang.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao encountered a crisis at the bottom of the sea.

When he rushed into the vortex, he was hit by the suddenly stopped laser shuttle.


Lin Xiao felt a huge force tearing outside his body. He almost choked to death by the sea water.

Meanwhile, the laser Suokan stopped in front of the supreme wooden tower.

Countless huge seaweed wrapped around the wooden tower, and all kinds of seafloor creatures swimming around in it rushed out in panic, and the scene immediately became chaotic.


Somewhere deep, a huge object was suddenly disturbed and moved out like a mountain.

The sea water became turbulent because of the movement of giants. The water seemed to be stirred with a big spoon, and the waves and ripples impacted one after another.

"What?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.


In a short moment, the laser shuttle was severely hit by a dark shadow.


The laser shuttle rolled dozens of times in the sea and hit the reef heavily.


After being hit hard, the laser shuttle was obviously damaged, and the glass shield was cracked. The dark net throne quickly put on a suit of armor, held the laser sword, kicked the shield open and shot out.


The dark net throne, which had been ready for a long time, rushed straight to the wooden tower without scruples about the fierce beast at the bottom of the sea.


A dull howl came out of the fierce beast's mouth.

Seeing someone invading the wooden tower, the fierce beast seemed to be the enraged Lord of the territory and moved out of the darkness angrily.

Lin Xiao was far away. His eyes widened when he saw the giant.

It was a giant octopus with a length of 100 meters. Its eight feet were like flexible python, stretching and stretching freely.

Two of the feet crossed a distance of 100 meters and plunged directly into the mountain wall.


Lin Xiao didn't expect that the other party would attack himself as soon as he came out. He scolded his bad luck and quickly retreated.

The huge foot touch was really as fierce as the python assault, and pierced the place where Lin Xiao had just settled through a hundred meters.

Boom, boom!

Lin Xiao flashed left and right in the water, and deep trenches were pierced out of the mountain wall.

The speed of dodging in the water is naturally much slower than that on land, but the speed of octopus is not slow, and the eight tentacles can control most of the sea area. Lin Xiao has difficulty in hiding.

After being hit hard for several times, Lin Xiao's chest fluctuated and his internal breathing was disordered.

Even if he is a top master, he still can't bear to face the powerful force. If he delays further, I'm afraid it's a problem to hold his breath.

On the other hand, the dark net throne has entered the periphery of the supreme wooden tower and came to the huge iron chain.

The iron chain in front of the door was rusty. The dark net throne raised the laser sword and waved it gently, and the big lock broke.

Because the water pressure is too high, it is difficult to open the tower gate. The dark net throne holds the laser sword with both hands and pulls a sword horizontally according to the iron gate.


The water stirred up a slight arc of lightning, and the iron door opened.


A lot of sea water rushed into the tower.


The dark net throne jumped gently and rushed into it along the sea.

Wow, wow

The chain of the central iron pillar was broken inch by inch under the raging sea water, revealing huge holes.

The cave is dark, like a well deep underground. The scene of seawater pouring is more terrible than the barren deep sea.


Suddenly, a roar came from the depths of the earth.

The broken iron chain awakened the supreme puppet, while the poured sea water quickly filled the underground caves.

this matter should not be delayed.

The dark net throne plunged into a deep well.

After swimming hundreds of meters down the deep well, I saw a bright glow in front of me.

A large number of night pearls pull down a long bright channel in the sea, guiding the direction of the dark net throne.

Far away.

A fierce figure is struggling desperately.

"Supreme puppet!" The dark net throne immediately took out a bottle of liquid, held it in his palm and swam excitedly.

After approaching the puppet, the dark net throne saw the scene in front of him.

This is a huge undersea palace. It has existed for many years. There was nothing unusual, but under the pouring of seawater, cracks began to appear on the four walls due to the water pressure.

The pupil of the dark net throne shrinks slightly. If the supreme puppet is not taken out under the collapse of the palace, he will also be crushed to death.


In a hurry, the dark net throne rushed forward and took out a soft thing like a hood at the risk of being targeted by the supreme puppet.


A silver light flashed across his chest.

The puppet supreme grabbed a steel gun and stabbed him.

The supreme power is really unusual.

This shot almost separated the sea water in two, and the powerful impact came madly.

The dark net throne was ready and turned quickly. Taking advantage of the moment when the supreme puppet had just awakened and had some stiff opportunities, he suddenly put his hood on his head.


The supreme puppet was angry and reached out to grab the hood.

After a few grabs, the supreme puppet suddenly froze.


The dark net throne breathed a sigh of relief.

The hood has the function of earphone, which can quickly make the sound of control code, and it also has the function of sedation.

This is a new invention of dark net, which is specially designed to deal with puppet supremacy.

However, only in this special environment, when the puppet supreme consciousness falls into chaos, can it work.

If it is normal, the puppet supreme has a master, and it is almost difficult to make the hood work.

"It should be!"

Seeing the puppet supreme standing motionless in the water, as powerful as an iron tower God of war, the eyes of the dark net throne shine slightly.

With the puppet supreme, even if Lin Xiao catches up, he can't be afraid. At that time, he will lose an adult.

"Lin Xiao, ah, Lin Xiao, this time I see how arrogant you are!"

"If I catch you, all the puppets will be in my dark net bag!"

Thinking of the happy place, the dark net throne immediately turned around, picked up the puppet supreme and ran away.

You can't use induced incense in the water. You can only make the puppet supreme calm temporarily, and you can control it completely on land.

At this moment, Lin Xiao is fighting with the ancient giant octopus, which is full of dangers.

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