Xu Jin and others were also confused.

"Holy Son! Where did these animals come from?"

Lin Xiao called everyone together and was ready.

Facing the giant animals in all directions, his skull hurt a little.

In particular, the ancient fierce chapter is a big killer. Now it doesn't launch an attack because it suddenly appears in the blue sky and day. It doesn't adapt. You can see from its narrow eyes that it is adapting to the light.

Once it adapts to the light and temperature of the outside world, it will become crazy and kill.

And the four giant turtles, even more, stood in the mountains, as if four mountains were lying around, blocking all the way.

The situation was terrible. A group of great masters panicked.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath. His main goal was still on the throne of the dark net. In case another puppet appeared, they might have to explain here.

There is no chance to escape in the vast sea.

To deal with the puppet supreme, you can only dive into the deep sea. In this way, the induced incense will lose its effect.

But how long can these people stay under the sea?

What's more, there are these ancient fierce beasts under the sea. They can't take advantage of it at all.

"Don't provoke them first. Ancient giant Zhang has a hot temper. If we annoy him, we'll all have bad luck!" After thinking about it, Lin Xiaosi decided to avoid it, so he waved to the people and said in a deep voice, "hide temporarily and see what it wants to do."

They didn't dare to say much, so they followed Lin Xiao back.

Unfortunately, just halfway back, the ship began to shake violently before going down the cabin stairs.


The huge waves suddenly burst out, covering their faces like heavy rain and splashing water on the people.

"Shit! What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

The crowd stumbled, their feet were unstable, and they couldn't help looking in a certain direction in panic.

I saw that the ancient giant chapter did not know when he had stretched out his three tentacles, tightly wrapped the warship and began to shake violently.


The strong roar turned into a sound wave and rolled towards the people.

Zhan Liang was wildly shaken, and the remaining dark net soldiers rolled around like gourds, plopping into the sea like dumplings.



Several soldiers were entangled by tentacles and instantly turned into flesh and blood fragments.

"The beast is crazy?" Lin Xiao shouted, "you can't let it go crazy. Find a way to deal with it!"

"Shit!" Qi Zhengyi was angry and roared, "I'll cut it!"


Qi Zhengyi leaped to the thick tentacle where two people held each other, and cut it off with a sword mercilessly.



A bloody cut was made by the laser sword. The ancient giant chapter roared wildly in pain, and the great power lifted Qi justice far away.


Qi Zhengyi was thrown into the sea. As soon as he was about to catch his breath, he found a giant turtle staring at him vertically. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and bit down like a chicken pecking rice.

"Shit!" Qi Zhengyi was shocked. If he was bitten by a big turtle, he had to be cut in two. In a hurry, he had to plunge into the sea and try his best to go downstream.


The giant turtle bit into the air and inhaled a large amount of sea water, making the sea extremely unstable.

Its action aroused the hunting psychology of other giant turtles, moved their mountain like bodies one after another, and rushed at the already dilapidated battleships.


When Lin Xiao saw this posture, the four big turtles attacked at the same time. They had to overturn the ship. When they got to the sea, they were their world.

Although they have six great masters, they tear and fight, and they don't necessarily want to break one or two.

Lin Xiao can naturally leave calmly, but others are unlucky.

The ancient giant chapter is more arrogant. He has fallen on the bow and began to shrink his huge tentacles. Look, that means he wants to pull the whole ship to pieces.



Both sides of the ship string were squeezed and began to deform rapidly. The hull was overwhelmed and began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Finish the ancient giant chapter first!" With a long roar, Lin Xiao took the lead with a laser sword and rushed fiercely.


The sword was cold and blood splashed everywhere.

The ancient giant Zhang screamed and immediately rolled his telescopic tentacle towards Lin Xiao.

Poof poof!

The laser sword in Lin Xiao's hand was extremely fierce. He cut it on his tentacles one by one and scratched a lot of fine blood marks.

Other great masters rushed around one after another and began to attack the tentacles of the ancient giant chapter wrapped around the ship.

Those idle people who stayed on the ship turned pale at the sight of the scene.

It's the first time they've seen such a big octopus, and it's incredible that these people dare to confront such a terrible giant chapter.

"These people are crazy. Let's run away!"

"They're trying to annoy the brain octopus. We'll all have bad luck then!"

Captain bearded, who had been lying on the deck, suddenly jumped up and ran away.

No one paid attention to him at the scene, because everyone was ready to fight against the ancient giant chapter.

At the same time, four giant turtles rushed forward and began to hit the ship.

Boom, boom!

When the four directions collided at the same time, the already overburdened warship became more and more shaky, and both sides of the bow had been turned into fragments, driving the hull, with a tendency to sink.

"Shit! This is going to be over!" Qi Zhengyi came out of the sea and saw this terrible scene. His heart was at sixes and sevens.

He bit his teeth, a fierce son stabbed down again and rushed towards the ancient giant chapter in the deep water.

The eight tentacles of ancient giant chapter are too strong and flexible. Even if several great masters go all out, they only reluctantly destroy its surface and can't hurt the root.

If you keep pestering like this, once the great master's internal power is exhausted, you will fall into the disadvantage immediately. At that time, they will all become the delicious food in the belly of ancient giant Zhang.

Lin Xiao naturally knew what would happen, so when he attacked the tentacle, he rushed towards the body along the direction of the tentacle.


Ancient Juzhang seemed to know Lin Xiao's power. When he saw him rush over, he opened his mouth and sprayed a black liquid.

Even if Lin Xiao was not afraid of venom, it would not be easy for him to spray black liquid like ink on his body.

After a hasty flash, Lin Xiao was forced to retreat, and was surrounded by two tentacles in a moment. He was quite in a hurry.


The ancient giant chapter saw Lin Xiao trapped and gave a loud roar, as if he was very proud. He was calling for the help of the giant turtle.


A giant turtle bit off a huge piece of debris at the bow of the boat, threw it over and shot it straight at Lin Xiao.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao didn't expect that these animals still cooperated. It seemed as if they were wise. He couldn't help laughing and angry. He leaned aside to avoid the fragments and wanted to organize the attack again. It was too late.


Cui wanjian, who was a little weak, was hit by a tentacle. He could fly more than 100 meters and hit the sea heavily.

"Holy Son! You can't go on like this!" Xu Jin was in a hurry. He was forced to retreat by the fierce and fast attack of the two tentacles. He couldn't help shouting.

Lin Xiao tried to rush to Juzhang himself several times and was blocked. The four giant turtles around him were like the iron guard of Juzhang. As long as Juzhang was in danger, he would spare no effort to bump over and affect Lin Xiao's action.


However, the next moment, a bigger crisis came.

The body of the warship was torn in half by the ancient giant chapter, which made everyone lose their place.

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