
Lin Xiao exclaimed, and his feet kicked hard on the ground, pulling up from the sky.


With a sword, Lin Xiao fell on the edge of the deck and hurriedly said, "be careful, don't panic after entering the water, and pay attention to the black liquid ejected by the ancient giant chapter."

Far away.

Lin Tian, standing on the deck of another ship, was flustered when he saw the fierce battle there. The five giants were full of visual impact like computer-generated special effects monsters.

"It's over. What the hell is this?"

If it wasn't for the boat, Lin Tian estimated that he would have to leave first.


The ship began to sink, and the ancient giant chapter became more arrogant. He waved his tentacles and hit the ship desperately.

Boom, boom!

The crowd flashed left and right, avoiding the octopus attack, but also taking into account that they should not fall under the broken ship. For a time, they were very embarrassed.

When everyone was desperate, they suddenly heard a strange scream.


The ancient giant Zhang's body twitched violently, and the eight tentacles that were attacking fiercely also took back in an instant, as if his body had been greatly hurt and suddenly drilled back into the water.

Qi Zhengyi was tossing under the sea, holding a laser sword and trying to poke at the sensitive position of the ancient giant chapter.

Don't spill blood into the sea. The severe pain makes the ancient giant chapter turn over and over and stir the Sea red.

Qi Zhengyi was overjoyed when he saw this situation. He roared in his heart, beast, do you know grandpa's power now?


Before Qi Zhengyi was happy, the crazy ancient giant Zhang turned his head like crazy and stared at him fiercely. The eight tentacles acted at the same time, turned into eight spikes and stabbed them together.

"Lying trough!" Qi Zhengyi's frightened soul was gone. He only had time for the Hu enemy to wave a laser sword to resist the impact.


However, under the fury of ancient giant Zhang, the attack was more fierce and cruel. Qi justice was not given a chance to respond, and he was directly pulled out.

People don't know what happened under the sea, but the virtual shadow of ancient giant chapter sank and floated on the sea, giving everyone an opportunity to attack.


Lin Xiao took the lead, jumped directly into the sea and chopped down with a laser sword.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him, and make a clean hand.

Pooh Pooh

Others also did the same. They rushed into the sea to chop indiscriminately, especially on the big head of the ancient giant chapter. After a while, the big head was in a mess.


Eating the painful giant Zhang was completely crazy and began to struggle desperately.

The four giant turtles seemed to be affected by the pain of giant Zhang and swam here desperately, as if four huge mountains were pressing on the spot.

Bang bang!

The crazy ancient giant chapter flew Lin Xiao and others, and his flesh and blood body suddenly leaned out of the water and roared high into the air.

The fierce and strange roar spread far and wide on the sea.

When the people were surprised, the sea suddenly boiled.

Countless insects, shrimp, fish and animals were summoned and tried their best to swim in the direction of Lin Xiao and others.

These include sharks, whales, and all kinds of strange marine creatures they have not even seen. They kill each other, turn against peace and become irritable.

Everyone was surprised that this ancient giant chapter still had this ability to command such a huge Marine Corps. It was a little flustered.

"Holy Son! It's a little difficult!"

"How did it do it? What happened?"

"What should I do?"

In the vast sea, there are more than hundreds of millions of creatures. Even if Lin Xiao and others are powerful, they will never be able to survive in the face of hordes of successive attacks of marine creatures.

"We must kill Juzhang, or we can't escape!" Lin Xiao had an insight into the situation and couldn't help yelling.


We all know what kind of disaster we are going to face. If we know a bad one, everyone will be buried at the bottom of the sea.

"Spell it!"

"Kill it!"

Since the ancient giant chapter can summon marine creatures, it shows that it is the king of the nearby sea area, with unimaginable powers.

Catch the king before the thief.

Kill Juzhang to escape from heaven.

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to kill the ancient giant chapter.

First of all, the four giant turtles can't let them achieve.


The ancient giant Zhang retreated far away and spared no effort to roar. Eight incomplete tentacles waved indiscriminately, which looked like Lin Xiao demonstrating.

Lin Tian walked around on the deck. He couldn't help but was worried. He shouted to Lin Xiao, "young master, kill that giant chapter quickly. It's provoking you. Look at its tentacles, it seems to be doing middle finger movements."

"Look, little Lord! This ancient giant chapter has become a essence. It despises you!"

Lin Tian shouted, pointing to the ancient giant chapter to help Lin Xiao convey its' meaning ', "little Lord, it seems to be calling something again. In case it succeeds, we have to finish it!"

Lin Xiao was almost laughed by Lin Tianqi. He turned back and said angrily, "shut up! Do something serious. Go to the weapon room and transfer the artillery!"

"Ah? I, I can't shoot..." Lin Tian looked confused.

Lin Lang and Lin Jian, two guards, blushed. It was a shame for them to have such a young master.

"Hurry!" Lin Xiao roared.


Lin Tian ran back in frustration and rushed all the way to the weapon room. He found that the buttons on the control panel were like earthworm tadpole text. He couldn't understand it. He grabbed his head in a hurry.

"Over, which is the artillery!"

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