Lin Tian was confused.

He doesn't know which is the control button of the gun. There is only a pile of English on it.

He knows neither English nor Chinese.

At this moment, Lin Tian's forehead was full of sweat.

The battle in the distance is becoming more and more fierce. It seems that Lin Xiao has completely fallen into the disadvantage. According to the current situation, they will be destroyed in ten minutes at most.

The situation is extremely urgent.

Lin Tian also knew that the situation could not be delayed, but he really couldn't decide which key to press.

If you press the wrong button and delay the time, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive.

"Lin Tian! What are you doing?"

Lin Xiao's voice came from afar, which made Lin Tian tremble.

"Shit! Spell it!"

Lin Tian saw the pile of buttons on the control panel, including several buttons pressed by the red cover, with strange weapon symbols on them. He thought this might be the weapon system.

Trembling, he felt one of the buttons with sword shape and flame shape. Lin Tianxin was ruthless and pressed it hard.


The control screen suddenly lights up and a lot of green characters appear.

Lin Tian naturally couldn't understand, but there was a confirmation symbol that he understood. He hesitated and put his hand on the screen.

I didn't expect to touch it.

Lin Tianyan is happy. There's a way!


Didi didi!

"Start the wind chaser missile system, please enter the attack coordinates!"

Chinese pronunciation.

Lin Tian was stunned and went crazy. "What? Missiles? Attack coordinates? How can I understand this?"

Seeing that the countdown was continuing, Lin Tian struggled in his mind and casually pointed a nearby position on the map.

"Start the wind chaser missile and launch it in ten seconds!"

"Ten, nine..."

Lin Tian vaguely felt that it was unreliable. He couldn't help but step back, then rushed to the window and shouted at the sea, "young master, I started the wind chaser missile. Is it useful?"

Lin Xiao was working hard with the octopus and trembled at this.

The wind chaser missile is a weapon against aircraft carriers. It is a strategic missile. It is extremely powerful and can destroy half a city. If it is hit, they must not be blown to ashes.

"Shit! Stop!" Lin Xiao was frightened and couldn't help yelling.


The ancient giant chapter thought Lin Xiao was provoking it, and roared.

Obviously, the voice of ancient giant chapter was much louder, completely covering the roaring sound of Lin Xiao.

Lin Tian pricked his ears and listened for a long time. His face slowly turned happy. He hesitated and asked, "what? Good? Young Lord, don't worry! There are five seconds left! The missile will arrive soon!"

Lin Tian is quite proud. He started the weapon system by mistake. It seems that the young master is quite satisfied.

"Your uncle! Everyone! Go to the sea!" Lin Xiao's face was green. It was too late. He had to remind him and plunged into the water.

If the missile blows down, they can only escape by hiding in the deep sea.

Hearing Lin Xiao's order, the others did not hesitate and quickly dived into the deep sea.

Dive into the deep sea and face a greater crisis.

It was originally the territory of ancient giant chapter and a group of marine creatures. They had to gather together and try their best to resist waves of suicidal impact.

Under the sea, there are hundreds of sharks alone, more than a dozen whales, and several large octopus a few sizes smaller than the ancient giant chapter. They spit black liquid desperately, which makes everyone miserable.

Ten seconds will arrive soon.

The missile port on the ship opened and a missile whizzed into the sky.


The light of fire is full of pressure with the tail of smoke.

Even the battle on the sea seemed to stagnate for an instant.

When the missile arrives at the scheduled projection site, it quickly falls down and accelerates.

Lin Xiao vaguely saw that the position of the missile was above his head, and his scared face was green.

"Shit! Dive again!" Lin Xiao desperately waved to the others.

The crowd continued to light down. A few seconds later, they only heard a bang on the sea.

The explosion triggered a tsunami and affected several nautical miles around.

The Raider bore the brunt and was instantly torn to pieces.

The other warship was far away and had little impact, but it was also fragmented and crumbling.

The missile was unbiased and exploded just above the head of the ancient giant chapter, turning it into ash without any fancy.

With the ancient giant chapter as the center, a huge vortex stirred up on the sea, washed the sea hundreds of meters high and frantically pressed down around.

A large number of marine creatures died. The hard shells of the four ancient giant turtles were all broken inch by inch. Then they were silent under the sea after only hearing a few wails.

Once the ancient giant Zhang died, all the surviving marine creatures scattered and fled, and the sea became calm in a short time.

However, this calm is bloody and terrible.

"Lying trough! Success? Now the young Lord doesn't praise me?" Lin Tian danced excitedly and rushed out regardless of everything. Even if the warship swayed and stumbled in the sea, he would ask Lin Xiao for credit.

However, when he ran to the deck and looked around, he found that there was no shadow of Lin Xiao and others on the sea.

It was empty and in a mess.

"What, what's the situation? What about the little Lord?" Lin Tian is a little nervous.

The location of the explosion just now was where Lin Xiao and others were. Lin Tian was shocked and thought that the young Lord and Lin Lang and others would not be killed together?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Tian's face turned black and became the bottom of the pot.

"Can't you? Don't play with me!" Lin Tian almost pulled out all his hair and was scared to death.

If this blows up the young master and several great masters, Lin Tian doesn't have to go back. He will be skinned and cramped.

Moreover, he probably can't go back. There are fragments of warships everywhere, and he doesn't even have tools to escape.

"It's over, it's over!"

After waiting for two minutes, I didn't see Lin Xiao and others appear.

The surviving sailors were also stunned. Looking at the sea as miserable as hell, they felt that it was very untrue.


Lin Tian fell rigidly on the deck, his face ashen.


Just when Lin Tian was very desperate.

Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out from under the water, fell over on a piece of hull debris and coughed loudly.

"Cough... Lin Tian! Your uncle's!" Lin Xiao's face was pale and panting. He lay on the debris and breathed the air.

Wow, wow!

A succession of shadows emerged from the sea.

Xu Jin and others were all in a mess. Although they had no worries about their lives, they were also in a mess.

"Almost killed!"

"Which grandson planted the bomb?"


Everyone cursed, but their faces were excited.

Although it is a curse, my heart is grateful.

Lin Tian's face became darker. He watched Lin Xiaofei get on the boat and greeted him with a dry smile, "little Lord! I......"

Looking at the angry look on Lin Xiao's face, Lin Tian felt worse and was even ready to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Just as Lin Tian was about to kneel down, Lin Xiao slapped him on the shoulder and laughed, "smelly boy! Good job!"


Lin Tian, I couldn't help slapping Lin Xiao. He knelt down at that time.

"Young Lord! You scared me to death!"


Many great masters flew into the boat one after another and looked at Lin Tian's expression, angry and smiling.

This missile almost wiped them out.

In a second at night, the shock wave of the explosion into the sea can tear them to pieces.

The power of strategic missiles is a big killer against aircraft carriers and destroying enemy positions. There are only two battleships.

However, there were a large number of marine organisms on the, and the sea water alleviated the impact. They also swam in a deep position, which escaped the disaster.

They were also lucky. The blast wave of the explosion not only killed the ancient giant chapter, but also destroyed a large number of marine organisms and disintegrated the remaining survivors, which gave them a chance to breathe.

"Son of God! The captain with the beard has escaped!" After Xu Jinping regained his mood, he immediately reacted to one thing, "the dark net throne is gone. I'm afraid he has won, puppet supreme!"

The originally calm atmosphere became tense again.

If the dark net throne comes back with the puppet supreme, their situation will also become dangerous.

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