Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly and quickly looked around the sea.

After a big war, the sky became clear. Maybe the dark clouds were dispersed by the evil spirit, and the storm center became quiet.

Thunder and lightning are gradually disappearing, and the vortex under the sea is slowly dispersing.

The supreme wooden tower sank to the ground, destroying the magnetic field structure and making the whole natural protection field completely ineffective.

Lin Xiao has some regrets.

After a lot of hard work, I didn't even get a fart in the end, and I almost lost it in the sea.

Now we should also beware of the sudden killing of the puppet supreme, which will make the situation more dangerous.

The people were careful for most of the day and found that there was no shadow or movement about the puppet supreme except the howling of many creatures on the sea.

"It seems that he has gone!" Xu Jin frowned and looked at Lin Xiao, "Holy Son! What should I do now?"

The enemy's whereabouts were unknown and could not be tracked at all. Lin Xiao thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "go to the ship to find communication equipment and go back!"

Although the battleship is almost completely damaged and is still sinking slowly, it still has a complete set of communication equipment.

Lin Xiao contacted Dongfang Yanghui and asked him to send a plane to pick him up.

When the retreat was settled properly, Lin Xiao found that Fang Qing was gone.

The mysterious and powerful woman disappeared again.

Half a day later.

The ship had sunk, and the survivors sat dejectedly on the debris, waiting for help.

There was a roar in the sky, a huge transport plane appeared from the horizon, and dark clouds came down.

"Coming!" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

They took the opportunity to leave and went back to the headquarters of the medicine dragon temple for a long rest.

When we got together again, Lin Tian knelt down again in front of Lin Xiao.

"Young Lord, it's hard to find your whereabouts. If you don't go home, how can we explain it?"

Lin Xiao doesn't want to go back with Lin Tian and others for the time being. He has something important to do. He is concerned about Nangong Jin'an danger and wants to go back to heaven and earth city to confirm her news.

After coming out for ten days, Lin Xiao wanted to know immediately whether Nangong Jin was out of danger under duanmuyi's treatment.

"Lin Tian! Go back and tell the Lin family that I will go back when I settle down!" Lin Xiao smiled.

Although Lin Tian is a dandy, he also saved everyone's life. Lin Xiao is still very grateful to him.

"But, young master..."

"Get up! Don't kneel easily!" Lin Xiao said unhappily.

Lin Tian smiled, patted the soil on his legs and got up, "I've never knelt before. I've knelt before my mother. You're the second!"

"Believe you, there is a ghost!" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and glanced at Lin Lang standing respectfully, "you escort Lin Tian back. Just tell the Lin family about the matter here. When the time is ripe, I will go back!"

"Yes!" Although Lin Lang is a great master, they are only servants. They dare not talk nonsense, but only listen to orders.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded silently and said to Dongfang Yanghui, "send a plane to send them back."


Lin Tian left reluctantly.

Lin Xiao returned to heaven and Earth City for the first time and came to duanmuyi laboratory.

Duanmu has been closed for more than ten days without any movement.

Tibetan Dao sent someone to guard here. I've never heard anyone's voice inside.

All along, duanmuyi has been a famous miracle doctor in Qiankun hospital, and his behavior is mysterious. No one can guess.

Nowadays, duanmuyi is related to the safety of saints, and no one dares to intervene easily.

"Son of God! We have been trying to contact duanmuyi in recent days, but there is no quick news in it." Tibetan Dao was careful in front of Lin Xiao. He was afraid of bad news.

Lin Xiao was also worried, looking at the closed laboratory door, "I hope it's all right!"

"Saint, it will be fine!"

When Lin Xiao was anxious, the door of the laboratory opened with a squeak.

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and rushed forward in an instant.

Duanmuyi appeared in the door with a calm expression and seemed a little tired.

"Master Duanmu! Where's ah Jin?" Lin Xiao's heart raised to his throat for fear of hearing any bad news.

Duanmu Yi looked back and said, "good luck. The combination of a Jin and nano robot is very successful. You can go in and have a look. But..."

When Lin Xiao heard the first half of the sentence, he rushed in excitedly. He didn't notice duanmuyi's words.

All the way to the lounge, across the window, Lin Xiao saw Nangong Jin lying quietly on the bed, his cheeks ruddy, breathing evenly, and seemed to have returned to normal.

He gently opened the door and went in. Lin Xiao looked carefully and found nothing unusual.

The nano robot went deep into nangongjin's body, which not only repaired her body, but also strengthened her body.

Lin Xiao doesn't care whether Nangong Jin will become very powerful, but whether she can live safely.

"Ah Jin!" Lin Xiao called softly.


Nangong Jin's fingers moved a few times and suddenly stood up straight from the bed.

The strange action startled Lin Xiao.

When Nangong brocade slowly opened his eyes, a blue light flashed in his eyes.

"Jin! How do you feel?" Lin Xiao asked cautiously.

Nangong Jin's neck seemed to be a little stiff. He reluctantly turned half a circle, and his eyes fell on Lin Xiao's face.

"I......" Nangong Jin uttered a vague syllable, which seemed to be difficult for her to pronounce.

Lin Xiao's heart thumped. He noticed the indifference and strangeness in Nangong Jin's eyes. It shouldn't be from his wife's eyes.

"Ah Jin! It's me, Lin Xiao!"

Nangong brocade's lips moved and whispered the name, "Lin Xiao?"

"Yes! What's the matter with you? Is it uncomfortable! Sit down quickly!" Lin Xiao came forward to pull Nangong brocade's hand.

Nangong Jin suddenly bounced back like an electric shock and kicked out a kick.


Lin Xiao hastily raised his hand to resist and found that the other party's strength was outrageous, which made him step back.

Nangong Jin, with a wary face, stared at Lin Xiao, "who are you? Where is this? Why am I here?"

Lin Xiao was confused.

Duanmuyi, who followed behind, lay down on the glass and observed quietly, with a smile on his face.

"Lin Xiao! Don't worry! Ah Jin has just integrated the nano robot, and the internal structure of the brain has been transformed, so temporary amnesia is very normal." Duanmuyi opened the door and walked in, saying in a deep voice, "as long as you get along with her for a few days and stimulate her brain nerves, you will think of the past!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "are you sure there's no problem?"

"Of course not!" Duanmu Yi said with a smile, "this integration is very successful. The full version of the first generation nano robot is very consistent with ah Jin's blood without any rejection. This is the biggest surprise!"

When Lin Xiao heard Duanmu Yi say this, he was a little more calm, but what happened next surprised him.

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