Nangong brocade seemed to be stimulated by something. LAN mang was very prosperous in his eyes and rushed to Lin Xiao like crazy.

The fierce wind made Lin Xiao's pupils shrink.


Lin Xiao didn't want to hurt Nangong Jin, so he was determined to defend, but the other party was surprisingly powerful and had a strange body method. He hit him in the chest in a short fight.

Pedal pedal

Lin Xiao withdrew more than ten meters away and stared in surprise.

With this punch, Nangong Jin's strength is close to the great master.

Although relying entirely on the transformation of nano robots, the improvement of human power is very limited, it is unimaginable for Nangong brocade, which has no power to bind chickens in the past.

"Ah Jin! I'm Lin Xiao!" Lin Xiao was very anxious. He saw anger and coldness in Nangong Jin's eyes.

Unfortunately, Nangong brocade didn't stop. Instead, it seemed to vent and kill Lin Xiao.

Hoo Hoo!

Every punch and foot of Nangong brocade are full of strength, which is very different from the weak in the past.

Lin Xiao naturally could only dodge and dared not fight back for fear of hurting Nangong brocade.


He was punched by Nangong Jin accidentally. Although he won't be hurt, the taste is very uncomfortable.

"Duanmuyi! What's going on?" Lin Xiao shouted angrily.

Originally, he had no good impression of duanmuyi. At the moment, Lin Xiao was angry and glared at duanmuyi.

Duanmu looked calm and said faintly, "it's all said! The integration of nanotechnology and human body will have bad consequences. Ah Jin's memory has not been completely erased. It's a miracle. It's just temporary amnesia. What's your hurry?"

Lin Xiao frowned and suddenly flashed behind Nangong brocade. He endured heartache and hit the back of her head.

After all, there were no fighting skills, so Nangong brocade could not attack Lin Xiao without his own ability, so he fell down.


Lin Xiao carefully took Nangong Jin back to bed and asked anxiously, "is it really just amnesia?"

Duanmu Yi came over, picked up a bottle of translucent Potion on the table, shook it in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "according to my speculation, this short-term amnesia will only last for one month at most. During this period, she still needs to take this nano liquid to repair her brain cells!"

Lin Xiao grabbed the translucent liquid and smelled it in front of his nose. There was a faint fragrance, like the smell of protein volatilization, "are you sure?"

"You are also a doctor. You can study it yourself!" Duanmu Yi looked at Nangong Jin and said to Lin Xiao, "ah Jin is my granddaughter. Will I hurt her?"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao always felt strange, but duanmuyi saved Nangong Jin's life after all. He couldn't say anything. He turned and walked out, "I'm going to take ah Jin away!"

Out of the laboratory, Tibetan Dao and others were waiting anxiously outside.

In order to reassure them, Lin Xiao only said that Nangong Jin was safe and sound, and he didn't mention anything else.

As soon as they heard that the saint was all right, they were overjoyed and wanted to go in and greet her.

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to stop the crowd. "Although ah Jin is awake, she still needs rest. I'll take her back to Zhennan. The heaven and earth courtyard has just experienced a disaster and is waiting for prosperity. You've worked hard for a while. When ah Jin's body recovers completely, we'll come back!"

Tibetan Dao and Zhan Qingyi looked at each other and said nothing.

"Master Zhan, master Zang Dao, come with me!" Lin Xiao then motioned them to follow him.

Walking out of the crowd and into a quiet corner, Lin Xiao told the whole story in the South China Sea.

Zhan Qingyi and Zang Dao were obviously unprepared and surprised about the rebellion of the dark net throne.

"The bastard dark king dares to betray the heaven and earth court!" Zhan Qingyi's face is blue.

Tibetan Dao angrily said, "I must tear him up!"

"Don't get angry first. It's no small matter if you betray the dark net. Do you have a way to check and balance?"

Tibetan Dao sighed, "it's hard! The dark net is an independent mechanism. Unless the main control center is disconnected, it will run all the time. But..."

"If you cut off the main control center, the global dark network information processing will be cut off, which will have a great impact. At that time, it will cause some unrest. I don't know how many people will suffer." Zhan Qingyi frowned very tightly, "it may even lead to war."

"So serious?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Since the main control center is in heaven and Earth City, why can't you take back the authority? In this way, even if the dark king wants to do something, it's useless?"

"It's hard!" Tibetan Dao sighed, "at the beginning, the old courtyard master gave different permissions to check and balance each elder. The dark network was established by the dark king. It can be said that he is the top administrator of the terminal computer. Only he can modify all kinds of network permissions."

"Unless we completely cut off the power of the main control room and let it lose contact with the outside world, we can effectively reduce the crisis, but the dark king expected that we dare not do so."


"If the power is completely cut off, all information processing will be interrupted. When there is global unrest, the dark king will take advantage of the situation to create public opinion within the dark network and completely separate the dark network from the heaven and earth court." Tibetan Dao is well aware of the stakes, so he knows how to prevent the dark king from further development, but there is no way.

"That can only look at the arrogance of the dark king?"

Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice, "the evil house is ready to move recently. Now the dark king has got another puppet supreme. I'm afraid the heaven and earth city will suffer a great disaster soon. After all, there are only two puppet supreme in our hiding place, which is too far from the enemy."

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Is there a puppet supreme in heaven and Earth City?"

"Hey!" Zhan Qingyi said with a bitter smile, "if there were no puppet supreme, the evil house would have been killed."

"Only, the instructions needed to start the puppet supreme are recorded in the control room in the nuclear reactor, which only the war elders have the right to use!"

Tibetan Dao said in a deep voice, "at the beginning of the great changes in the hospital, I wanted to go underground to get the puppet supreme, but I didn't expect to be framed by Di Wei and almost die."

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "I can provide a puppet supreme to guard the heaven and earth court together, but the dark king is a scourge and must be eradicated as soon as possible. Otherwise, with the power of the dark net, it must be us!"

"Do you have any way to find the dark king?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

The news that Lin Xiao went to the South China Sea leaked, which enabled the dark king to win the puppet supreme.

It shows that the dark king's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and he doesn't know what kind of crisis he will contain.

It's urgent to get rid of the dark king.

Tibetan Dao and Zhan Qingyi looked at each other and seemed to have something to hide.

"If you want to find the dark king, there is a way, but..." Tibetan Dao sighed, "do you know why you want the dark king to manage the dark net?"

Lin Xiao didn't know why. He asked subconsciously, "why?"

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