"When Xiaosu came to Kyoto, he opened the three dynasty gate and stopped the black old six's gang from killing. This is to build his own power. You can't do without money..." Yu Meiyou said, "since you decide to help him, I'll take the money as a share!"

Ah Dai opened his mouth and asked for a long time, "why did you suddenly leave to help Xiaosu without asking me?"

"I haven't known you for so many years?" Yu Meili turned her eyes. "You have always taken more care of Xiaosu, and you look at him differently. In addition, your origin is mysterious and you have never mentioned the source. I guess your life experience must be related to Xiaosu, right?"

Ah Dai was speechless. He thought he never talked easily, and others couldn't guess his secret.

However, getting along day and night, Yu Meili had already seen him thoroughly.

"Everyone has their own secrets. Go! Just remember that we are still friends!"

Ah Dai nodded slowly. He had his own destiny, and the day finally came.

Sanchaomen is the force of Zhongxing Street, which has always belonged to Wanjia.

But a few days ago, it was swept by two and a half children.

A few days after Xiaosu returned to Kyoto, his temperament suddenly changed. He was silent and became very cruel. He went directly to the big brother of the three dynasties who bullied him and beat him severely.

At the beginning, those gangsters who bullied Xiaosu were all beaten, the three directions door was completely cleaned, and even the boss ran away.

I don't know what means Xiaosu used, so he asked sanchao door to change its master.

Such a big entertainment place is empty at the moment, leaving only Xiaosu and Xiaowu.

"Xiaosu! You haven't slept or eaten for three days. You can't go on like this!" The little dancer couldn't bear it and whispered, "why don't you go and have a rest."

In the dark hall, it was noisy in the past, but now it is quiet and strange.

"Nothing!" Xiaosu's voice lines have changed, some gloomy and with a trace of vicissitudes.

Xiaowu seems to know Xiaosu again these days. Although she looks young, she looks old.

Pedal pedal

Just then, footsteps came from the hall.

Xiaosu slowly looked up, and a pair of red eyes slowly showed, like a wounded beast.


Ah Dai appeared in the light, his knees sank slowly and fell to his knees.

"You're here!?" Xiaosu asked in a deep voice, "how's the news I asked you to inquire about?"

"Go back to the master! Wanjia is in a mess now. The leakage of the underground laboratory has caused them great reputation losses. I have contacted several subordinates hidden in Wanjia in the past, and they will bring the Department to invest soon!"

"Yes!" Xiaosu has a city government far beyond his age. Hearing the speech, he said faintly, "tomorrow, the three dynasties gate will be renamed as runner hall!"

As a place of entertainment, the name "runner hall" is very strange, but ah Dai was not surprised and nodded immediately.

Xiaowu's expression became more worried. She didn't understand what happened to Xiaosu.

But she dared not ask.

Xiaosu's expression is very serious and frightening.

Since coming to Kyoto, Xiaosu has not only changed his temperament, but also made rapid progress in his strength.

It's incredible that Xiaosu has leapt from the golden warrior to the great master.

His internal breathing is extremely powerful. Every night when he exercises Kung Fu, Xiaowu can even hear the roaring sound of air flow rolling in his body.

This is the subtlety of the wheel Dharma.

Once you awaken your memory, your mental power will soar. At the same time, it will fully activate the source internal breathing of Dantian, and your strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

Xiaosu, who has become a great master, not only bears the wheel Dharma, but also has the bottom of half of Lin Xiao's limitless skill. His strength is not small.

"You go down first!" Xiaosu waved to ah Dai.

"Yes! Master!" Ah Dai is very respectful.

Xiao Wu opened her mouth and said, "Xiao Su, why did ah Dai call you master?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" Xiaosu's tone is very blunt. He is already controlling his attitude, but it still makes people feel very cold.

"Oh!" Xiaowu didn't say much, so she turned and left.

Xiaosu's eyes fluctuated and wanted to keep her, but she didn't speak in the end.

Wheel hall!

The name of such a strange place of entertainment has surprised many people as soon as it opened.

Many people came here with admiration.

The location of the runner hall happened to be on the busy street opposite the other courtyard of the south palace.

When Lin Xiao returned to Nangong other courtyard with Nangong brocade, he happened to pass by the runner hall. Seeing the name made his heart beat.

"Millet?" Lin Xiao looked at the three blood red characters, and his mood was quite complicated.

In order to cure Nangong brocade, Lin Xiao had to make a difficult choice.

Now, Xiaosu recovers the memory of the Runner King. Will he still remember the hatred of the past?

"You seem very interested in the runner hall?" At this time, Nangong Jin, who had been watching coldly, asked in a deep voice.

"Look around!" Lin Xiao smiled and turned to leave. "Let's go! Let's go back to Nangong's house. Grandpa is very happy to know you're back. He has prepared a big table for you!"

Nangong Jin followed without saying a word.

The gate of Nangong's other courtyard was open. Nangong Fuhu personally greeted him, and several figures in the 13 member Parliament were also on both sides.

"Miss! Are you back?" The housekeeper looked amiable, but with vigilance in the bottom of his eyes.

The housekeeper is the person who subdues the dragon in Nangong. The reason why he came to meet Nangong Jin is to monitor her.

"Yes!" Nangong Jin is very strange to the people in front of her. If Lin Xiao hadn't introduced her, she wouldn't know Nangong Fuhu at all.

"Ah Jin?" Nangong Fuhu's smiling face slowly condensed and accidentally looked at Lin Xiao, "what's the matter with a jin?"

"Go in and say!" Lin Xiao said in a low voice.

The party was about to enter when they heard a very impatient voice.

"Wait a minute!"

Nangong zongxue took some lackeys and swaggered to stop the way. "Nangong brocade! How are you doing in the western regions? You still have the face to come back if the project is not completed?"

Nangong brocade turned her head slightly, stared at Nangong zongxue without expression, and asked faintly, "what are you? Are you asking me?"

The faces of Nangong family suddenly changed.

Nangong zongxue was also Nangong Jin's uncle and the top figure in the 13 member Parliament. He was abused by his niece on the spot. His face couldn't stand at that time.

"Presumptuous!" Nangong zongxue didn't expect Nangong Jin to be so rude to him. He immediately said angrily, "no big or small things. Don't you know who you are when you go out for a few days? I don't know heaven and earth..."


Nangong brocade waved and slapped Nangong zongxue.

"You, how dare you hit me?"


The dogleg of Nangong sect came around to protect the master and glared at Nangong brocade.

"Go away!" Nangong Jin drank impolitely.

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