Nangong zongxue covered his face as if he didn't know Nangong Jin and shouted, "I have no respect for your elders! I'll report to the five people of the ancestral family immediately and withdraw your thirteen identities!"

Nangong Jin doesn't care about those now. She vaguely feels that the gentle guy in front of her is definitely not a good thing.

"Not yet?" Nangong Jin got angry, pushed away several bodyguards who blocked the way, and walked in very arrogantly.

Nangong Fuhu never saw Nangong Jin like this. He was stunned. He grabbed Lin Xiao and asked, "boy, what's the matter with a jin? It seems that he has changed!"

Lin Xiao didn't hide it from him, and said with a bitter smile, "she was hurt and lost her memory. She should recover her memory soon."

"Forgetting?" Nangong Fuhu was surprised, "no wonder I didn't even call grandpa! What's going on?"

"Let's talk about it later!"

Nangong brocade has walked towards other courtyard under the careful stewardship.

Nangong zongxue, who was slapped, was very angry, but due to Lin Xiao's strength, he dared not do anything and ran away angrily.

When Nangong brocade came to the reception hall of other hospitals, many people heard the sound.

Even Nangong dragon subduing was disturbed.

Dozens of people from Nangong family rushed to the reception hall with the appearance of asking questions.

"Nangong brocade! How dare you!" Nangong zongxue, supported by a group of family members, angrily said, "even your elders and uncles dare to fight. Is there anything you dare not do?"

Nangong Jin sat upright and precarious, glanced at the people and said faintly, "I heard that you have always rejected me to go back to Nangong's house, haven't you?"

"Nangong Jin! What the hell are you doing?" Nangong Zongzhe, who has high self-restraint skills, couldn't understand it. Looking at the redness and swelling on his brother's cheek, he shouted in a deep voice, "it's too lawless!"

"Should be served by family law!"

"Yes! Beating your uncle! You must be severely punished for such treacherous things!"

"First deprive her of the rights of thirteen members of Parliament!"

"Drive her out of Nangong's house!"

Seeing that the situation was bad, Nangong Fuhu hurried out to make things right. "Don't worry, everyone. Ah Jin was injured and her memory was damaged, so she doesn't know you now. She played zongxue because of her injury, not her original intention."


"Injury? An injury can cover up her mistake of beating her elders?" Nangong subdued the dragon and patted the table, "it's too much! You must be served by family law!"

"Never spare her!"

Many people in Nangong family complained that Nangong Jin was one of the thirteen members of the parliament. Of course, it's impossible to let her go this time.

"Disqualify her thirteen member parliament first!"

"Clear her points!"

All the people attacked Nangong Jin, but none of them spoke for Nangong Jin, which made Nangong Fuhu look very embarrassed.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao couldn't listen any longer and said angrily, "shut up!"

A roar swept the audience, making people's ears buzzing.


Even the whole room shook.

The people were frightened, and the room suddenly became silent.

Lin Xiao glanced at the crowd and said faintly, "don't you feel ashamed that so many people bully a woman?"

"Lin Xiao! What do you want? Is what Nangong Jin did right?" Nangong Jianglong's pale face was filled with anger and shouted, "you're just Nangong's son-in-law. When's your turn to tell?"

"Really?" Lin Xiao sneered, "there's something wrong with my wife's memory. It's understandable to do anything too much. But you old guys want to rely on the old and sell the old and seize the opportunity to seize power, don't you?"

"Lin Xiao! What are you talking about? Don't be shameless!" Nangong zongxue finally lost his temper and stood up as soon as he patted the table.


Outside the hospital, more than a dozen armed bodyguards rushed in, making the atmosphere of the scene instantly serious.

"Want to do it?" Lin Xiao glanced and smiled contemptuously, "do you want to tear your face? Nangong zongxue, are you sure you want to do this?"

There was a cold killing intention in the room, which made the Nangong family shudder.

Nangong Fuhu was very anxious and advised, "Lin Xiao! Don't say a few words! The old man is not in good health these days. If he gets angry, it will be bad!"

Lin Xiao frowned.

The old man of Nangong family was kind to Lin Xiao. He supported Nangong Jin and helped him a lot. When he heard that he was ill, his anger suddenly disappeared. Leng hum said, "as long as Nangong zongxue gets out, it's OK today!"

"You're killing me with laughter," Nangong zongxue laughed angrily. "Running to Nangong's house is arrogant. I really think I dare not touch you? Don't think you're a fart in Nanwei town and Kyoto..."



Lin Xiao rushed out in an instant, like a ghost, making people unable to see the speed.

The next moment, Nangong zongxue vomited blood and flew out.

People were dazzled. They didn't expect Lin Xiao to do it.

The bodyguards hurriedly wanted to do it. Lin Xiao had rushed back, knocked down several people with three fists and two feet, grabbed a gun, and then pointed to Nangong to subdue the dragon from a distance.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Xiao was so bold that he beat down his uncle. He also pointed a gun at Nangong to subdue the dragon, which was very treacherous.

"Lin Xiao! What do you want to do?" Nangong Jianglong took a deep breath, and the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

Lin Xiao said coldly, "I came back today not to find something, but to remind ah Jin of the past. If you want to pick something, I don't mind letting the Nangong family disappear in Kyoto."


"What a big breath!"

"Too much!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Although Nangong Jin couldn't remember the past, he was still touched by Lin Xiao's maintenance and gave him a deep look. The expression of indifference was relieved.

Nangong Fuhu was so worried that he quickly came forward and grabbed Lin Xiao's gun, "boy! Are you crazy? How can you say that this is also ah Jin's home? You have fallen out of the world. When she recalls, how should she face it?"

"Hum! Ah Jin has no sense of belonging to Nangong family, and..." Lin Xiao continued, "she is not from Nangong family at all, and we never rare Nangong family!"


Everyone in Nangong family cried out in surprise and was shocked by Lin Xiao's words.

"I put my words here today. If Nangong family wants to exist safely, it's best not to mind our affairs." Lin Xiao has no intention to make a false deal with Nangong family. He just came back to let Nangong brocade regain his memory.

Lin Xiao's arrogant words filled the Nangong family with righteous indignation.

But no one dares to say anything in the face of his strength.

"If there's nothing to say, let's go first!" Lin Xiao stood up, pulled up Nangong brocade and winked at Nangong Fuhu.

Nangong Fuhu was helpless. He shook his head and sighed. He wanted to explain to Nangong Jianglong. He felt that he would not listen.

The party walked away and returned to the courtyard belonging to Nangong brocade.

"I'm so angry!" Nangong zongxue was furious and shouted, "Dad! You just look at Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin so arrogant? Have we been mixed up in the Nangong family to be shit on the head by a smelly boy?"

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