The helicopter set sail again and went straight to the Kyoto sixth military region.

The sixth military region, located in the deep mountains, was originally a missile guided base, surrounded by radar shielding. Even if it is detected from high altitude, it is only a blank.

And there is a secret base under the military region.

Lin Xiao was taken to the secret base and found that there was a cave here.

The huge military base is brightly lit, and a large number of scientific researchers go in and out, just like a small city.

Such a modern military base can only be compared with Lin Xiao's own medicine dragon temple.

Lin Xiao was escorted into the base by two teams of soldiers.

To his surprise, there were a dozen or three-star or five-star generals waiting for him in the conference hall.

Everything stands out.

"Brother Lin! You're here at last!" Wanquan was obviously the first of the crowd. He enthusiastically came over to hug Lin Xiao.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao was expressionless and even put his arms in his hands. He had no intention of hugging each other at all.

"That's how you invite people?" Lin Xiao understood that the whole thing was all mischief.

"Cough..." Wan Quan noticed Lin Xiao's displeasure and immediately touched his nose. He felt bored and looked at Wan Yang behind Lin Xiao unhappily, "what's the matter?"

Wan Yang didn't care. "It's just a common man. Let me invite him in person? It's a joke! I'm afraid he will resist and directly lead the troops to catch him. What's the matter?"

"You, you are..." Wan Quan was so angry that he scolded Lin Xiao for fear that Lin Xiao would be really angry. "Apologize to Mr. Lin immediately!?"

"Let me apologize?" Wan Yang was stunned. "Is there no mistake? What is he? A civilian deserves my apology?"

"A civilian?" Wan Quan smiled angrily, pointed to a document on the table and said, "the military headquarters has ordered to appoint Mr. Lin as a five-star general. Now he is the only general in China. Do you say he is a civilian?"

"What, what?" Wan Yang was surprised, "why don't I know?"

Lin Xiao also looked surprised, "I don't know!"

"Hum! I don't have time to teach you a lesson now! I'll settle accounts with you after I finish my business!" Wan Quan stared at Wan Yang angrily, and then carefully said to Lin Xiao, "I'll explain this to you right away. You'll meet everyone first!"

Although many five-star generals looked disdainful, they had to bow their heads in front of Lin Xiao due to the command of the military headquarters.

Confused Lin Xiao grabbed the document. After seeing the red headed text, he couldn't help asking, "what the hell?"

"This is to make it easier for you to move. The military headquarters is grateful for your past contributions and has specially awarded the military rank. Are you satisfied?" Wanquan looks careful to laugh with her.

Lin Xiao was very puzzled. How could he be an official for no reason?

"I don't accept it!" Lin Xiao knew that these guys in the military headquarters were old foxes. It must be bad to push themselves to the top of the peak.

"Cough..." Wan Quan was ready to clap his hands and congratulate him. He was almost choked by Lin Xiao's words and said with a dry smile, "what's the matter? Such a good thing..."


Lin Xiao threw the document on the table, "you must be bad!"

"How?" Wanquan exchanged eyes with others and explained patiently, "let you be this general, not only for better management of the army, but also for the future..."

"What happened later?" Lin Xiao vaguely felt that things were not so simple. "I won't do it if I don't make it clear!"

"Hum!" Wan Yang, who was unconvinced, came over and said angrily, "I don't understand. Let this boy come and save the situation? What's the use of his own power?"

Wan Quan looked at Lin Xiao thoughtfully, "there is really a great event!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao sat down carelessly, looking indifferent.

Wan Quan gestured to the captain next to him who was responsible for operating the computer.


The room darkened.

A blue light mass suddenly appeared in the middle, and a multi-dimensional three-dimensional virtual map slowly rose.

It is a three-dimensional map, which probably includes the geology and landform of half the earth. With China as the center, there are many light spots flashing in it.

Lin Xiao seemed to be interested. He straightened up slowly, accidentally pointed to the seven brightest spots and asked, "what's that?"

Wan Quan's expression became solemn and said in a deep voice, "you should know about the supreme wooden tower?"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Do you mean that these seven light spots represent seven supreme wooden towers?"

"Exactly!" Wanquan began to introduce the whole light map.

"These seven light spots represent the seven wooden towers opened, and these lights..."

There are several light connections between the seven wooden towers, representing some kind of connection.

"What do you mean?"

"Our military's scientific research department has been detecting anomalies around the world. Recently, it was found that several special energy flows around the world, from seven wooden towers. The materials of these towers are very special, which can absorb and accommodate some strange energy, and let these energy form channels to flow in the world."

"How can there be seven?" Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

As far as he knows, only six supreme wooden towers have been found.

One in the Sahara desert, two in Qinggou village in the western regions, one in Wangchao village, one in the South China Sea, and one found by the evil house.

Was the wooden tower in Tiangang District of Feizhou also found?

Lin Xiao subconsciously looked at the map. According to the map, he found that there were not only no light spots, but also no light in Tiangang District of Feizhou.

Lin Xiao has never been to another place, a light spot near the Amazon in South America, representing the seventh wooden tower.

That meant that the seventh wooden tower was discovered, but Lin Xiao didn't know it.

Lin Xiao frowned.

If you can find the supreme wooden tower and open it successfully, probably only the heaven and earth court or the evil house has this ability in the world.

The heaven and earth court obviously didn't do this. It's only the evil house.

"Look at these light masses!" Wan Quan said in a deep voice, "their energy is getting stronger and stronger in the monitoring, but it seems that they always lack a breath."

Lin Xiao saw through the truth and said in a deep voice, "do you mean that the eighth wooden tower has not yet appeared, so these energies have not formed a loop, and the energy level is not strong?"

"It can be said," Wanquan is a little nervous. "According to our scientists' speculation, once the eight towers form a loop, the energy level will rise exponentially in geometric order, which may cause unimaginable phenomena!"

Lin Xiao carefully observed the light spots and energy lines and asked subconsciously, "what is this energy? Haven't you studied it?"

"Studied!" At this time, a general with three stars on his shoulder came up, "these energies are a little similar to the internal breathing fluctuation of martial artists. According to martial artists living nearby, they are helpful for their cultivation."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Isn't that the same as the effect of the medicine bath?"

"What medicine bath?"

These people don't understand what the existence of medicine bath means.

But Lin Xiao heard clearly that these energies should be the same as the energy released by the medicine bath, which can make the warrior quench his body and warm up the elixir field.

Lin Xiao shook his head. "Let's not talk about the medicine bath. Have you studied the energy circuit between the eight towers? Is there any law or trace to follow?"

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