Wan Quan nodded. As the commander in chief, he had been paying attention to the development of the whole thing. Today, he invited Lin Xiao so solemnly because it was at a critical juncture.

"According to our detection! On the day the seventh wooden tower opened, the energy flow suddenly accelerated, and there was a very obvious strengthening trend!"

"We have monitored that many forces and countries in the world are very interested in this phenomenon. Even the MI Empire has sent negotiation experts to try to buy the ownership of these wooden towers!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Is there such a thing?"

Wanquan solemnly nodded, "some speculators are trying to use the power of the state to put pressure on us to hand over the research right of the wooden tower, and even launch a legion to make trouble at the border in the name of exercises!"

"The military headquarters ordered to mobilize a large army for support to avoid unpredictable risks!"

"The reason why I let you become a general is to deter all parties from acting rashly!"

Wanquan is well aware of Lin Xiao's ability and influence. He knows that under such circumstances, only people like him can stand up and stabilize the situation.

The situation seems calm recently. In fact, forces in various countries are ready to move. There are many conspirators for tourism within the scope of the seven towers.

Lin Xiao is a general in the Dynasty and the leader of the Wulin alliance in the opposition. If he cries out, he will respond to countless people. Only he can stabilize the current chaos.

Others don't know Lin Xiao, and the rumors about him are just hearsay. They don't know his ability at all.

Therefore, in addition to Wanquan, others expressed great doubts about Lin Xiao's ability

"What you think is so beautiful!" Lin Xiao had guessed the other party's idea. He wanted to keep himself in front of them and protect them from the wind and rain.


Lin Xiao suddenly patted the table and looked at Wanquan.

"You haven't given me a statement about the framing of me by thousands of families. Now you want me to be a shield?"

Wanquan smiled awkwardly, "that's all misunderstanding. Besides, Wanjia junior and I are two different things. We can't be confused!"

"Besides, I've helped you a lot, haven't I? I'm also credited with Xiang Wu's becoming the Secretary General of Interpol headquarters. Recently, we have a lot of cooperation, and..."

Wanquan chattered endlessly and began to mention those things that helped Lin Xiao in the past. He just wanted to make friends with Lin Xiao.

"Stop..." Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. Naturally, he knew that he was careful and said angrily, "I knew you would turn over the old account! You did help me a lot in the past, but..."

"Lin Xiao! The situation is urgent and we have to be careful. Without you, the Chinese Wulin would be a time bomb. The energy of the wooden tower only works on the martial arts. If they move, you have to come to town!" Wan Quan said with a dry smile, "don't worry! We won't forget your credit. If you have any requirements, you can mention them!"

Someone whispered. I don't understand why general Wan trusted Lin Xiao so much and handed him such a big burden.

In the eyes of these generals, Lin Xiao is just a civilian. Even if the military headquarters orders him to become a general, he will still be an ordinary person if he doesn't accept it.

Can you convince the public by making a boy without any background a general?

Even if these generals don't raise any objection, how do millions of soldiers feel?

"My request?" Lin Xiao sneered, "do you want me to let Wanjia hand over all their property?"

"Hey! I know you're joking. Seriously, we'll consider any formal request!" It's all out.

If the eight wooden towers are opened together, I'm afraid the energy flow will soar. At that time, local forces will inevitably lead to uncontrollable chaos in order to compete for territory.

Relying solely on the army to suppress is simply unrealistic and may cause greater chaos, so Wanquan thought of Lin Xiao at the first time.

He knew Lin Xiao. As long as he held him in a high position and bound him with righteousness, he could not refuse.

Lin Xiao was lost in thought.

This general is not easy to be.

When he became a soldier, he unified millions of soldiers, which seemed majestic.

However, the risks are far greater than expected.

If, as Wanquan said, the energy flow of the eight towers can bring greater benefits to the martial arts, then the energy accumulation range will become a place for the martial arts.

The water is deep in the Chinese Wulin. At ordinary times, we hide ourselves in the secular world. At this time, we have great benefits. Who won't fight for the opportunity to win the great master?

Think about the hidden great masters of heaven and earth court and evil house. They will certainly not stand idly by.

If it is really as Lin Xiao thought, I don't know how many great masters will be created by the powerful energy.

When people suddenly get strong power, they will expand. At that time, there will be chaos and turbulence.

To figure out this series of keys, Lin Xiao knew that early preparation was really needed.

"How's it going? Have you decided on the terms? I know you must have something in mind!" The perfect Old God asked.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "OK! The conditions are good. It's easy to say, can I mobilize troops and horses when I become a general?"

Wan Quan was stunned and nodded subconsciously, "of course! You have the power to command the three armies. What do you... Want to do?"

"It's no big deal. I'm going to mobilize troops and horses to Tiangang District of Feizhou!"

Tiangang district is the most chaotic place in the Philippines. There are many tribes and forces.

The dark king had already come to the periphery of the simbati tribe, ready to enter and get another half of the map.

There must be a lot of treasures in the last supreme wooden tower. In addition to the puppet core, there are a large number of super liquid crystals.

The dark king is bound to win.

"Throne! The holy aunt has contacted Naxi manto, the chief of the tribe. He is very happy to see you!"

Outside the huge blockhouse, the dark king and his party all wore black cloaks, which looked very dazzling in the barren plain.

On the bare plain, a dozen outsiders suddenly appeared, which surprised the aborigines of the tribe.

Many armed soldiers stood on the wall outside the bunker. They held high their guns and fired into the sky.

Dada dada

The sound of hundreds of guns at the same time is enough to scare anyone.

Even the dark king was afraid.

"These uncivilized aborigines are arrogant when they have weapons." Dark king took a deep breath.

He knew very well that it was just a demonstration by Naxi manto.

As the chief of the largest tribe in Tiangang District, Naxi manto can exist here under the dual suppression of the red eye king and the medicine dragon king. Of course, he has his ability.

In the past, it was not unreasonable for the two forces of the red eyed king and the medicine dragon temple to deliberately avoid conflict with Naxi manto.

Moreover, Naxi manto has three golden mountains and a diamond mine with countless wealth. In order to ensure that the aborigines live and work in peace and contentment, most of the wealth has purchased weapons and ammunition.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of soldiers in the sinbati tribe, and there are even tanks, chariots, aircraft and artillery inside, just like a small Legion.

"Why don't you come out?" Dark king is in a hurry.

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