Half a map is bound to be obtained, and time is pressing. We must find the supreme wooden tower at the first time.

"Throne! Wait a minute! The holy aunt has said half of the map and handed over the half in her hand. Naxi manto promised to cooperate with you to dig the supreme Wooden Tower!"

"In addition, Naxi manto said that he was not interested in what puppet supreme. He just wanted to get super liquid medicine. He wanted to build an invincible army!"

The dark king sneered, "it's really indigenous! I don't know that the puppet supreme and the puppet core are the real sea god needle. What's the use of more super soldiers? In front of the supreme, it's just a local chicken and tile dog!"

"Hey! The throne said yes!" The speaker is the escaped captain bearded, Dong Wei.

More and more aborigines stood at the top of the wall with guns and swaggered with the dark king.

They were dressed in naked rags, with all kinds of tattoos on their faces and bodies. They didn't care about their image and stared at the dark king fiercely.

An hour passed.

The dark king was annoyed.

The hot sun hung overhead.

The gate just opened with a squeak.

Buzzing, buzzing!

A team of modified off-road vehicles rushed out fiercely, stirring up a thick earth fog.

When the motorcade stopped in front of him, a fat black man, whose face was almost covered with tattoos, swaggered down.

"Dark king! I've heard so much about you!" The other party even spoke fluent Chinese and warmly welcomed him.

The dark king looked disgusted, but he still responded with a smile, "chief, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Hahaha..." they held each other. Naxi manto laughed loudly, took the dark king's hand and walked towards the tribe.

The dark king endured nausea and walked in expressionless.

"Chief! There are tens of thousands of soldiers in your tribe? Why don't you occupy the whole Tiangang district with such a powerful force?" The dark king asked clearly.

Naxi manto's expression was a little unhappy, "hum! You should know very well that the guys in the medicine dragon temple have been making wind and rain all the time. Recently, they have intensified and bullied me. They will kill them sooner or later!"

"I heard that the medicine dragon king ordered his subordinates to bring the whole Tiangang district under his command. I'm afraid your tribe won't be protected!"

The dark king said a word and made Naxi manto scream, "that bastard of the medicine dragon king! If I dare to commit it, I will kill him!"

"I believe the chief has this strength!" The dark king smiled.

A group of people entered the protection area of the blockhouse, and the dense original wooden houses were all in front of them. Many tribal residents with blank eyes looked at the strangers, dark king, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Few outsiders enter the tribal areas, not to mention some Asian people with yellow skin, which is even more surprising.

Their impression of Asians has always been to seize territory and kill innocent people.

Aware of the hostile eyes of the people, the dark king frowned slightly and asked calmly, "chief, why don't you get to the point as soon as possible and go directly to the excavation area! The saint has given you half of the map? I believe you must have found the real location!"

Now, Naxi manto has restored the map and successfully found the location. Just go to the target point to get the supreme wooden tower.

However, Naxi manto's expression looked a little embarrassed.

"Dark king! The position is found, but I'm afraid it's not so easy to succeed!"

"Oh?" The dark king asked suspiciously, "in your territory, can such a small thing embarrass you?"

"What I mean is that the location of the target point is just at the control point of the drug dragon temple. I sent someone to inquire. There are 1000 troops stationed there. It's hard to get in!"

The dark king suddenly said with a dumb smile, "just a thousand people, can you stop tens of thousands of troops?"

"Having said that, the soldiers in the medicine dragon temple are extraordinary. They are all the most elite refined teachers. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to break through by force and cause me heavy losses!"

Walking to a wooden house similar to a tent, Naxi manto stopped. "You're tired from the journey. Go and have a rest first. I'll come and explain the situation to you later!"

Although the dark king was anxious, he could not force him in other people's territory.

As I said, the map was in someone else's hand. It was useless for him to be anxious. He had to bear the anxiety and said in a deep voice, "OK! I'll wait for you!"

The dark king waited for more than three hours.

It's getting dark.

Naxi manto came slowly.

Behind him was a strange Chinese.

"Dark king! Let me introduce you to this... Di Minghui!"

Dark king's pupil shrinks slightly. He knows very well about Di Minghui.

However, I only heard its voice and saw no one.

The first genius of Qiankun Academy.

Just promoted to great master.

Unfortunately, his uncle Di Wei died in the incident in the heaven and earth court, and only he escaped by luck.

"Lord dark king! I've heard a lot about you!" Di Minghui's eyes are proud, but his behavior is quite respectful.

The dark king nodded slightly, "it's childe Minghui. I've made you suffer recently!"

"Not bitter!" Di Minghui's eyes were cold. "As long as I can get revenge, the pain I suffered in the past is not worth mentioning!"

"The holy aunt asked you to come?" The dark king asked silently.

Di Minghui said coldly, "if there is no saint, I can't escape unharmed!"

"Yes!" The dark king's eyes turned and fell on Naxi manto. "When will you start looking for the wooden tower?"

The dark king didn't ask Di Minghui why he was here. He just wanted to find the supreme wooden tower as soon as possible.

"I have selected 10000 soldiers to cooperate with the dark king to capture the stronghold of the medicine dragon temple. It's nothing to say. I'm going to hand over this operation to childe Di Minghui!" Naxi manto said meaningfully.

"Let him command?" The dark king frowned slightly.

Di Minghui said coldly, "the medicine dragon temple is Lin Xiao's power. I want to destroy them myself. I want to kill Lin Xiao's brother myself and let him understand how much sin he has committed!"

Ten thousand people should be more than enough to deal with one thousand.

The dark king doesn't believe Di Minghui. He just thinks Naxi manto's decision is a little strange.

Why can Di Minghui command the ten thousand army with a boy.

And he is the king of the dark net. Do you want to be a pawn?

"Dark king, this is your saint's request..." Naxi manto smiled when he saw the dark king's doubt.

The dark king's face changed. After pondering for a long time, he said faintly, "it doesn't matter who commands, as long as he can achieve the goal!"

"It's not too late! Get ready to go!" Di Minghui seemed to have become the commander-in-chief of the first army, turned and walked out.

Out of the room, the dark king was taken to a high slope.

Under the high slope, the head of the people who can't see their head at a glance is very spectacular.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the dark king was also shocked.

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