Naxi manto raised tens of thousands of elite soldiers, all mercenaries who can recruit and fight in the Philippines. They are almost armed to the teeth and look majestic.

"With these 10000 people, it's easy to flatten the stronghold of 1000 people in the medicine dragon temple!" The dark king marveled at Naxi manto's power.

Naxi manto was also quite proud. He swept with his big hand and said in a deep voice, "I don't know if he can wipe out the stronghold of the medicine dragon temple. Just these 10000 people can make them scared!"

The dark king nodded with satisfaction, "in that case, let's go now! I can't wait!"

Naxi manto looked at di Minghui, "son Minghui, now these 10000 people are under your command!"

At this time, ten armed and tall tribal aborigines came quickly and saluted Di Minghui.

"These ten are the army heads, and they are divided into 1000 people. They will cooperate with your actions!"

Di Minghui's jaw is slightly raised. He has not only practiced martial arts in Qiankun Academy for decades, but also been familiar with the art of war. He has some experience in marching and fighting, otherwise he would not take the initiative to ask for a leader to fight.

In this battle, we should not only get the supreme puppet, but also destroy Lin Xiao's spirit.

"Get ready to go!"

More than a dozen tanks and two armed helicopters began to drive from the tribe.

The mighty army drove into the plain and rushed towards the stronghold of the medicine dragon temple.

About 40 kilometers away from the sinbati tribe, it is an important stronghold of the medicine dragon temple.

Eliza, Luocha and Yang Jun are guarding here.

After several rounds of fighting recently, the forces of the red eye king have basically disintegrated and collapsed into an army, and it is difficult to become a climate again.

There are four blockhouses in the stronghold, which form a square city.

The stronghold should have complete facilities, from medical institutions to war centers.

There are machine guns on the bunker, snipers in the lookout.

It can be said that such a small city is as solid as gold.

Unless a large-scale army attacks, it is impossible for a small group of armed forces to break in.

In addition, the elite soldiers of the medicine dragon temple are all experienced soldiers. They have rich practical combat experience and are very skilled in marching and fighting.

Therefore, as the commander-in-chief, Eliza is a little slack in her usual security work.

Eliza, with blond hair, sat in her bedroom and seemed a little distracted.

In addition to her work, she would sit in an old chair and meditate.

As it was getting late, Eliza looked out of the window at the sunset, and a sad look appeared on her delicate face.


"Is it interesting to sigh and think about that smelly man all day?"

Just then, an impatient voice sounded, and the Luocha woman in tight black clothes twisted in.

Eliza ignored her and leaned lazily down, still looking out of the window.

Wearing a semi naked nightdress, Luocha woman came behind Eliza with a smile, put her jade hand on her shoulder and said with a smile, "you have me. Why do you want that smelly man?"

"Hum!" Eliza rolled her eyes, threw her hands away, got up decisively and walked to the window, "has today's training task been completed?"

"Of course!" A faint resentment flashed in the eyes of Luocha woman, "you don't like me so much? It's been ten years! Since Luocha prison, I've been desperate for you. Don't you have any gratitude?"

Eliza frowned and said in a very decisive voice, "how many times have I said that I don't like women!"

"Orientation can be changed. You haven't tried. How do you know that women are not as good as men?" Luo Cha Mei smiled.

Eliza shivered and said with a dry smile, "all right, Luocha! Brother Yang Jun is still waiting for an action report. Go and prepare quickly!"

"Hum! Take Yang Jun as a shield every time!"

"Brother Yang Jun likes you, you don't know! You haven't tried, how do you know that men are not as good as women?" Eliza gave it back to the Luocha girl in the same tone.

Luocha woman walked out angrily, "OK! I'll try and see what's good about men!"

Eliza was speechless for a while. She shook her head helplessly and murmured, "this goblin is getting more and more difficult!"

It was getting darker and darker outside the window. Eliza lost her mind for a moment. She looked back from the East. As soon as she was about to sit down, she heard the internal telephone ring.

The internal telephone is an emergency line. There are no special things. My men won't disturb me.

Every time the internal phone rings, there is a new war, which makes Eliza's mood tense in an instant.

Answer the phone quickly, and an anxious voice comes from the opposite side.

"Lord Long Jiang, there are a large number of enemy troops approaching 20 kilometers southwest. It looks like an indigenous Legion."

"How many people?" Alisa asked in a deep voice.

"It is observed that at least seven or eight thousand people, as well as tanks and artillery, are coming fiercely!"

Alisa was stunned.

Among the powerful indigenous tribes nearby, only simbati ruled by Naxi manto.

In the past, they and simbati did not invade the river. How could the other party suddenly send a large army to press the border?

In Tiangang District of Feizhou, there is chaos and no rules. Only the gun in hand is right.

Whoever has more people and guns has an advantage.

There are tens of thousands of troops deployed by the medicine dragon temple in Tiangang District, but according to the crowd, the troops are virtually dispersed.

There are only 1000 soldiers in a stronghold at most.

However, with the combat effectiveness of these 1000 people, they can sweep around without any pressure.

Even if you meet the red eyed King's legion, the medicine dragon temple has never lost the array, and the worst is the outcome of equal shares.

So, usually, Eliza doesn't care much about the surrounding developments.

Today, I suddenly received information that Naxi manto's tribe sent troops to attack. It was really beyond her expectation.

Angry Eliza rushed outside.

"Lord Long Jiang, there is an emergency ahead. Several monitoring points have been forcibly dialed by the other party!"

Two medicine dragon soldiers rushed to Eliza, knelt on one knee, with a frozen face and anger in their eyes.

No one has dared to invade the stronghold of the medicine dragon temple so openly.

In Tiangang District of Feizhou, the medicine dragon temple has a transcendent status like the uncrowned king.

In addition to Lin Xiao asking the medicine dragon temple to help those backward tribes and give them real gold and silver, he will also send troops to help them clean up some war.

It can be said that the medicine dragon temple is deeply loved by the tribes in Tiangang district.

"Naxi manto!" Eliza stood at the lookout point, raised her binoculars, watched the mighty Legion pressing in, and said angrily, "this old bastard! How dare you sneak!"

The stronghold is surrounded by mountains on three sides. In the middle is the tall city wall as a bunker.

The surrounding blockhouses are equipped with cannons and heavy machine guns. On the surface, they are as solid as gold.

However, in the face of the ten thousand troops, it is difficult to persist under the forced attack.

Alisa is well aware of the danger she is about to face.

"Come on! Ask for help from other strongholds!"

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