The soldiers and all kinds of logistics personnel in the whole stronghold began to get busy.

More than a thousand soldiers are sorting out their equipment and preparing for battle.

Because the signal had been blocked, the wireless telex could not go out. Another team of scouts directly drove the helicopter to ask for help.

However, even if the nearest stronghold is more than 40 kilometers, there are only five strongholds within a 100 kilometer radius. Even if all of them come for assistance, it will be too late.

"Brother Yang!"

When Eliza comes to the equipment center, Yang Jun has got the news that she is taking the equipment with her personal guards.

The burly Yang Jun was wearing armor and showed only one head. He was telling the soldiers to take the latest ten sets of Titan armor. He looked back and said, "Luocha has gone to mobilize the Legion. Don't worry about weapons and ammunition, but..."

Eliza knows what he's going to say.

The other side has artillery and tanks, which can't be blocked for long by the outer wall alone.

He has cooperated with Yang Jun for a long time. Alisa understands his fighting style. Although he is big and thick, he is actually bold and resourceful.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time..." ELISA sighed. "The enemy is too fierce to sit down and talk!"

"If not, I'll kill it directly!"

Yang Jun meant to take ten soldiers in armor and kill directly into the enemy's array.

But this kind of tactics is enough for ordinary soldiers. If you encounter a real expert, you may fall.

"What are you worried about?" Yang Jun picked up two special steel knives and hung them behind his back. He picked up a submachine gun and said with a smile, "I'm afraid I can't come back?"

"Naxi manto knows our strength very well, but he sent a large army today. He must rely on it! In my opinion, it's better to hold it temporarily and wait for reinforcements to arrive!"

Yang Jun smiled, "don't worry! Naxi manto, an old man, is not so bold. I think I want to talk about conditions when sending troops to the border this time. I'll take someone out and talk to him first! If we can't agree, I'll catch him directly!"

"Talk about terms?" Eliza was slightly stunned.

Yang Jun waved to his men, motioned them to follow behind, then took Eliza out and said, "Naxi manto doesn't have the courage to attack us. There must be someone behind him!"


"I don't know who it is, but I've heard the boss say that there is a supreme wooden tower in our Tiangang district. I suspect it has something to do with this!"

Referring to the supreme wooden tower, Eliza's expression was obviously dignified and worried, "do you mean... The supreme wooden tower is within our stronghold?"

The party walked out of the equipment room. With the headlights on, Yang Jun looked at the mountain behind him, "nine times out of ten! I thought the mountain behind us was strange and very different. Didn't you find it?"

Alisa nodded thoughtfully. "It's really strange that such a mountain suddenly appeared on the great plain with a radius of nearly a thousand kilometers. It was also easy to defend and difficult to attack to establish a main stronghold here at the beginning. Now I think it's really strange!"

"Therefore, their purpose should be the supreme Wooden Tower!"

"I'll go out and talk to them. Of course, everyone will be happy if it can be negotiated. If it can't be negotiated, I'll kill him! Then the people behind will naturally come out!" Yang Jun is very confident.

But Eliza was very cautious and said anxiously, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If you want to talk, you won't send a large army directly. You should send an envoy!"

"Yes!" Yang Jun said in a deep voice, "in any case, their massive aggression must not be ignored. I'm afraid this battle will be very difficult!"

Ten soldiers stood behind Yang Jun, wearing the same style of armor, majestic.

As a golden soldier, Yang Jun's men are also soldiers of silver level. Coupled with full-body armor, it's nothing to defeat 100 with one.

Eleven of them alone have enough deterrence.

What's more, Yang Jun is here for negotiation and may not face each other.

"Brothers! Cheer up! Give Naxi manto the old dog a little shock! Let him know that we are not soft persimmons!"

"Yes!" The neat and loud sound blew on the playground.

The searchlights quickly lit up, illuminating a two kilometer radius in front of the gate of the stronghold.

Far away.

The sound of cars and steps almost caused an earthquake, making waves on the ground spread near.

The enemy is getting closer and closer.

The soldiers in the bunker can already see the dense heads in the distance appear on the ground level.

The last ray of sunshine will fade into the sky, and the dark earth will spread a depressing atmosphere.

"These guys! Come on, really!" The two soldiers guarding the bunker on the left side of the gate were a little nervous.

They have not experienced such a large number of group operations, so it is inevitable that they are a little excited and nervous.

"Naxi manto, that old fellow! Last time he cooperated with the red eye king, he just divided a mineral mountain! The boss doesn't want to embarrass the local people. He really thinks we're bullied? He sent troops to attack directly."

"Hum! Since you dare to come, let the old guy see our strength and let them go!"


"Fuck him!"

"Dare to provoke our medicine dragon temple, I don't know how to live or die!"

In the bunker, the crowd was angry.

On the city wall, the soldiers have arrived at the shooting point one after another, ready to defend and attack.

Yang Jun was ready to go. He took ten elite soldiers and walked out of the gate of the stronghold a moment later.

The plains spread for hundreds of miles are endless, and occasionally some small hillsides and hills are the biggest obstacles.

The mountain behind the stronghold looks very dazzling under this terrain, like a giant lying on the ground.

Yang Jun and others looked very small at the foot of the mountain, but they didn't lose at all.


Two chariots followed, the muzzle raised and the shells loaded.

Several helicopters flew from the horizon and slowly hovered high in the sky. Di Minghui sat leisurely on the edge with a spear in his hand, like a majestic God of war.

A great master, holding a spear, is absolutely invincible in the battle array. Even if the other party has a gun in his hand, it won't help.

Because the great master's reaction was too fast, beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even if the great master can't take the bullet with his bare hands, he can easily avoid the bullet in the case of pre judgment.

Especially in the chaos, the great master was invincible.

Di Minghui's eyes were arrogant. He stared at more than a dozen people coming out of the fort, slowly stretched out his spear and sneered, "surround the stronghold for me first. I want to play with them slowly!"

"Yes!" A commander immediately took command, led a thousand soldiers, began to spread out in formation and wrapped up on both sides of the stronghold.

Several guns were also pulled over and mounted in a very conspicuous position. The muzzle faced the gate bunker. As long as an order was given, anti-aircraft shells would be fired immediately.

The artillery is so powerful that it can easily tear up a city wall.

Seeing that the other party was so well prepared, Yang Jun frowned slightly when he came near.

"Is Naxi manto here?" Yang Jun shouted.

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