
The helicopter hovered in mid air like two strange birds with ferocious faces.

Di Minghui jumped down directly.


At a height of tens of meters, di Minghui landed steadily on the ground, stirring up dust.

Yang Jun's pupil shrinks slightly. By this means alone, he knows that the other party is an expert, at least a top gold soldier.

However, wearing armor, Yang Jun naturally had no fear of the other party. He choked out two long knives and pointed to di Minghui from a distance, "who are you?"

"Hum! What are you? You deserve to talk to childe Minghui?" Just then, Captain Dong Wei with a big beard came out again and said with a sneer, "give me your name first!"

Yang Jun held back his anger and said in a cold voice, "do you want to go to war? Don't Naxi manto know that this is the territory of the medicine dragon king?"

"Medicine dragon king?" Dong Wei sneered, "he's a fart! Today we're going to crush all of you to let you know who is the real king!"

"Hum!" Yang Jun said angrily, "what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Dong Wei rolled his eyes and shouted proudly, "hand over the stronghold immediately, and maybe you can leave alive, otherwise all the living creatures in the stronghold, people, dogs and animals, will not be left!"

"Die!" Ten soldiers couldn't see it anymore. They all stood up and pointed at Dong Wei. They had the impulse to start at once.

The two sides were at loggerheads and the war seemed to break out.

A large number of indigenous soldiers have picked up their guns and aimed at Yang Jun.

Realizing that once the war broke out, the stronghold might suffer disaster, Yang Jun took a deep breath, stared at di Minghui and said in a deep voice, "say it! What do you want in the end."

Di Minghui looked down at Yang Zhan and sneered, "hand over the stronghold, everyone will kneel down in front of the door with their hands tied, and then let your boss Lin Xiao come out to lead people! He kowtowed to me, and I'll let someone go. Is it fair?"

"You, what did you say?" Yang Jun didn't expect that the other party would put forward such conditions, and immediately became angry.

He can be insulted. He can bear humiliation for the safety of the stronghold.

However, insulting the boss is not enough. It is not only his idol, but also his spiritual pillar.

"Can't you understand people?" Di Minghui just wanted to annoy Yang Zhan and continued to ridicule, "otherwise I will send troops to push you flat, and then step on your body and grab the stronghold."

"The result is the same, but the process depends on your performance!" Di Minghui's mouth was full of banter.

Yang Jun was so angry that he knew that the strange Chinese boy in front of him didn't come to negotiate at all, but really wanted to send troops to occupy the stronghold.

"Hum!" Yang Jun was not ready to talk nonsense with the other party. He waved his big hand and said, "catch the boy!"

The other party is obviously the commander. Catch the thief first and catch the king first.


Yang Jun is like a huge mobile machine, carrying the fierce wind roar, straight to di Minghui.

Other soldiers also drew out their weapons and rushed to the enemy line.

The battle starts instantly.


Di Minghui was unmoved and expressionless in the face of Yang Jun's attack.


Yang Jun simply and directly cut two knives and cut them cross.

Even the golden warrior didn't dare to take these two knives, so he had to dodge.

Unfortunately, Yang Jun underestimated Di Minghui's strength.

In a short moment, di Minghui came first and beat the spear in his hand.


Yang Jun flew out at that time.

Bone roll!

Yang Jun turned several times on the ground and looked at di Minghui strangely.

Great master!

A great master is absolutely disastrous for this battle.

Not to mention that the other side has an army of 10000 people, which will destroy the enemy.

Ten soldiers have entered the battle, but they have achieved little in the face of many enemies.

Di Minghui's eyes sank. "Toast, don't eat and punish! Give them a lesson!"


The two commanders quickly mobilized the team and slowly pressed close to the stronghold.

Two tanks roared down on the ground, as the indigenous soldiers pressed towards the stronghold.

Boom, boom!

After a few shots, the dark sky was completely dyed red, and a violent earthquake came from the direction of the city wall.

"Shit!" Yang Jun stood up, and even if he knew he was defeated, he must go up.


A grenade exploded nearby and Yang Jun was overturned again.

The situation on the field became chaotic in an instant.

Ten soldiers protected Yang Jun and fought with the enemy.

Di Minghui looked at the battlefield lazily, sat on the chair moved by his men, and calmly controlled the whole audience.

"Seal the gate of the stronghold for me. I can't let a fly go!"

With di Minghui's order, more indigenous soldiers began to attack.

The pressure on the wall suddenly increased.

Dada dada

Several heavy machine guns were used to suppress it. Several medicine dragon soldiers set up a bit and broke the skin and flesh of the aborigines who rushed to the door.

With two desert eagles in her hands, Eliza stood in the bunker and observed the raging war with binoculars. She found that the enemy was killing like a tide. The situation was very dangerous.

"The left wing pulls out the cannon!" Eliza took the phone and gave a deep order.


The left wing of the city wall soon heard shelling and flames.

"Don't let them come up!" The heavy machine gunman in the left-wing bunker opened fire desperately and shouted to the soldiers guarding nearby, "be careful of grenades!"

Before his voice fell, a grenade exploded nearby.


The two soldiers were instantly torn to pieces.

The blood dyed the heavy machine gunman's eyes red. He shouted, "come on! Give me the clip!"

Dada, dada!

Heavy machine guns shot fire, and bullets reaped the enemy's life desperately.

The successive indigenous soldiers were not timid at all.

These seemingly uncivilized aborigines did not want to die in war and completely obeyed the command of their own commander.

The commander who attacked the left-wing bunker, with a cold face, kept ordering, "everyone, beat down the left-wing bunker for me at all costs!"

Boom, boom!

RPGs exploded wildly into the blockhouse, and fragments of the city wall were scattered and shot.

Many soldiers were affected and their bodies fell like rain.

Di Minghui has been watching coldly. No matter how many people died on both sides, he seems to think it's none of his business.

But it's normal. For Di Minghui, how many people died has nothing to do with him. These people are not his men.

As long as we can take down the stronghold and make Lin Xiaodu panic, we have achieved Di Minghui's goal.

Yang Jun has been waiting for the opportunity to attack Di Minghui. He knows that this boy is the head of the battlefield. Only by killing him can we solve the battle.


Taking advantage of Di Minghui's absence, Yang Jun, who was killed in the enemy group, suddenly turned around and split away with two long knives.


The first two Aboriginal soldiers in the way were cut in half, and the blade didn't stop. They almost came to di Minghui's back in the blink of an eye.

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