
Di Minghui seemed to have a back eye. Just as the tip of the knife was about to reach his neck, the spear in his hand shook gently and blocked it.

Pedal pedal!

Yang Jun, who has a war armor bonus, is close to the top gold soldier. The cutting power of these two knives is less than 2000 kg. Unfortunately, he doesn't even have the qualification to move the other party.

A great master has exceeded the mortal limit, and the inner breathing bonus of Dantian is even stronger, both in strength and defense.

And di Minghui himself is a genius. His use of internal breathing is more terrible. Ordinary great masters are not his opponents, let alone Yang Jun is just an ordinary golden soldier.

Even if there is war armor and Chengdu, it can't.

"Something like an ant!" Di Minghui seemed very upset and ordered Dong Wei, "run over all these bugs to death. I don't want to see them again!"

"Yes!" Dong Wei excitedly took the command and immediately asked those indigenous soldiers who did not start to encircle and suppress Yang Jun and others.

Hundreds of thousands of people rushed to Yang Jun and others, and the battle escalated immediately.

Even with the aid of armour, the two fists can not defeat the four hands. In the face of dense bullets, the soldiers retreat one after another.


A soldier was blown up by a grenade in front of him. At that time, his armor was torn open.

The Bank of thousands of miles collapsed in the ant's nest. With only a small opening, it became the death hole of the other party's attack.

Dada, dada!

A dozen people rushed up and fired at him.

These people have no regard for their lives at all. Even if they are killed one after another, the people behind them still go on.

Finally, the soldier was overwhelmed by the crowd.

"Blow him up!"

An indigenous soldier fired two grenades and rolled down with the soldier in his arms.


The next second, the explosion.

The armor was torn to reveal the flesh and blood of the body.

Pooh Pooh

One after another, indigenous soldiers rushed up, picked up a special spear and constantly inserted it into the broken armor.

The medicine dragon elite soldier died without even a scream.

Yang Jun saw that he wanted to help, but he was besieged by dozens of hundreds of people.

The other soldiers were divided and surrounded.


Another medicine dragon elite soldier was killed by dozens of people.

Alisa on the wall, it's too urgent. Dragging it down will only destroy Yang Jun and others.

"Medicine dragon special attack team! Attack!" Alisa yelled.


A team of two hundred people poured out of the stronghold. They were divided into different formations, such as a sharp knife, inserted into the enemy line.

The indigenous soldiers who attacked the city were scattered and divided into panic.

The medicine dragon special attack team is a team specialized in battlefield killing. They have simple packing, unique skills, and their weapons are the most cutting-edge combat equipment, which can play a strong power.

In modern wars, there are few scenes of these groups rushing to kill.

But in this land, such battles often occur.

No one can believe that such a fierce battle will take place in today's world.

The medicine dragon special attack team played its power and dispersed thousands of people.

"Hum!" Di Minghui was impatient and shouted, "the stronghold of only a thousand people. Can't we attack 10000 people? Order immediately! Attack with all our strength!"


Armed helicopters joined the battle.


The missile carried the smoke tail and fired wildly at the gate of the stronghold.

Boom, boom

Even with iron sheet reinforcement, the gate of the stronghold can be broken into pieces under only one round of volley, exposing the direct passage.

The soldiers guarding the passage immediately pulled out the steel barrier prepared in advance and set up machine guns at the same time.

The armed helicopter roared past and rushed directly to the interior of the stronghold.

The only helicopter in the stronghold flew out for help. The soldiers resisted the attack of the natives on the wall and had no time to take care of the two helicopters.

Moreover, the pilots of the two armed helicopters are highly skilled and can often escape the hail of bullets, and then launch air to ground missiles.

Boom, boom

The interior of the stronghold was caught in a sea of fire.

Alisa was a little anxious and immediately ordered, "shoot down the helicopter!"

Bang bang!

Several snipers began to attack. However, the two armed helicopters were specially reinforced and the steel plate was very hard, and the armor piercing bullets could not penetrate.

"Hum! These two armed helicopters are the trumps of our sinbati tribe. They were originally bought from the field camp of the U.S. special forces and have been specially reinforced. Ordinary bullets don't work at all!"

"Moreover, their firepower is three times that of ordinary armed helicopters, enough to blow the stronghold into a sea of fire!"

A deputy general sent by Naxi manto proudly displayed himself in front of Di Minghui, pointed to the helicopter raging in mid air and deliberately shouted.


Many shells flew into the air and wanted to shoot down the helicopter, but the other party was so agile that an ordinary RPG couldn't hit the other party at all.

"Hum! My helicopter driving skills are beyond your comprehension!" A driver from the United States looked contemptuously at the underground of the stronghold and became more and more arrogant.

Seeing that the two helicopters were becoming more and more rampant and engaged in destruction everywhere in the stronghold, Alisa was worried and shouted at the walkie talkie, "what the hell are you doing, Rocha? Don't you do it yet?"

On the hillside, Luocha woman lay lazily in the corner. She was holding a Barrett. She said faintly, "what's the hurry? The enemy's sniper is looking for a target. I'm exposed now. Isn't that looking for death?"


As the voice of Luocha woman just fell, she had hooked the trigger and a sniper hiding in the enemy camp fell in response.

"Don't worry... There's another one!"

Luocha woman has never started. She was looking for the enemy's sniper.


A few seconds later, another sniper was shot in the head.

At this time, Luo Cha pointed her gun at a helicopter.


Luocha woman's shooting is very sharp. One shot hit the position of the helicopter propeller interface.

A burst of fire came out, the helicopter lost control in mid air and began to spin in chaos.


A few seconds later, the helicopter was smashed to the ground.

The other helicopter seemed to be frightened and fled urgently.

"Want to escape?" Luocha woman chewed gum, her palm was very stable, took aim at the target slowly, and pulled the trigger again.


The two arrogant armed helicopters were all scrapped.

Seeing this scene, the deputy general was stunned and his face was angry, "shit! These bastards..."

Di Minghui was still expressionless and said coldly, "strengthen the attack!"


The deputy general went to the tank and was ready to take the army in personally. At the same time, he ordered the whole army to raid and storm the stronghold.

Yang Jun and others were almost completely submerged.

Up to now, seven of the ten soldiers have died, and the remaining three have formed a small circle with Yang Jun, trying their best to resist the enemy's attack.

The weapons and ammunition had long been consumed, and the armor was dilapidated. If Yang Jun hadn't died, I'm afraid the three people would have been submerged.

"Lord Kong! I can't stand it. Why don't reinforcements come?" A soldier shouted angrily. His mask was half open and was blocking the gap with his arm.

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