Yang Jun is also very helpless.

Even the nearest reinforcements are dozens of kilometers away. If you want support, you can arrive at least half an hour later.

But now it seems that their stronghold can't last for half an hour.

The aboriginal soldiers began to attack like crazy.

The gate was broken, and many enemies poured in. They had started hand to hand combat with the medicine dragon soldiers.

"Hey! That boy, if you surrender now, you can keep your whole body!" Dong Wei shouted at Yang Jun, who was besieged by heavy encirclement, and his arrogance was extremely arrogant.

"Don't be stubborn. The ending won't be rewritten. You only have a dead end!"

"Don't expect someone to save you. Everyone has to die today!"

Yang Jun looked back and saw that it was full of enemies.

These little soldiers around me are all covered in blood and can't last long.

Although the Yaolong special attack team has solved a lot of pressure for them, a team of hundreds of people is not enough to fight thousands of people.

"Shit!" Yang Jun's eyes were as red as blood, clenched his teeth and glared at the slowly approaching enemy, who seemed to be playing cat and mouse. "Even if I die, I will pull all of you as a cushion!"

"Kill him!"

A thousand men growed up and gave orders.

The indigenous soldiers rushed one after another.

A more bitter war is unfolding in the stronghold.

After the gate passage was attacked, two tanks drove straight in, such as into a no man's land.

The tanks in the stronghold began to attack, and the two sides clashed violently in the flesh and blood of the crowd.

Gunfire shook the sky, and shouts of killing came in bursts.


Eliza also joined the battle. The desert eagle in her hand shot without miss, and none of the enemies in front of her could get close.

Bang bang!

The enemy was repeatedly shot down, and Eliza's amazing shooting skills made the indigenous soldiers tremble.

"Lord Long Jiang! The left-wing bunker has been lost!" A group of soldiers fought their way out and joined Eliza.

Eliza quickly turned her head and saw that the bunker on the left had completely fallen into the fire, half of the walls of the fort had been blown up, and countless enemies were seizing the highland and suppressing it internally.

Boom, boom

With several successive gunshots, the gate in the middle of the stronghold was completely blown open, and the city wall was half fallen.

More and more enemies came in.

At present, there was no way but to fight to the death. Eliza took a deep breath and commanded another team of elite 100 person medicine dragon soldiers to fight back and attack the enemy with the help of the complex terrain in the stronghold.

When the stronghold was established, it considered possible battles, so the fortress was surrounded by barriers and traps, which also played a lot of role in resisting.

The sound of gunfire, gunfire and scream intertwined a tragic battle picture.

On the contrary, di Minghui was calm and not nervous at all.

In front of him was a miserable battlefield, but he was like a bystander without any emotion.

"Lin Xiao, ah, Lin Xiao, I don't know what you will think when you see the tragedy now?" Di Minghui felt refreshed and relieved a lot of resentment in his heart.

Thinking of the happy place, di Minghui continued to order and shouted fiercely, "no one is allowed to let go, kill all!"

Dong Wei took command and quickly ran out with his guards to give orders.

The attack became more violent.

More than a dozen cannons were pulled to the front of the array and fired in the direction of the city wall.

Boom, boom!

"Commander long! The right-wing bunker was lost, and a large number of enemies were killed. They went to the Equipment Depot!"

"Dragon general! The flank bunker is lost, and the brothers are dead!"

"No! Lord Long Jiang, the East bunker area is occupied..."

The shouting came out of Eliza's walkie talkie, which made her more and more uneasy.

The eyes were full of the enemy's heads, and her eyes were red with blood.

In the distance, Yang Jun was already fighting alone. More and more enemies surrounded him, making it difficult for him to resist.

If Yang Jun hadn't relied on the strength of the golden soldiers and the assistance of battle armor, I'm afraid he would have been broken into pieces like the ten soldiers.

"Lord Longjiang, we can't stand it!" A medicine dragon soldier in charge of front-line command was covered with blood. He rushed to Eliza and said in a hurry, "please withdraw!"

"Withdraw?" Eliza's eyes were cold. "There is no word retreat in my dictionary!"


"Don't be! The brothers in the medicine dragon temple are all heroes. They are bullied to the head and must fight to the end!" Eliza's eyes are firm. She has been in the dark world for so long. She is famous for her courage to fight and fight. Even if she dies in the end, she can't step back.

"Hey!" The medicine dragon warrior knew the Dragon general's temper, but he still wanted to hold the last glimmer of hope to let her retreat.

More and more Aboriginal soldiers rushed over and surrounded Eliza and her guards.


Suddenly, an enemy who was preparing to sneak attack was shot in the head and blood splashed around, causing everyone to be shocked.

At the top of the hillside, Luocha focused her eyes and kept turning the muzzle. Every shot would reap the life of an enemy.

Bang bang!

Under the command of Luocha women, more and more snipers found their positions and launched a counterattack.

The snipers trained by Luocha women are all sharpshooters with no missed shots.

For a time, the enemy was in chaos, and inexplicable panic floated in his heart. After all, the snipers everywhere had occupied a favorable position, and each bullet came strangely, which was impossible to prevent.

In just a few minutes, the lives of nearly 100 enemies were harvested.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy, the medicine dragon soldiers quickly established a defense line and blocked the enemy near the gate of the stronghold.

The two sides fought a bloody war, which was once very tragic.

Unexpectedly, only a thousand people dragged down the army of 10000 people, which surprised Di Minghui. At the same time, he was a little anxious.

"Waste! A bunch of waste! Dong Wei! What do they eat? Are they all rice buckets?"

Dong Wei, holding a telescope, was observing the war. He was also stunned by the bravery of the medicine dragon soldiers. He was scolded by Di Minghui, and his face turned white. He hurriedly said, "I'll order them to launch a general attack immediately!"

Soon, a thick horn sounded.

This is the exclusive war horn of the indigenous tribes. As long as the horn is together, it is to ask the soldiers to launch an assault.

When major tribes fight, once this horn is sounded, it is a time of life and death. They must end the battle in a short time, otherwise they will be punished.

The aboriginal soldiers seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, as if they had taken stimulants. One by one, they suddenly became brave. The bullets didn't hurt and rushed to the stronghold.

Even the steel barrier that had been prepared for a long time collapsed under the oppression of the army, and the team of the drug dragon temple was compressed again and dispersed backward.

Dada dada

The muzzle of the heavy machine gun became hot due to long-time firing, and the bullet was stuck in the barrel and exploded.


The sudden changes made the situation of the medicine dragon temple more tense.

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