"Dragon general, I can't stand it!"

A medicine dragon warrior roared, causing a panic.

Far away.

Yang Jun was covered with blood. His armor had been broken in many places, and his eyes were red.

However, the enemies in front of us seemed to be inexhaustible and dense.

He had fought countless bloody battles and was once a sharp blade of the country. He had participated in many cruel battles with Lin Xiao.

But the present war was the most difficult one Yang Jun had ever experienced.

We are outnumbered, and there is a great disparity in strength. It is impossible to overturn.

But Yang Jun was unwilling. He didn't want to fall like this.

Bang bang!

These indigenous soldiers also found that as long as they destroyed Yang Jun's armor, even if he was powerful, he would be beaten into a meat sieve by countless bullets.

Many of them were killed. The indigenous soldiers became timid and began to distance themselves and use guns to stop Yang Jun's killing.

The improved Titan armor has improved its defense and mobility.

But the attack intensity is so strong that it won't last long.


The energy transmission system was damaged. Yang Jun only felt his body sink and his hands and feet became stiff, making it more difficult to avoid the enemy's attack.

He was staggering and slow. He was like a passive target, rushing left and right in the battlefield.

Alissa, who has always been concerned about the battle here, can only worry in her heart and can't help at all.

There were eight hundred enemies in front of her, and it was also difficult to resist.

Even if there are hundreds of elite medicine dragons nearby, it is only a matter of time before they are completely defeated.

A thousand medicine dragon soldiers are rapidly diminishing, and their fresh lives wither one after another.

"Brothers! These aborigines want to annihilate us! It's wishful thinking! Even if I die, I have to pull some cushions!"

Suddenly, a burly soldier rushed out, holding a large string of grenades in his hand, frantically rushed to the enemy group and shouted, "brother, I'll go first. See you in the afterlife!"


The violent explosion stirred up a small mushroom cloud.

Dozens of indigenous soldiers were destroyed in the explosion.

Alisa's pupils narrowed hard and her eyes were a little red.

"Brothers! See you in the afterlife! Come on, live! Avenge us!"


Another soldier rushed into the enemy group and chose to die with the enemy!

Dozens of indigenous fighters were wiped out again.

The tragic scene shocked many aborigines. They never thought that these soldiers were so strong.

"Remember my name, Wang Xiaofei!"

"I'm from Xinzhou, Shanxi Province. Avenge me!"

Boom, boom

One after another, people rushed out to explode and paved a way for their brothers to survive with their own lives.

"Dragon general! Get out! Even if you stay, there is only one way to die! It's better to rush out and join with other brothers and then kill them back for revenge!" Alisa was advised.

The brothers in front of us fell one after another.

Less than one third of the team of 1000 people are left.

This number is still rapidly decreasing, and it may be wiped out in less than ten minutes.

Even if Eliza didn't hesitate her life and was not afraid of sacrifice, these brothers followed her and couldn't lose their lives in vain.

Outside the stronghold.

Yang Jun has fallen.

Surrounded by dozens of people.

These aborigines with javelins, murderous, surrounded a circle, with a grim smile on their faces, all of which are the joking expressions of cats and mice.

Yang Jun struggled to stand up, leaned on the ground with two long knives, and shouted hoarsely in the face of dozens of fierce Aboriginal soldiers, "come on!"

The faces of the people changed slightly and stopped at the same time.

This boy is too difficult to deal with. He killed hundreds of them. Even if he is seriously injured now, he is by no means easy to provoke.

No one wants to be countered by the other Jedi at this time and lose their lives in vain.


At this time, di Minghui, who had been impatient for a long time, came slowly, stared at Yang Jun and sneered, "it's a man to hold on for so long, but it's a pity that he still wants to die!"

"Less nonsense!!" Yang Jun straightened his waist, grabbed the knife in his hand and sneered, "it's not certain who will die and who will live!"

"By you?" Di Minghui sneered, "you are not even a fart in my eyes!"

"But..." Di Minghui said, "it seems that you should have a good relationship with Lin Xiao. Maybe it's his brother? It's a pity to die like this!"

Yang Jun frowned and didn't understand each other.

"Otherwise!" Di Minghui said with a smile, "as long as you kneel down and kowtow to me and say that Lin Xiao is a bastard and a shrinking turtle! I'll spare your life, okay?"

"Wishful thinking!" Yang Jun's angry face turned white and shouted, "I'll kill you now!"


Yang Jun, who rushed to di Minghui, recklessly waved his long knife and cut down madly.



Di Minghui stopped it with a spear at will, and Yang Jun's knife flew out from a distance.

Yang Jun felt a strong sense of powerlessness filled his body, which made him extremely humiliated.

"Tut tut tut...... what a pity! With such strength, you deserve to challenge me?" Di Minghui looked back at the battlefield in full swing and said with a contemptuous smile, "see? Your stronghold will soon become a dead city, and everyone will die!"

"Of course, it's not impossible to live. As long as you kneel down and knock your head, I'll let someone go."

Many soldiers who had been captured were pulled over and forced to press on the ground. There were dozens of them.


Di Minghui suddenly started, lightning spear, directly through a person's chest.

The elite soldier of the medicine dragon special attack team stared round. Before he died, di Minghui suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, "I grass your uncle!"

"Hum!" Di Minghui's face was ferocious. He threw him into the air and split his spear vertically. He only heard a puff and split his body in two.


Two corpses were planted on the ground, which had a strong visual impact.

"Knock your head and I'll let one person go! You have three seconds to think about!"

Yang Junru's body trembled violently when he was struck by lightning.

"Three seconds have arrived!"


Di Minghui pierced another man's chest with a spear.

Just lost his mind for three seconds, one of his brothers died in front of him, which made Yang Jun want to crack.

"Not yet?" Di Minghui's smile was like a devil, and the spear was raised again.

Three seconds almost flashed by.


Another soldier died miserably.

"Stop!" Yang Zhan's voice trembled and angrily said, "let them go!"

Di Minghui had no intention of bargaining at all. He silently counted the time. As soon as three seconds arrived, he was stabbed with a spear.

Pooh Pooh

Five soldiers were killed in succession. The strong emotional conflict made Yang Zhan almost unstable.

The spear was raised for the sixth time.

"Wait a minute!" Yang Jun suddenly flopped down on his knees and shouted, "I knock!"

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