Yang Jun, a seven foot man, has never knelt down to anyone.

Today, he doesn't even want dignity for his brothers.

When the soldiers saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned, a strong sense of humiliation flooded their hearts, and everyone's eyes were red.

"Lord Kong, no!" A soldier jumped up like crazy. He didn't care about the sharp knife around his neck. He roared, "don't kowtow to this grandson. Even if we die, we don't want you to kowtow!"


Di Minghui picked up the spear, held the soldier at the tip of the spear, held it high above his head, swept everyone provocatively, and said contemptuously, "don't knock? You'll die if you don't knock!"

"Let them go! I knock!" Yang Jun's eyes were as red as blood. He buckled his head to the ground. When he heard a touch, the ground burst.

"Let them go!"

Yang Jun kept knocking his head.

Bang bang!

Di Minghui was slightly proud, stared at Yang Jun and said with a sneer, "continue to knock, knock one, I'll put one!"

"Fuck you!" A soldier couldn't help it. He jumped up and hit the tip of the knife.


He chose to hang himself!

Other soldiers, with a determined face, did not care about their lives and committed suicide one after another.

Poof poof!

A dozen soldiers committed suicide one after another.

"Stop!" Yang Jun wanted to break up. The reason why he endured humiliation was to let them live.

But he did not expect that these soldiers regarded dignity and honor more important than life. They died one after another without hesitation.

"Lord Kong! Brother, I'll go first!"

"Die rather than surrender!"

In the twinkling of an eye, more than half of the nearly 100 soldiers committed suicide.

Di Minghui was stunned by this scene. His eyes were a little gloomy. He murmured quite unexpectedly, "these bastards! Are they crazy!?"

Yang Jun looked up at the sky and sighed. He stood up slowly from the ground again. His eyes became calm.

Since the brothers are not afraid to die for dignity, he will not give in to live.

"Boss, I'll be a brother in my next life!"


Yang Jun raised his two knives together, proudly looked at di Minghui and sneered, "you will pay a heavy price for what you have done today. Be ready to repent!"

"Huh?" Di Minghui was slightly stunned.

The next second, Yang Jun's knife crossed his neck.


Di Minghui directly stabbed him with a spear, knocked off his knife and sneered, "want to die? Do I allow it?"

"Hum!" Yang Jun seemed to have expected that he would chew his tongue and kill himself when he opened his mouth.


Being watched by a great master, di Minghui couldn't kill himself. He was directly hit by a spear and his breath was stagnant in pain.

"Tie them up!"

More and more medicine dragon soldiers were captured, tied up and thrown in front of Yang Jun.

At the same time, the battle in the stronghold is coming to an end.

Eliza and others were surrounded by the army. Hundreds of people were wounded and could only gather together to help each other.

"You want to kill yourself into benevolence? I won't let you do it!" Di Minghui just wanted to insult Yang Jun happily, and then make a video of the scene to Lin Xiao to make him regret what he did in heaven and Earth City.

"Somebody! Take off his armor! Then take it off and tie it up!" Di Minghui's soft voice made people shudder.

"Asshole!" Yang Jun trembled angrily. Now he would rather die than bear this insult.

"Is it very weak? Very helpless?" Di Minghui said with a faint smile, "if you want to blame yourself for your poor strength, the essence of the world has never changed! From beginning to end, it is the law of the jungle, and the winner is the king!"

"When I find the supreme wooden tower and open the realm of God, everyone will submit to me, not to mention you mole ants! Even if Lin Xiao comes, he will only become a minister crawling under my feet!"


Several indigenous soldiers rushed to Yang Jun, unloaded his armor and prepared to take off their clothes for public display.

Such a great humiliation, the people who look at it want to split their eyes.

Suddenly, a large black spot spread in the distance, which was not conspicuous at first, but when people noticed, the black spot seemed to enlarge suddenly.

"What happened?" Dong Wei quickly picked up the telescope and looked at it. After a while, the boss stared and exclaimed, "is it a helicopter group? Where is the armed helicopter? The sign on it... Five-star military flag?"


There was an uproar in the crowd.

The five-star military flag is the Chinese war flag. It is a combat organization representing the military. How can it appear here.

"What's the ghost's name?" Di Minghui's face sank. He resolutely grabbed the telescope and was frightened by the overwhelming scene.

Dozens of hundreds of armed helicopters lined up in a neat line, which was extremely frightening.

Armed helicopters were followed by dozens of transport planes.

The huge transport plane, like a giant in the sky, covered a large area of light.

What shocked Di Minghui most was that behind those transport planes, there was an incomparably huge ship, like an aircraft carrier flying in the sky.

"That, that's... The flying dragon?" Dong Wei traveled far and wide. After seeing the behemoth, he immediately thought of the flying dragon, a super weapon secretly developed by the Chinese military and capable of fighting across the three lines of sea, land and air.

The flying dragon is only rumored among the people, and we don't believe it at all.

But at the sight of the huge ship today, Dong Wei immediately understood that the flying dragon really existed.

The flying dragon is the size of eight transport planes, with 16 nuclear engines and six spiral blades, carrying the behemoth fast.


Just a few minutes after the ground troops were distracted, paratroopers appeared in the sky.

What is frightening is that, in addition to paratroopers, there are countless tanks and combat vehicles loaded with parachutes, which are crazy to smash down.

Boom, boom

Tanks arrived in the air.

Tens of thousands of heavily armed soldiers came murderously, as if they were Heaven's soldiers and generals, quickly surrounded by indigenous soldiers with endless heroism.

"Well, where did these soldiers come from?" Dong Wei was stunned.

Di Minghui's expression became more and more gloomy. He felt a very depressing atmosphere and couldn't breathe.

Faced with tens of thousands of well-equipped soldiers, even the great master is a little scared.

"Where did these people come from?" Di Minghui shouted angrily.

Dong Wei stammered, "no, I don't know. It should be the Chinese regular army. How can it appear here?"

High in the air, on the flying dragon, Lin Xiao stood by the porthole, looking at the miserable scene on the ground, his eyes were very gloomy.

"General! How?" A five-star general stood in front of Lin Xiao and asked in a deep voice.

Lin Xiao led 100000 elite soldiers, countless tanks and planes, and rushed for help. Unexpectedly, it was still a little late.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's killing machine came to an end.

In this familiar, strange and irregular land, Lin Xiao no longer had any scruples. He ordered in a deep voice, "there is no amnesty for killing!"


Di Minghui saw what was the spectacular scene of ten thousand guns firing at the same time.

The indigenous soldiers in the periphery, only after a round of helicopter volley, killed and injured hundreds of people.

"Run, run... It's the Chinese regular army!" These Aboriginal soldiers seemed to have a natural fear of Chinese soldiers. When they saw the soldiers standing in front of them, everyone panicked.

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