Boom, boom!

The whole night sky was illuminated by the gunfire.

The helicopter formed an encirclement in the air and blocked all the retreat routes of the indigenous soldiers.

Tanks and chariots pushed in, and even an ant couldn't escape.

Tens of thousands of armed soldiers are brave and good at fighting, and the aborigines can't lift their heads.

Di Minghui was a little flustered, and his eyes were very confused. He didn't understand how so many soldiers came all of a sudden.

The besieged Eliza and others in the stronghold have bright eyes. They know very well that there is only one person who can cause such a momentum, their boss, Lin Xiao.

"The boss is coming!"

Cheers came from the audience.

Boom, boom!

The aboriginal soldiers could not resist the devastating attack. They collapsed all the time, and it was difficult to organize an effective attack.

Soon, the Chinese soldiers took the initiative and surrounded all the aborigines.

The huge flying dragon was still floating in the air, and a small transport plane carrying Lin Xiao slowly landed on the ground.

Di Minghui's eyes twinkled. Although he didn't care about ordinary soldiers, he was shocked to see this man from a distance.

"Lin Xiao?" Di Minghui's eyes were cold, and an indescribable anger came to his heart.

What happened in the heaven and earth court turned Di Minghui into a lost dog.

He managed to escape. He thought that cooperating with the dark king could make Lin Xiao fall over and at least relieve his resentment.

Therefore, he would torture anyone related to Lin Xiao.

Because tormenting them can make him feel comfortable and cool.

Unfortunately, after he saw Lin Xiao himself, his arrogance was gone.

The shadow that had been defeated suddenly came to my mind.

Moreover, the fact that Lin Xiao killed the four sides in the heaven and earth court and easily killed the great master made him even more creepy.

Although his mouth was stiff, even his body was stiff after seeing Lin Xiao himself.

"Boss!" Yang Jun, who picked up half his life, ran hard. In addition to surprise, there was extreme anger in his eyes.

"Yang Jun!?" Lin Xiao's pupil shrinks slightly and finds that the other party's injury is very serious. He quickly welcomes him and takes out gold wound medicine to treat his wound.

The whole audience was quiet. The Chinese soldiers were manly and high spirited, and their momentum was overwhelming.

"I'm fine! That bastard killed many of our brothers! Never let him go!" Yang Jun turned back and angrily pointed to di Minghui.

In the crowd, di Minghui was very conspicuous, which made Lin Xiao notice him for the first time.

"Di Minghui?" Lin Xiao was stunned at first, then showed a cruel smile, "Di Wei died, but the little beast escaped. The enemy's road is narrow..."

Being watched by Lin Xiao, di Minghui felt a chill on his back for no reason.

Great master, I have the impulse to escape.

However, nearly ten thousand indigenous soldiers looked at themselves. If Di Minghui escaped as a commander, even if he lived, his reputation in his life would be destroyed.

After all, he is a generation of genius. If he loses, he will not lose. Di Minghui gritted his teeth, walked out of the crowd with a spear and pointed at Lin Xiao from a distance.

In the era of hot weapons, aircraft and artillery were all around. They came out with a spear and shouted. It was a little different.

However, those who know the strength of the great master understand that it may not be difficult to kill 10000 troops with the spear of Di Minghui.

Dong Wei was very confident. Knowing that he was surrounded, he still looked confident and shouted, "do you know where this is? This is the Philippines, a tribal area. Do you want to cause chaos by sending troops from China?"

"This is a real great master in front of you. You can kill you with your breath! If you know what you are, get out of here!"

For the clown, Lin Xiao's eyes were cold. He didn't even look at him. He directly said contemptuously to di Minghui, "you waste! You're a smelly mouse to make trouble so far away! It's not worth dying!"

"Lin Xiao!" Being abused in public, di Minghui thought his genius's heart seemed to be broken. He shouted angrily, "I'm here today to uproot your power and let you understand the consequences of killing my uncle!"

"By you?" Lin Xiao sneered, "before coming, I thought there would be some big people coming. It turned out to be just a little mouse! Call out the people behind you and let me see which grandson dares to move my territory!"



Di Minghui broke out.

Powerful internal breathing swept around and startled a piece of earth fog.

"Yo?" Lin Xiao smiled contemptuously, "no wonder you are so arrogant! You really became a great master? Unfortunately, even if you are the Supreme Master, you have to stay today!"

"Smelly boy! Talk big! You dare to despise childe Minghui. You don't know how to live or die!" Dong Wei also hopped like a flea, strengthening Di Minghui's prestige.


Lin Xiao suddenly raised his hand and a sharp light split away.


Dong Weina has seen the profound Kung Fu of breathing inside and breathing outside and gathering Qi as a blade. At that time, he was hit in the chest by Juli and thrown out like a broken kite.


In mid air, Dong Weicai screamed, and the whole person was stunned.

"What, what?" Di Minghui escaped early. He didn't know that Lin Xiao had reached the top level of the great master. He could breathe inside and outside and hurt people in the air. He was stunned.

Even though Di Minghui has always boasted that he is the first genius in the world, his self-confidence is shattered at the moment.

"Di Minghui! Kneel down, kowtow, admit your mistake, call out the master behind you, and I'll leave you a whole corpse! Otherwise, divide the corpse into five horses and scatter your broken meat all over the heaven and Earth City, so that you will die in peace!"

"Asshole!" Di Minghui rushed out desperate, "I'll fight with you!"

A great master has to work hard. The momentum is terrible enough. The storm alone makes many people turn their horses upside down.

Lin Xiao did not change his face. Yuan stopped at Yuezhi and didn't panic at all. It seemed that he was just a worthless bug.

"Overestimate your strength!" Lin Xiao smiled contemptuously. Suddenly, his wrist was slightly raised and a white light rose into the sky.


Lin Xiao had a snatched laser sword in his hand. With his internal breathing and strength, he cut off the air, formed a vacuum within the track range, and hit Di Minghui's spear heavily at the same time.

Di Minghui's spear is a sacred object enshrined in the tribe. It is a powerful weapon bought by the chief in China at a high price. It is said that it is made of black iron in the sea and is indestructible.

When Di Minghui took it, it was even more powerful. It was no problem to cut gold and iron. It turned into fragments at the moment of touching Lin Xiao's laser sword.


Lin Xiao's sword is not only extremely sharp, but also has a shock force.


The concussion force affected Di Minghui, so that he couldn't hold the spear handle at all and took off his hand in an instant.


In the next moment, the force drilled into di Minghui's palm along the handle of the spear, made him scream, and queen Cang withdrew.

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