Lin Xiao turned back slowly at this time. He smiled contemptuously at the corners of his mouth and said to the void, "are you finally willing to come out?"

Di Minghui is an immortal genius, a young great master, who should be a treasure at any time.

The dark king also knows this.

If Di Minghui really had an accident, she would not spare herself.

Even though the dark king is not afraid of the saint, he still needs to rely on the saint's help for many things in the future, so he endured for a long time and finally did it.

I don't know when the dark king appeared in the battlefield, like a ghost.

"Where did it come from?"


"What happened?"

The soldiers cried out one after another. They looked at the dark king who was ten meters in front of Lin Xiao. They felt like they had seen a ghost.

Even Lin Xiao was surprised.

What means did the dark king use to quietly pass through tens of thousands of troops and come near.

"Dark king?" Lin Xiao stared at the dark king. His eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "I underestimate you!"


The dark king knew Lin Xiao's strength, but he didn't care. There was no fear in his words. He pointed to di Minghui and said, "give me the man and I'll withdraw immediately!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "do you think you have the ability to retreat safely?"

"Hum!" The dark king answered Lin Xiao's question with practical action.


In the blink of an eye, the dark king's body disappeared.

Lin Xiao felt the dark force surging in front of him and subconsciously raised his hand to fight back.


A faint, nearly transparent shadow quickly receded, and then showed the shape of the dark king.

Lin Xiao was very surprised. When he saw clearly the armor worn by the dark king, an incredible feeling spread.

"Stealth suit?"

High tech products that can temporarily distort light and achieve the purpose of "invisibility" have always been in the research program of the Chinese military.

I just didn't expect that the dark network was first developed and really put into use.

Although this kind of invisible combat clothing can't last for a long time, it's very easy to sneak attack people as a special purpose for combat.

With the strength of the great master of the dark king and the blessing of invisible battle clothes, even Lin Xiao can't do anything about him.

"You know!" The dark king sneered, "let's make a deal and let Di Minghui go. I'll leave right away! Moreover, I'll tell you the location of the supreme wooden tower. You won't lose in this deal!"

Lin Xiao still needs half a map to get the whereabouts of the supreme wooden tower.

And that half of the map is in Naxi manto's hands.

If the dark king handed it over now, it would save him a lot of things.

Although Lin Xiao was unwilling to let Di Minghui go, he also felt that the deal was very cost-effective.


Of course, Lin Xiao couldn't have let him go and kicked him in the abdomen.


"Ah!" Di Minghui flew up in the air, screamed, and fell at the feet of the dark king like a dead dog.

Lin Xiao ruined Di Minghui's Dantian, which was more cruel than killing him.

The corner of the dark king's eye pulled hard, endured his anger, helped Di Minghui up, and resolutely threw out a piece of yellow rag.


Lin Xiao took half of the map in his hand, glanced at it roughly and knew it was true. He smiled and said, "you can go away! Next time we meet, either you die or I live!"

"Hum!" The dark king took Di Minghui, quickly retreated, and then fled like a ghost.

The remaining indigenous soldiers were in constant fear.

Captured by the army, life and death are unknown. These people don't even dare to breathe.

Lin Xiao didn't want to embarrass these ordinary aborigines, so he asked Yang Jun to arrange and escort them back to the simbati tribe, and asked Naxi manto to hand over a golden mountain to redeem people, otherwise he would send an army to wipe out the whole tribe.

The stronghold was almost destroyed, and at least half of the Legion of 1000 people died, resulting in heavy losses.

However, the loss of aboriginal tribes was even greater. More than 3000 people died in the 10000 troops, and others were injured.

The battle effectiveness of the medicine dragon temple was so powerful that it caused a lot of sensation when it spread to other tribes.

Originally, many tribes were watching. Once Naxi manto succeeded, they would unite to send troops to completely destroy the drug dragon temple.

Unfortunately, reality hit them hard in the face.

Tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers have frightened them.

Naxi manto is very obedient. He knows that those who know current affairs are heroes. Now working against Lin Xiao will only usher in destruction.

It cost a lot to hand over a golden mountain, but Naxi manto agreed.

Lin Xiao commanded the regiment and rebuilt the destroyed stronghold.

Three days later, the stronghold took on a new look.

All the negative effects of the war have been eliminated, except that there is still a smell of blood in the dry air, which makes people uncomfortable.

The medicine dragon army began to attack and occupy the territory of Tiangang district like chicken blood again.

Lin Xiao combined the whole map and finally determined the location of the eighth supreme wooden tower, which was in the hinterland of the mountain behind the stronghold.

"Boss, we won't open the mountain, will we?"

Although the peak is low, it is also hundreds of meters. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to dig such a large mountain.

"Directly blow up the mountain!" Lin Xiao made a decision immediately.

The supreme wooden tower is the top priority. We must get it as soon as possible. If we delay it, I'm afraid there will be other changes.

Blow up the mountain.

Easier said than done.

Professionals are required to place explosives all over the mountain, and then blow up the mountain one by one.

The sound of mountain bombing sounded in the dark.

Huge flames filled almost the whole sky.

Eliza and Luocha women went on the flying dragon with Lin Xiao.

The most powerful space carrier of the Chinese military appeared in front of people for the first time, causing a great sensation.

There were many international comments, and they were stunned by the advanced flying dragon.

"Boss, have you really become a general?" Alisa still can't believe it.

The supreme commander of the Chinese military is more important than a great master.

Because this commander is not in vain, he can mobilize millions of powerful divisions and all military forces, which is much stronger than the power of the medicine dragon temple.

With the help of the army, Lin Xiao's reputation has risen, and he has more confidence to fight against the evil house.

"Let's not talk about this first," Lin Xiao obviously didn't feel much about what general. He smiled. "Find the supreme wooden tower as fast as possible in case it changes!"

Lin Xiao believed that the dark king would not give up, and might suddenly use tricks when they were about to succeed.

"Don't worry! The mountain will explode in three days!" Eliza is very confident.

Boom, boom

The explosion continued for three days and nights.

A high mountain of several hundred meters has been cut in half, and a huge passage has been opened down.

Lin Xiao stood at the edge of the mountain, looked at the bottomless hole, and asked in a deep voice, "have you found the specific location?"

Wearing war clothes, standing next to Yang Jun nodded slowly, "I found it, but I found a thorny problem..."

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