Lin Xiao looked back at him. "What's the problem?"

Yang Jun took out a detection table and gave it to Lin Xiao. "Boss, there is magma at the bottom of the mountain. If the supreme wooden tower really exists, it will only be in the magma. Do you think it is possible?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao quickly grabbed the detection table and looked. According to the data report, the change of underground temperature is very abnormal. According to the data analysis, nine times out of ten, it will be magmatic flow.

The mountain in front of us is not a volcano, but magma flows underground. The probability of this happening is very small. At present, it is indeed incredible.

No wonder when you stand at the mouth of the cave, there will be bursts of slight heat waves. It turns out that magma is causing trouble.

"It's difficult," Lin Xiao mused. "The magma temperature is so high that ordinary steel will be melted in. It's almost impossible to enter the exploration tower."

"Boss! Can't the supreme wooden tower have been melted? The underground iron is vaporized in such a hot place!" Yang Jun was very worried that they spent a lot of energy to dig through the mountains, and finally the supreme wooden tower disappeared. That would be a joke.

Lin Xiao was also worried.

However, he thought that the supreme wooden tower had been standing for thousands of years, which was enough to show its special material.

Moreover, Lin Xiao once tried that it was very difficult to destroy the wooden tower structure.

When looting treasure in the Sahala desert, so many legions attacked, and the wooden tower experienced a hail of bullets without any damage, indicating that its material is enough to deal with most disasters.

"It should be all right..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath. "Find a way to detect the situation under the magma and see where the wooden tower is!"

"Good!" Yang Jun nodded. "It seems that he wants to contact Yang Hui. This boy has the best means to deal with this scene!"

Several five-star generals approached and stood respectfully behind Lin Xiao.

"General Lin! We have arranged troops to block the tribe of Naxi manto. What should we do next?"

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold. "Naxi manto has been making trouble at the border. There are not 1000 but 800 mercenaries under him, and tens of thousands of Aboriginal soldiers. This time, he just took the opportunity to wipe them out. Go talk to him, hand over the military power, break up the tribe, and you can live, otherwise..."

Lin Xiao made an impulse to wipe his neck.

If you want to mobilize Chinese troops, you can't do it without a legitimate reason.

It happened that Naxi manto wanted to die himself. He often sent some mercenaries to make trouble at the border, and Lin Xiao caught him.

In this way, Lin Xiao had an excuse to send troops and cleared away obstacles for himself.

"I see!" Several five-star generals understand that this is a great opportunity for them to make achievements.

This is called wiping out foreign aggression. It is a great achievement to flatten Naxi manto.

Lin Xiao was too lazy to take care of Naxi manto's affairs, because the other party had no chance to resist under the encirclement and suppression of the Chinese army.

He is now bent on exploring what is going on under the magma.

Before long, Dongfang Yanghui came with the team.

After detection, the supreme wooden tower still exists underground. According to the data, it is just in the place with the most active magmatic activity.

The good news is that the supreme wooden tower is intact.

The bad news is that trying to enter the magma center to get treasure is tantamount to a dream.

Stronghold equipment warehouse.

Lin Xiao wore a suit of external armor and was ready to go down to the mountainside to have a look. After all, seeing is believing. Seeing the actual situation can make the best solution.

"I'll go with you!" Eliza did not know when she had finished dressing and stood at the door.

Lin Xiao was a little surprised. "What are you doing? Stay at the stronghold!"

"I'm familiar with here, and I know an internal mountain road. Maybe I can find a way down!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes.

Alisa smiled and mused, "I didn't think that mountain road was useful before. Now I find it or can help."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Lin Xiao walked out unhappily. "Didn't you say such a big thing earlier? I don't know what you think!"

Alisa smiled awkwardly.

When she came to the back mountain, a huge pit was in front of her, but Alisa walked in the opposite direction. There was a cliff.

As the cutting position is the thinnest part of the mountain range, the cliff is naturally preserved. According to the mining personnel, the structure of the cliff is very special, and the rock is mixed with rare metals, which is very hard.

"When I was free before, I went to the top of the cliff to enjoy the moon and accidentally found the channel."

"Enjoy the moon?" Lin Xiao looked confused, "you really have leisure!"

With her blond hair flying in the wind and a trace of resentment on her exquisite and beautiful face, Eliza said unhappily, "what's the matter with enjoying the moon? I've been guarding this barren land all day. I don't even have a speaker. Can't I enjoy the moon?"

"Isn't there a Luocha woman?" Lin Xiao smiled strangely.

"Don't mention her!" Alisa was angry. "What does she think you don't know? She blocked me!"

"In fact, I think you two are quite suitable," Lin Xiao joked. "Why don't you try?"

"Get out!" Eliza stared at him and quickly came to the cliff. "Stop talking nonsense! Don't you want to find out? Come with me!"

They climbed up the cliff back and forth and climbed towards a dark place full of weeds.

I couldn't see it on the mountain. I climbed up and found a cave.

"There is really a channel!" Lin Xiao was very surprised.

The passage in front of us was not formed naturally, but cut the day after tomorrow. The mountain walls on both sides were smeared with a layer of rare putty, and some strange patterns were engraved on it.

"This passage goes directly to the ground!" Eliza took the torch and led the way.

Lin Xiao smiled angrily. "Since you knew this passage earlier, why didn't you say it in advance? I dug up all the mountains before you said it?"

"Actually..." Eliza hesitated for a few seconds. "It's not that I don't want to say, but that I think it's very strange. Strange things always happen. I'm afraid of something!"

"What's strange? It's crazy." Lin Xiao stared at her, "are you still haunted?"

"Almost," was originally just Lin Xiao's joke, but Alissa was very serious. She walked forward carefully and said, "I've come in twice before, and I've encountered a dark shadow. The speed is so fast that I can't even catch it by the camera!"

"Shadow?" Lin Xiao became vigilant, "what?"

"If I knew it, I wouldn't be so afraid," ELISA gritted her teeth. "I had nightmares about it for a whole month. I couldn't sleep every night because of the dark shadow!"

"As for?" Lin Xiao took a few steps and came to Eliza. "I'll go ahead! I'll see what's strange here."

They walked deep into the passage.

With entering the bottom of the mountain, the air is getting hotter and hotter, and you can even feel the magma surging around.

"It wasn't so hot before..." Alisa wiped her sweat, closed her helmet mask and turned on the thermostatic system, which made her more comfortable.

Armor needs energy supply. Before she meets danger, Alisa doesn't want to waste energy, but it's too hot now.

Lin Xiao doesn't have much heat. His internal breathing is very strong. He can spontaneously form a body protecting Qi Gang to keep from being attacked by fire and heat.


Suddenly, just as they turned a corner of almost 90 degrees in the channel, a dark shadow flashed in front of them like a ghost.

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