The moment he saw the shadow, Lin Xiao moved.

The passage is very narrow, and the speed of the shadow is also very fast, as if it came out of the wall. It looks terrible.

Eliza's breathing became obviously rapid, and she followed Lin Xiao to rush towards the dark shadow.


Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao couldn't catch up with the shadow at his speed.

The dark shadow seemed to collide on the mountain walls on both sides of the channel for a few times, and then disappeared. It was strange and deadly.

"What?" Lin Xiao stopped and asked.

Eliza obviously saw that Lin Xiao had come into contact with the shadow and quickly asked, "you just collided with it. Don't you feel it?"

"It feels very slight!" Lin Xiao frowned, "armor feedback is not obvious!"

Lin Xiao wore armor and had almost no feeling of that degree of collision, just like being blown by the wind.

"Isn't it really a ghost?" Although Eliza is an atheist, she feels confused at the moment.

"That's strange!" Lin Xiao was aroused by interest and walked down. "Keep walking! I don't believe in evil!"

They moved on again.

Be more careful this time.


The heat wave came on my face.

Due to the chiseling through the mountain, the underground magma becomes more active. Even if you are in the mountain and wrapped very tightly, you can still feel the muggy getting stronger and stronger.

According to the distance, it has probably reached tens of meters deep underground, and should stop at a position infinitely close to the magma.

The passage suddenly became wider. What appeared in front of us was a cave with four links and eight major caves.

"Who would open such an underground passage?" Lin Xiao was more and more surprised.

"Do you think this passage will go directly to the supreme wooden tower?" Eliza hesitated, "with the power of magma, even gold and stone can melt. I don't believe the wooden tower can exist for thousands of years!"

"Perhaps, deep in this passage is the wooden tower, isolated from the magma! The magma is just a barrier to protect the wooden tower!"

Lin Xiao groped forward and said casually, "it's possible, but... There's no way now!"

Alisa was stunned and looked forward subconsciously.

Although there are several extended channels in the cave in front of us, we can see the end clearly. The end is just a storage room.

There should have been more than one person here long ago.

Each stone chamber was covered with dust, and some stone bottles and cans were piled up in it.

"There are words here!"

Just then, Eliza exclaimed.

Lin Xiao rushed over and saw a line of Chinese carved on the wall.

"The wooden tower is opened, the supreme being is born, the vitality is surging, and demons are rampant!"

"What do you mean?" Eliza felt like she was reading a novel and confused.

Lin Xiaoshun looked down at the handwriting and found that words were engraved on other walls, all in Chinese.

Especially on one wall, the engraving is very deep. It can be seen that it is hard carved by the other party with his fingers.

It's a great strength to carve a few inches deep seal on this special stone mountain wall. At least it's an expert at the grand master level.

Lettering is intermittent. It should be done casually and has no meaning of systematic continuity.

"The wooden tower cannot be opened!"

"Mortals and worldly things are like mole ants. They have their own operating rules!"

"Space time barrier, just behind the wooden tower."

"A paradise... A pure land... The day is lost."

Alisa was stunned. "What a mess?"

Lin Xiao's expression became more and more gloomy, and he said faintly, "the military headquarters has information that the seven wooden towers that have been opened are leading a powerful energy cycle. They speculate that once the eighth wooden tower is opened, the energy will increase geometrically."

"This energy should be... Vitality!" Lin Xiao took a deep breath, "the power that the great master dreamed of!"

Only the great master can mobilize the inner breath of Dantian. Although Eliza knows something, she can't feel it at all.

"Boss! I understand what you mean. You mean that after the eight wooden towers are opened, their vitality will soar. In this way, more great masters will appear, right?"

"That's what I mean," Lin Xiao nodded. "In our understanding, super soldiers have always been the most powerful combat power in the world. When their physical strength reaches the peak, there is no possibility of progress."

"If you want to improve your strength, you can only practice internal breathing. The thicker the internal breathing, the stronger the strength!"

"Unfortunately, it's hard to produce a great master in this world. Do you know why?" Lin Xiao stared at the seal as if he were talking to himself.

Eliza looked puzzled and said, "maybe it's because the strength concentration is not enough to provide enough energy to support Dantian to form internal breathing?"

"Although what you said is not completely right, it basically means so!"

Lin Xiao continued to look aside and found that the inscriptions were becoming more and more mysterious, and there were even some meanings that he couldn't understand.

"Break... Pass... None... Destroy."

A strange smell came to Lin Xiao's face, which made Lin Xiao shudder.

"What does this space-time barrier mean?" Eliza didn't understand the lettering at all, so she had to ask one by one.

Lin Xiao didn't understand either. He could only guess, "maybe this eighth wooden tower is very important. Maybe it will cause extraordinary things after it is opened."

"It's weird, boss. Do we really want to open the last supreme wooden tower?" Alisa was said to be creepy.

Lin Xiao said with a wry smile, "what if you don't open it when you're here? Even if there's a sea of swords and flames ahead, I'll have a try!"

"The evil house is unfathomable, and the dark king is ready to move. The number of their supreme puppets is surpassing us. If they can't control it, it will be a devastating disaster!"

"I heard the elder of the heaven and earth Academy say that the evil academy is planning to launch a war recently, which is no small matter. Although I left Green Mao and unbeaten several supreme puppets in the heaven and earth academy, I always feel uneasy..."

"Therefore, this supreme wooden tower must be succeeded!"

Lin Xiao touched the inscriptions and marveled at each other's deep skills again.

The person who used to live in the cave should be a top expert, but now the building is empty, and there is not even a trace.

Alisa said in a deep voice, "when I found this passage, there was no trace of people walking through the hole. I guess the people inside have never gone out!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "where's the man?"

"How do I know?" Eliza glanced. "I'm just sharing the information with you!"

Lin Xiao scanned the whole cave again and said, "since he didn't go out and left no bones, nine times out of ten there are secret roads in the cave. Maybe it's really related to the wooden tower!"


Lin Xiao immediately buried himself in looking for the secret way.

Yang Jun, with a large number of soldiers, guarded the excavation points outside, anxiously waiting for Lin Xiao's news.

He found that the underground magma seemed to have a tendency to erupt, and there were signs of being arched by foreign objects at the bottom of the shallow cave that had not been dug through.


Suddenly, the whole mountain trembled slightly, as if some monster was repressed in the deepest place and was slowly waking up.

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