Lin Xiao and Eliza were unsteady and staggered a few steps.

"Earthquake?" Lin Xiao's heart jumped.

Eliza subconsciously grasped Lin Xiao's arm and asked anxiously, "isn't it the magma that is about to erupt? There is no possibility of escape in this place, in case..."


Just then, a dark shadow appeared again. This time it was faster and jumped straight at Lin Xiao.


This time, Lin Xiao made his equipment and raised his hand to shoot the shadow.

The size of the shadow is about the same as that of cats and dogs, and its body is slender and round.


The shadow seemed a little anxious. He didn't choose to escape in the face of the counterattack. He bumped into Lin Xiao without any fancy, but turned out directly.


Lin Xiao rushed over with an arrow step, and without hesitation explored his hand to grasp it.


The shadow screamed like a mouse.

"What?" Alisa's scalp tingled with the scream.


After being grasped by Lin Xiao, the shadow struggled desperately. Its teeth were very sharp. It bit on the armor and made a frightening friction sound.

"What the hell is this?" Lin Xiao approached the torch and immediately met a pair of black green eyes with red dots.

It can be said that in addition to the eyes, the shadow's body is small and terrible, perhaps only the size of a dog's tail.

With a pair of eyes on a dog's tail, you can imagine that this strange creature has never been heard of.


The little monster struggled desperately and screamed repeatedly. Lin Xiao was upset by the noise, so he had to give it a hard hand and crush it in an instant.

Fresh blood splashed everywhere, and those eyes dimmed.

At this time, Eliza dared to approach and observe, and said with lingering fear, "it's terrible! It's like a mutant mouse! But it's much faster, I've never seen it before!"


The mountain shook more and more violently, and they almost couldn't stand stably.

At this time, a secret door was probably due to age. It lost its effect in the vibration and opened suddenly.

"Go!" Lin Xiao took Eliza and rushed straight in.


Unexpectedly, there is a deep well straight down behind the secret passage.

They suddenly lost weight and felt their scalp numb.

"Ah!" Alisa screamed.


It took five or six seconds to land on the ground.

If it wasn't for the armor, even Lin Xiao would have to fall half to death.

There was a great fire in front of us.

"No! It's magma!"

Lin Xiao was surprised.

Cracks like bead nets appear on the mountain walls in all directions, and a large amount of magma is rushing out.

The temperature in the air rose sharply, and there was a distorted state in front of us.

Lin Xiao quickly identified the direction and found that the passage was difficult to walk. There was a stone arch just enough for one person to pass through.


this matter should not be delayed.

Lin Xiao didn't care what danger there would be at the end of the passage. He took the lead and the wind generally rushed over.

One by one, the two quickly passed through the hot magma area.

Magma flow is spreading at your feet, and the magma on both sides is constantly spewing out. The air waves come to your face and hit on the armor, which makes people tremble.


Even though armor is made of the latest alloy materials, it still tends to melt in the face of magma up to thousands of degrees.

Time does not wait. According to the current state, the armor will be completely destroyed in less than two minutes.

Flesh and blood are in the magma, and even the supreme can't stand it.

The mountain erupted.

Yang Jun fled in a hurry with all the soldiers. Huge stones kept rolling down and filling the huge hole just dug out.

"The boss is still inside!" Dongfang Yanghui rushed up the mountain pass, holding a precise data in his hand, shouted to Yang Jun, "the magma is about to erupt, you take the soldiers away immediately!"

"What do you do?" Yang Jun ran forward and found that Dongfang Yanghui ran towards the vibration center instead. He asked anxiously, "what are you doing?"

"There's something wrong underground. I'll find a way to inform the boss. The supreme wooden tower will never move!"

"What, what?" Yang Jun was stunned. "Look at this, the boss is almost successful. You said you can't move? What the hell?"

Dongfang Yanghui didn't care to explain to Yang Jun and shouted angrily, "let you go!"


While talking, an armed helicopter flew up from the foot of the mountain and hovered over the head of Dongfang Yanghui. He resolutely jumped up and pointed to the direction of the cliff, "go to the cliff!"

"Shit!" Yang Jun knew that the matter was urgent. It didn't help him to stay. It was urgent to withdraw everyone, so he stamped his feet and rushed down the mountain.

The helicopter staggered and rushed to the top of the cliff. Dongfang Yanghui took out a strange instrument like a landing camera and inserted it at the top of the peak.


Several blue lights came out from the top of the machine and activated some kind of communication device.


The signal was sent out, taking the peak as the central point, covering the sky and the earth with a radius of five kilometers.


Dongfang Yanghui ordered war a communication device and said urgently, "boss! Boss, can you hear me?"

Armor has a special communication frequency band.

Dongfang Yanghui transformed it into laser spectrum communication, which can penetrate even thousands of meters of mountains.

Lin Xiao and Eliza are running for their lives.

Magma billowed from behind without stopping.

The power of nature is hard to resist.

Facing the turbulent lava flow, Lin Xiao had only one word in his mind: "escape.".

Fortunately, they finally escaped from the passage and came to a very wide place under the ground.

It was beyond their expectation that there could be such a spacious place under the ground.

Behind him, the magma rolled in and there was no way back.

At this time, a wooden tower slowly appeared in the fog.

"Supreme Wooden Tower!" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and rushed at Eliza.

In this situation, maybe only entering the wooden tower can save your life.

Hiss, hiss

The communication system of war armor started, and the voice of Dongfang Yanghui came faintly.

"Boss! Don't open the wooden tower! I have detected very powerful energy. Once it is opened, I'm afraid it will cause disaster!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao stopped warily and asked in a deep voice.

If someone told Lin Xiao so, he might hesitate whether it was right or not.

But Dongfang Yanghui's warning made him very cautious.

Dongfang Yanghui has always been at the forefront of mankind in scientific and technological research. He is very thorough in the research of laser, nanotechnology and quantum science.

As long as you give him time, Dongfang Yanghui can create really powerful scientific and technological weapons.

Therefore, Lin Xiao trusts Dongfang Yanghui very much.

He said there might be a problem, then there must be a problem.

"I detected that there is a very powerful force inside the supreme wooden tower, which seems to be suppressed by some machine. Once it is opened, it will rush out and merge with the energy cycle of the other seven wooden towers. At that time, the whole earth will be covered by this energy!"

"Covered by vitality?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

For martial artists, it is the happiest thing that the whole earth is covered by vitality. How can it be a disaster?

Dongfang Yanghui obviously has something to say later.

"Boss! This energy will not only cover the earth, but also continue to grow, and even attract homologous energy from outer space. I'm afraid of an accident!"

Even if what Dongfang Yanghui said was more obscure, Lin Xiao heard something different.

He looked at Eliza and said in unison, "extraterrestrial civilization?"

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