Although this speculation is very unreliable, the meaning of Dongfang Yanghui is very obvious. It is indeed possible.

Behind him is rolling magma, and ahead is a serious warning.

Lin Xiao hesitated whether to open it or not.

It may save one's life, but it is more likely to cause great disaster.

If it doesn't open, it can only be swallowed up by magma, and then it will disappear.

"Boss! People are dying. What kind of disaster or not? Besides, Yanghui may just be alarmist. What kind of disaster can there be? If it's really full of vitality, it's a great good thing!" Alisa looked at the approaching magma in horror and urged, "can't we lose our lives for an unrealistic guess?"

Lin Xiao hesitated. He knew the essence of the world better than others.

The huge nuclear reactor at the bottom of the Qiankun academy is simply not a product that human technology can make at present.

And puppet supremacy, which is more like an extremely advanced scientific and technological weapon.

The core of the puppet supreme puppet is like a miniature nuclear reactor, so it can provide incomparably powerful power.

If what Dongfang Yanghui said is true, after opening the eighth wooden tower, it will attract the homologous energy from outside the earth, it means that there is really an extraterrestrial civilization.

This possibility is not without.

Between lightning and flint, Lin Xiao's thoughts turned countless times.

"Boss!" Alisa hurried anxiously.

Wow, wow

Magma gushed in.

The temperature rises again, the armor surface has melted, and the constant temperature system will fail.

"If it is true as Yanghui said, we may be the sinners of the whole mankind!" Lin Xiao smiled bitterly.

"Why do you care so much?" Eliza cried, "it's important to save your life first! If you lose your life for an unrealistic guess, that's the sinner!"

"Go!" In spite of this, Eliza directly picked up Lin Xiao and rushed to the wooden tower.

Lin Xiao is also helpless. Now this situation can only be fought. After all, life is important.

The wooden tower is 100 meters away. Eliza turns on the armor power, such as an arrow leaving the string, and comes to the door in just a few seconds.

Lin Xiao was very familiar with the mottled gate. The big lock was intact without any sign of opening.


Eliza made a quick decision and broke the lock with a knife.


Up to now, we can only break through.

The tower was dark.

The central pillar seemed to be pulled and rotated slowly.


The door of the wooden tower is closed.


The windows on the tower also began to be closed, and the mechanism in the tower opened.

"This wooden tower is different from other towers," Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, staring at the rotating iron column. "Be careful later and take action according to my instructions!"

"I know!" Eliza took out two specially made desert eagles and became vigilant.


The magma pounced on the tower and finally stopped castration.

If you look outside, you will find that the whole tower is covered and submerged by magma.

It was just frightening that the supreme wooden tower showed no signs of damage and completely withstood the invasion of magma.

Lin Xiao had no time to pay attention to the changes of the tower. The rotation of the central iron column stopped, and a secret door appeared on the column.


They quickly stepped in, and the secret door slid down like an elevator.

Woo woo

I don't know how long it took. After diving for more than ten seconds, the secret door stopped slowly.

It suddenly opened up.

The secret door of the mechanism overhead was also closed, and the magma did not flow in.

They escaped for a while.

"That was a close call!" Eliza breathed a sigh of relief, opened the armor mask and took a hard breath. Then she looked around the bright.

This is the interior of a magnificent palace.


There are four giant pillars in the hall, with four green dragons circling around, which is not dignified.

There was no sign of dilapidation in the whole hall, but it was glittering and spotless.

"Curious!" Lin Xiao observed carefully. After sweeping all directions, he found something unusual. He said in a deep voice, "it seems that someone has been cleaning here. Why is there not even a little dust on the column?"

"Yes!" Eliza was also very strange, "it's reasonable to say that the Palace should have been dilapidated for so long, but now..."


Suddenly, Eliza screamed, as if she had seen something incredible.

I saw Eliza's hand inadvertently inserted into the "stone pillar", but now the surroundings are empty and there is no real object at all.

"Is this... Multidimensional projection?" Lin Xiao stared in surprise, "this projection is too advanced, false can be confused with true!"

They made a quick turn in the hall and found that all the resplendence was an illusion made by advanced multi-dimensional projection.

This extremely advanced technology only exists in the theoretical model of the laboratory. It will take at least decades to complete the actual operation.

Although it is not a super era invention, it is the most surprising place to use it in a historic site thousands of years ago.

"Boss, come and see!"

Just then, Eliza found something different.

Lin Xiao rushed to Eliza's position step by step.

I saw a skeleton I don't know how long dead, leaning against the wall, holding a strange remote control in his hand.

The remote control is real because it is covered with dust.


Lin Xiao gently picked up the remote control, and the whole skeleton turned into fly ash and paved the ground.

"This is..." Lin Xiao looked over and over and found that the operation buttons on it were very strange. The touch buttons didn't respond at all.

"This palace is so strange. It is full of multi-dimensional projection, but it is so real. I don't know if those doors that look real can go in?" As she spoke, Eliza took action, went directly to a dragon head door that looked very tall and powerful, raised her hand and pushed it gently.

The faucet moved and a pair of eyes sent out scanning light.


They were shrouded in blue Mans.

Although there is no physical feeling, the door still opens in response to the sound, which is really indecent.

"Boss, come on!" Eliza rushed in impatiently and screamed again the next moment.

Lin Xiao jumped at him as soon as he dodged.

Looking along the space, the interior is still glittering, with the most cutting-edge design style. The scene of the combination of science and technology and antiquity is like a dream.

There are even virtual windows in the closed room. Outside, there is an endless and profound void, which is evolving the alternation and reproduction of all things in the universe.

A thing similar to the sleeping cabin is placed in front of the window, and it seems that there is a figure lying in it.

The two of them walked over with small wings. With the steps moving, the light in the room slowly lit up for three points.


Welcome to the 642 sub Hall of the front hall of the king

An electronic synthesis suddenly sounded, startling everyone.

"Wang, Wang QianDian?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

Eliza doesn't matter. She's just very strange. Is the person lying in the sleeping cabin true or false.

"Isn't this also a multi-dimensional virtual image? It's too true?" Alisa approached the sleeping cabin, subconsciously raised her hand and touched it, but found that her finger was stopped.

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