Eliza took back her fingers like an electric shock and stammered, "yes, it's true..."

Lin Xiao pulled Eliza behind him, glanced at the sleeping cabin with electric eyes, saw the touch screen at the top of it, and pressed it gently.



When the sleeping cabin was opened, the people inside suddenly turned into fly ash and slowly dissipated in the air due to contact with the air.

"It's a real person!" Lin Xiao frowned, "it seems that it's just autonomous sleep. I feel it's too strange here!"

"Boss, look here," Alisa quickly grabbed a small tablet from the sleeping cabin.

Although the operation interface is strange, Lin Xiao can still distinguish the relevant buttons.

"Can this battery last so many years?" Eliza was surprised to see Lin Xiao open his tablet and a virtual three-dimensional picture appeared.

The picture is very vague. I don't know whether it is due to low power or other reasons. The image is glittering and the expression is not clear.

"The experiment failed... The radiation exceeded expectations... Abnormal changes..."

"Super fighters can't compete with super soldiers..."

"Fail... Fail... Fail!"

Hiss, hiss

The image flashed, but Lin Xiao sensitively captured a familiar shadow.

"Sure enough, it's a mouse!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "it seems that there has been an experiment here. Mice have been mutated by radiation, so the speed is so fast!"

"What is a super war body?" Eliza saw several extremely powerful humans in the picture, but the final result was that they all died without exception.

"It should be an experimental body. The purpose of their existence should be to fight against super soldiers! That is, great masters!" Lin Xiao said thoughtfully, "unfortunately, the great master can mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, and can use the internal power of Dantian, with great potential. This kind of experimental man can only rely on physical power, which is naturally incomparable!"

"It seems to be similar to the characteristics of nano robots..." ELISA said in a deep voice. "Now nano robot technology has been very powerful. After the laboratories of 10000 in Kyoto have been dug out, it has caused a sensation!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao's eyes darkened.

Lin Xiao probably knows more about nano robots than anyone else.

Nangong brocade is now even a product of nano robot transformation, and even memory is missing.

Lin Xiao was worried that Nangong brocade would be irreversibly damaged and even lose his memory forever.

The screen continues to play.

Are some data recording and video playback.

However, a vague but serious video attracted Lin Xiao's attention and made his heart beat slightly faster.

"It is difficult for the supreme puppet in the king's front hall to carry the nano supreme in the heaven and earth court. The puppet's core energy transfer technology has encountered a bottleneck... Human supreme potential is unlimited. However, Jin Jie is too difficult and there are few individuals to collect detailed data..."

Eliza stared in surprise, "supreme?"


The picture disappears and the power is exhausted.

Lin Xiao was preoccupied.

He knew more about the front hall of the king and the heaven and earth court.

It can be seen from this video that the grievances between the king's front hall and the heaven and earth court are probably not that simple.

And this high-tech palace, as well as these dormant pods and nanotechnology that only exist in science fiction films, make Lin Xiao worry about extraterrestrial civilization.

"Find the puppet supreme first!" Lin Xiao resolutely backed out.

They searched along the main hall, looking for houses one by one, and found only some empty sleeping compartments and few video images.

It is preliminarily inferred that there is a scientific team in this wooden tower, and the research is about strengthening human science and technology.

Unfortunately, this experiment failed.

"I see..." after summarizing, Eliza suddenly said, "the king's front hall wanted to develop a more powerful human to fight against the nano soldiers in the heaven and earth academy, but it failed. So, the nano soldiers are stronger than the puppet supreme?"

"It may be strong, but the strength is limited..." Lin Xiao thought, "the supreme human being is the most powerful, but the number is very small."

"My God, can human beings really practice to the supreme state?" Alisa was stunned. "I've never heard of the supremacy of human history."

Lin Xiao knew very well that according to the records in the secret history of the front hall of the king, his ancestor thousands of years ago almost became supreme, but he failed in the end.

Lin Xiao didn't know whether to be excited or worried when he thought that he had successfully changed his blood and lifted the blood curse in the front hall of the king and was likely to become the supreme.

Maybe Lin Xiao will face more terrible things after he really becomes the supreme.

"Boss! What should I do now? After looking for a long time, I didn't find anything, and I didn't have a way out." Alisa is in a hurry.

Now even the communication with Dongfang Yanghui has been cut off, and there is a dead silence around, which makes people panic.

"This remote control should be a little useful!" Lin Xiao weighed the strange remote control and looked up at the hollow wall of the main hall.

There are some human patterns painted on the wall. I can't understand what they are, but Lin Xiao vaguely remembers that they are somewhat similar to the picture of Wang chaocun.

In the distance is still the magnificent palace, and in front are several devout believers crawling on the ground.

Lin Xiao raised the remote control to aim at the mural and pressed it at will.


The walls have changed.

"Boss, move," cried Eliza, bouncing and surprised, "sure enough, there's room inside!"

Lin Xiao laughed, "why can't you grow up like a little girl?"

Alisa rolled her eyes. "I'm about to escape from the sky. I can't be excited!"

"All right! Go in and have a look!"

It's dark after the space. It doesn't seem so simple.

They walked in carefully.

Decadent and decadent breath rushed forward.

The outside is resplendent and prosperous, while the real space inside is messy and devastated.

Behind the wall, there is another space, the real space.

Without the virtual image, the real palace is decadent everywhere, and the corners are full of dust and some broken things.

"Boss, here!" Alisa has always played the role of a Pathfinder. Her armor has the function of scanning and can easily find different objects in the dark.

At this moment, Eliza found a cabinet like a coffin, but it was not as big as the coffin, about half the size, covered with dust.

"Don't move! I think this palace is strange, different from the past!" Lin Xiao pulled Eliza back, turned around the strange container and said in a deep voice, "it looks like a locker!"

"Never mind him! No one has been here for many years? I don't think it looks like there is a mechanism." Without saying a word, Eliza turned on the lighting system and walked to the locker.

Under the light, the whole picture of the locker was exposed. On the central cover, a huge palace sign was very conspicuous.

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, "the sign of the king's front hall!"

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