Dongfang Yanghui was almost submerged by magma.

The location of the magma eruption was not far from his feet. Fortunately, he was protected by armor.

Unfortunately, the helicopter was destroyed. He couldn't escape if he wanted to, so he had to climb up the cliff desperately.

However, with more and more magma, the cliffs began to collapse, and large and small falling stones rubbed their bodies down, making Dongfang Yanghui dangerous.

Bang bang!

Dongfang Yanghui quickly shot and smashed the big stone falling from his head to avoid being hit and falling, but there were too many stones to take care of. He was hit by a big stone carelessly, his hand was unstable, and his body pen fell straight down.


It dropped more than ten meters in a blink of an eye.

Under your feet is rolling magma.

Even if the flesh and blood body is protected by armor, it will only melt when it falls.


Dongfang Yanghui danced to find a leverage point, but the tumbling and falling speed was too fast, and he was about to fall into the magma.


At this critical moment.

Yang Jun's helicopter arrived in time.

Even if there were fireworks in the sky, Yang Jun still stood in front of the cabin door and roared to guide the direction.

"Over there, come on!"

The helicopter gunships flew desperately against the volcanic ash.

"Yanghui! Catch it!"

In the roar of Yang Jun, he threw out a rope ladder.

Dongfang Yanghui's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He grasped the trend and hung in the air.

Bang bang!


"Left rudder failure!"

"The traction drops, everybody sit down!"

Boom, boom

The flames from the volcano almost swallowed up the helicopter.

The helicopter circled to the right and was hit several times by stones. Only then did it barely fly out of the eruption area and quickly escape to the distance.

Looking at the sea of fire on the ground, Dongfang Yanghui and Yang Jun looked very nervous and had a bad guess in their hearts.

"Why hasn't the boss come out yet?" Yang Jun asked anxiously, "have you heard from him?"

Dongfang Yanghui frowned, "I contacted, and the boss responded ten minutes ago. But there is no news right now. I'm afraid of an accident!"

"What about that?" Yang Jun was also worried. In this environment, they had no way to save people.

They quickly swept through the disintegrating mountains with a worried look.

"Immediately send more helicopters to search for the boss's whereabouts!"

The surface has been destroyed like this, and the magma under the ground is even more terrible.

Even if Lin Xiao is a God, if he falls into magma, he can't escape.

At this moment, the interior of the underground palace has changed.

When Lin Xiao pressed his finger on the blood collection verification, the locker changed, and the figure on the translucent screen of the top cover moved slowly to form an unlocking pattern.


The top cover is open.

"What happened?" Alisa was stunned and stammered, "how is this possible? Boss, are you the direct descendant of the front hall of the king?"

"Should it be?" Lin Xiao's attention had been attracted by the six circular machines, and answered casually.

Eliza was completely shocked.

She has heard about the power of the king's front hall, and since entering the palace, various signs show that the king's front hall is definitely an indescribable huge power.

At least, thousands of years ago, the king's front hall was the existence of a giant on earth, otherwise it would not have such an advanced civilization system.

It is not easy to study the power of puppet supremacy.

"What is this?" Lin Xiao carefully picked up a round mechanical body, looked over and over for a few eyes, and suddenly lost his voice, "is it the legendary puppet core?"

The core of the puppet with blue light has a heavy sense of power, which makes people panic.

The core of the puppet, which is only one circle larger than the fist of a normal man, is pressed in the palm of his hand like a mountain.

According to the video found in the palace, it is inferred that there is a small nuclear reactor inside the puppet core, which can provide unimaginable energy to the supreme puppet.

Holding a nuclear reactor in your hand, this feeling can only be understood after real experience.

Too much pressure.

Lin Xiao put down the puppet core again and said with lingering fear, "if something goes wrong with these things, it is estimated that the whole land can be lifted."

"Boss, there is no export mechanism here? It seems that we really have to spend the rest of our life here. What's the use even if there is a puppet core?" Eliza did not know whether she was relieved or nervous. She stared at the locker for a long time, as if she was determining whether there was a mechanism.

Lin Xiao saw a reminder on the inside of the locker, which roughly means that if you want to take away the puppet core, you need a special container.

The container is at the bottom of the storage room and will appear automatically by pressing the button.

Lin Xiao pressed the control button, and the bottom of the locker changed. A three-dimensional metal box wrapped the six puppet cores into a large portable box.

Lin Xiao reached out and carried the box out.


The lockers suddenly rose and quickly began to deform into a small central console.

"This is..." ELISA lost her voice. "There's really a mechanism?"

Obviously, seeing Eliza's disappointed face made Lin Xiao angry and smile, "do you really want to be trapped here forever? What do you think?"

"I just want to be with you..." Eliza blurted out.

Since Eliza knew that Lin Xiao returned to Zhennan for Nangong brocade, she has been unhappy and stayed alone in Tiangang District of Feizhou.

She once dreamed that she could always follow Lin Xiao, even if she was just a attendant.

If Eliza had a choice, she would rather stay in this dark place with Lin Xiao for a few days, and then die peacefully.

Unfortunately, it seems impossible now.

Lin Xiao has pulled down the lever on the console.

With a sniff, the middle wall of the palace, which was thick and sealed just now, cracked, as if it had been forcibly pulled open.

"Go!" Lin Xiao rushed with the box.

When I was close, I found that the gap on the wall was not a crack at all, but an upward elevator.

The lift room is as like as two peas.

After the two entered, the elevator started to rise by itself.


I only felt that it rose very fast and came to the upper level in the blink of an eye.

After the elevator opened, what appeared in front of them was a place similar to a laboratory.

But now the buildings are empty, messy machines are piled on the ground, and several mummies who have died for many years lie on the ground.

"There have been attacks here before!"

Lin Xiao speculated, "look at the broken holes on the wall and the state of the dead. They were all killed alive with a burning gun."

The two walked past the body and debris and into the laboratory.

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