In the center of the laboratory, there is a control panel surrounded by some large computers that have stopped running.

Lin Xiao approached, carefully studied the button on the control panel, saw a sign to open the door, and said casually, "maybe this is the button of the escape passage!"

To build the supreme wooden tower and palace around the underground magma, we must design a safe escape route.

Obviously, this escape route is in this laboratory.

Just start the mechanism, it is possible to open the channel to the outside world.


Eliza suddenly stopped Lin Xiao from operating. After a few seconds of silence, she asked reluctantly, "really want to leave?"

"Why not leave?" Lin Xiao glared at her, "don't make trouble! I don't know what's going on outside. Although I haven't found the puppet supreme, with these six puppet cores, I don't have to worry about getting a few puppet supreme. With these, I have more confidence against the evil house."

"Forget it!" Alisa loosened Lin Xiao's hand and looked a little bleak, "let's go!"

Lin Xiao didn't think much, so he just pressed the switch.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the switch was pressed, the change took place.

An iron gate of the laboratory opened slowly, and then what hid behind was the boiling magma water.


Like a gushing River, magma poured in madly.

"No!" Lin Xiao was surprised and pulled Eliza back.

There is a deep passage outside the laboratory, and I don't know where it leads.

There was no way left or right, only this unknown road, and the two had to rush in.

Wow, wow

The magma has flooded the laboratory, then filled the whole space and began to spread towards the channel.

Although they were fast, there was a closed electronic door at the end.


"Please show me your ID!"

The cold robot girl has no emotion.

"Your uncle!"

In a hurry, Eliza kicked on the electronic door.


The foot was so heavy that the electronic door shuddered and almost kicked open.

The magma behind him is becoming more and more urgent, which has been visible to the naked eye.

Lin Xiao quickly drew out the laser sword and stabbed it into the electronic door.


The electronic door broke, and Lin Xiao kicked it open.


A cold wind blew outside the door.

There was a heat wave behind and a cold wind ahead. Lin Xiao was stunned by this strange phenomenon.

steep cliff.

It's on the back of the highest peak.

Unexpectedly, they have crossed the whole mountain range to a place far away from the volcanic eruption.


Lin Xiao pulled up Alissa in a daze and jumped down.


As soon as the two figures rushed down, the rolling magma behind them had rushed over and burst out bursts of fire.


The armor stretched out its wings and slid away in the air.

But the area covered by volcanic magma is too wide. I'm afraid the glider wing of armor alone can't support the safety zone.

Seeing that the gliding position is getting lower and lower, and the hot magma is getting closer and closer, both of them are a little anxious.

"Boss! Not so good!" Eliza approached Lin Xiao and shouted at him, "armor can't last long in the magma. The energy can only support five minutes at most!"

Lin Xiao checked the armour energy battery, and there was less than half left. I'm afraid he couldn't hold on for five minutes.

Just then, a large number of armed helicopters suddenly appeared in the sky and rushed towards them.

Dongfang Minghui and others mobilized a helicopter, locked Lin Xiao's position and quickly flew to the rescue.

At the last moment when they fell into the magma, Dongfang Yanghui finally saved them.

However, before they were excited, they heard a startling drama behind them.


There was a big explosion in the underground palace, which made the whole mountain tremble and shake, and then began to collapse.

At the same time, an alarm sounded from the science and technology testing center of the Chinese military department.

The researchers woke up and saw the messy lines on the screen, which scared them into a cold sweat.

"Report to the general! The energy tower has changed!"

"Energy is surging!"

"The weather changes everywhere, and the temperature rises sharply!"

"The atmosphere is dry!"

Changes have taken place all over the world.

China Kyoto.

It was dark, but suddenly it was as bright as day.

There was a faint roll of thunder in the sky.

In the noisy night market, everyone was stunned and looked up at the sky.

American Huasheng tons.

The ground of a spacious road suddenly cracked several big holes, and the moving cars fell down one after another.

The whole city is in disorder. We think there may be an earthquake and rush to the nearest shelter, resulting in traffic paralysis and all kinds of work forced to stop.

The sand in the Sahala desert rolled like waves, wave after wave, and even spread to nearby cities. A large amount of wind and sand madly rushed into the city center and flooded countless streets.

Russia, France, the Commonwealth and other countries, and even island countries in the East, have had different degrees of heaven and earth anomalies.

The vision lasted more than a minute before it disappeared.

As the most important scientific research department of the Chinese military, it has been stunned by the data fed back.

The original seven light spots on the detection screen have now become eight light spots, and they are connected to form a light map.

The light map looks like a giant dragon waving its teeth and claws, and also looks like an ethereal palace. The hidden energy increases in geometric multiples. According to preliminary detection, it has increased hundreds of times and is still growing rapidly.

As soon as Lin Xiao and others returned to safety, they received a call from Wanquan.

"Admiral Lin! What a bad thing! Go back to the military headquarters quickly!"

Lin Xiao also knows that the situation is urgent. He knows what energy growth means better than others.

While all over the world are discussing what happened to this amazing vision, unusual terrorist events have also occurred in some small places one after another.

Three days later.

"According to this station, on the first day of the appearance of the vision, the largest chain gold store in Kyoto was robbed by two very powerful masked gangsters, killing and wounding more than 10 shop assistants and police officers."

"It is said that the two masked gangsters can split the bulletproof glass with their bare hands and can easily dodge bullets. Even ordinary cold weapons can't hurt their skin..."

"The Martial Arts Association sent a notice that their behavior has nothing to do with them!"

"The president of the martial arts promotion association also clarified face to face that this kind of thing can not come from within the martial arts association, and they have never seen such a powerful martial artist!"

"The next day, more masked gangsters appeared in the streets unscrupulously, smashing vehicles and robbing stores. Even the police special forces were helpless..."

Lin Xiaogang returned to Nangong's house from the military headquarters.

He has not slept for three days and nights. He has been guarding the military headquarters to detect abnormal images everywhere, resulting in some redness and swelling in his eyes.

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