White Saint kept silent, while black Saint said solemnly, "arrange a quiet place for us. Don't let anyone disturb us. By the way... Arrange some beautiful little girls to come over!"

"I see!" Nangong subdues the dragon. He knows that the black and white saints like beauty very much. They are almost crazy. Beautiful women can definitely move their hearts.

Just then, Nangong zongxue smiled and said meaningfully, "Mr. Hei, if you say beauty, I think you must have heard of a flower in Kyoto?"

The crowd was slightly stunned, and Kyoto was stunned?

Not to mention black and white saints, even the Nangong family has never heard of this title. They don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd of Nangong sect.

"Oh?" The black saint was really interested, "is it a big beauty?"

"Beautiful! Beautiful!" Nangong Zong learned to smile and sold it. "This beautiful woman can be compared to a fairy coming to earth. Beauty can't be square. Any man will be moved when he sees it..."

Black saint's eyes were bright. "Where is this beauty?"

Nangong zongxue said with a smile, "this beauty is no one else. She is my Nangong family's daughter. I believe you two gentlemen must have heard of..."

Everyone in Nangong family showed a strange look and immediately understood the meaning of Nangong zongxue.

He casually nicknamed Nangong brocade to please the black and white saints.

To Nangong Jin, the Nangong family had never recognized her identity at all. If it were not for Lin Xiao's influence, they could not have made her a member of the 13 member Parliament.

Nangong brocade takes an inch and wants to join the ancestral family, which has touched the bottom line of Nangong family.

"Oh?" The black saint's eyes twinkled again. If he was the daughter of Nangong family, it would be easier to succeed. He believed that since Nangong zongxue was put forward, he must be ready, so he asked excitedly, "who?"

"Nangong brocade!" Nangong zongxue smiled.

Nangong brocade is well-known in the south of Zhennan. When it comes to Kyoto, it is even more beautiful and amazing.

Even if the black and white saints are hidden in the dark, they have heard people talk about Nangong brocade.

The two looked at each other, and the black Saint endured excitement, "is the Nangong family willing to have Nangong brocade?"

"Nangong Jin is blessed to serve you two. What are we reluctant to give up?" Nangong zongxue said with a smile, "besides, Nangong Jin colluded with outsiders to oppose Nangong family. This is the following crime. We are worried about how to deal with her. It would be better if we were filial to two gentlemen!"

The Nangong family highly appreciated Nangong zongxue's words.

Originally, we invited black and white two saints to come here to let them deal with Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin.

If the two saints are interested in Nangong brocade, the conflict between Lin Xiao and the two saints does not need others to light it.

"Yes, yes..." Nangong subdues the dragon with great comfort and laughs, "Nangong brocade is the daughter of my Nangong family. It's right to serve the second saint. I'll tell someone to let her come right away. I'm sure she won't refuse."

Nangong Jin would certainly refuse.

Nangong subdues the dragon in this way, just to make a play, just to make the two saints have a positive conflict with Nangong brocade.

"Good!" The black-and-white two saints, Yijie Wufu, can't beat this room full of conspiracy and cunning. He thought that the Nangong family was really willing to pay their daughter to please themselves.

Heisheng was very satisfied and immediately said, "if Nangong Jin wants to, let her marry my second brother. In this way, we can even be in laws, and we will naturally bear something together in the future."

Bai Sheng was stunned. Unexpectedly, the eldest brother was the first to think of himself. He said thank you in a rare way.

"Hahaha, why are you so polite? Our brother grew up in a pair of trousers. You haven't married yet. It's also a wedding to marry Nangong Jin. I'll help you get married as soon as possible when my brother proves it!"

"Thank you, brother!"

Nangong zongxue turned his eyes and sighed deliberately, "but Nangong Jin has married a woman. The man is Lin Xiao. It's not so easy to do!"

"Lin Xiao has just returned. He is in Weilong courtyard. I'm afraid going to find Nangong Jin will cause unnecessary trouble. It's better to......" Nangong zongxue made another plan and smiled, "Let me send someone to tell Nangong Jin that if she agrees to marry Mr. Bai Sheng, everything will be easy to say. If she doesn't want to, we will forcibly arrange it in the name of the family. When Lin Xiao makes trouble, we have enough reasons to deal with him!"

After all, Lin Xiao's strength is not bad, and he has a lot of helpers. We can't be blatant against him. We should talk about some strategies.

The black Saint sneered, "Lin Xiao is a fart! Give him some face and let him go quickly, otherwise he will die!"

"Of course, of course, but Lin Xiao is the Nangong family's son-in-law after all. If he is forcibly expelled, it will damage the Nangong family's reputation. I think it's better to tell Nangong Jin a prophet!" Nangong Zongzhe mused.

Nangong zongxue quickly echoed, "my brother is right. Let me send someone to inform Nangong Jin first so that she can be mentally prepared. It's best to divorce Lin Xiao. Everyone is happy!"

"That would be better," said the black and white saints happily.

"Zongxue, first take the two gentlemen to a place to rest, and then do a good job of Nangong brocade." Nangong Jianglong smiled.

"Yes! Grandpa!"

Nangong zongxue respectfully led the black and white saints out of the Council hall.

The people of Nangong family immediately quarreled, and the room became noisy in an instant.

"Do you really want to marry Nangong Jin to Bai Sheng? I think it's too urgent. If Lin Xiao resists, our family can't stand it!"

"What are you afraid of? I heard that Nangong Jin had a physical problem and lost her memory. I just took this opportunity to let her marry Bai Sheng. If she agrees, even if she has made contributions to the family, we will consider her the daughter of Nangong family. In this way, she can block the mouth of outsiders and please Bai Sheng. Why not?"

"If she doesn't agree, it will certainly cause Lin Xiao's anger. We'll work with the black and white saints at that time, and we'll benefit!"

"So, in any way, we have the advantage!"

After hearing the discussion, Nangong Zongzhe said in a deep voice, "Lin Xiao intervened in the affairs of Nangong family and told us what to do. I've endured it for a long time. A visiting son-in-law really thinks he can be the master of the house? Hum! Since he is unkind, we don't need to hide, so it's settled!"

"Yes! Let Nangong Jin marry Bai Sheng, and Nangong family will be even more powerful!"

"One more thing, don't forget," Nangong Zongzhe continued. "The black and white two saints rely on the chaotic alliance. It is said that the newly established alliance is full of great masters. This force is terrible. We must establish a solid relationship with it!"

People seemed to think of something terrible. Their faces changed and nodded in agreement.

In the past, great masters were rare people, but now they can be seen everywhere, not to mention walking across the streets, and they are arrogant and domineering, and the situation is chaotic.

Heroes come from troubled times.

If we can seize this opportunity, it is not impossible for Nangong family to be born into the first family.

Moreover, the young martial artists secretly trained by Nangong family are also making rapid progress, and may become the strongest backing in the future.

"In addition, I heard that there are many drug bath sellers at all levels in the black market. They will buy them back at any cost to enhance our inside information!"

Nangong subdues the dragon, lightly stops the dragon head crutch, slowly stands up, "break up the meeting!"

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