Lin Xiao's face was very ugly at this moment.

Military affairs office.

The picture on the big screen has become messy.

The eight light spots are getting larger and larger, which means that the vitality attracted by the eight wooden towers themselves has been booming.

What makes people most nervous is not the explosion of vitality, but the connecting line outside the eight light spots, which has converged into one and led to the sky.

"Is our guess true?"

"Is there really an extraterrestrial civilization?"

Wanquan pointed to the screen and said anxiously, "obviously, we can see that these vitality converge into a line, passing through the atmosphere to the sky, as if sending some signal."

"Can't you intercept the signal?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

A scientific research expert said in a deep voice, "the frequency band of this signal is very high, which has exceeded the detection range of our instruments. We don't know what content is being sent."

Lin Xiao looked at the picture record and said in a deep voice, "can you send satellite monitoring? Even if you can't intercept the content, at least you should know where the signal is transmitted."

"It's hard! We have applied to the United Nations, and expert groups from at least 16 countries have started testing, but so far there has been no feedback!"


Suddenly, the light spot on the screen changed again.

"Look! The signal is strengthened!" A researcher exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the past and shocked by the sudden change of the light spot.

Those light spots are light maps established by computer by simulating the flow of Yuan Qi, which can evolve field changes in real time.

Since the image has changed, it means that the vitality around the eight wooden towers has changed.

At the moment, the vitality soared again, providing more powerful energy for the converged line, making the line thicker and the signal propagation faster.


The whole sky was affected and trembled slightly.

Strange images appear again all over the world. Dark clouds roll and heaven and earth fade, as if it were the end of the world.

The area in the daytime becomes very dark, but the area in the night is as bright as day.

The vision existed for ten minutes before it returned to normal.


Several screens in the military astronomical observation room suddenly went black.

"The satellite is damaged!"

"There's something wrong with huake-2."

"What happened?"

"There is no picture..."

Many scientists screamed and hurriedly checked the problem.

Soon, the intelligence gathered, and all kinds of information came into Lin Xiao's hands.

"General, we're in big trouble." Wan Quan said in a deep voice, "according to intelligence, the extraterrestrial signal has been greatly strengthened, and it is likely to spread out of the Milky way."

"What?" Lin Xiao grabbed the tablet and saw the data above. His face changed again.

In a few minutes.

Beyond the Milky way, at the end of the distant starry sky, a blue planet tens of thousands of times larger than the earth is moving slowly.

This is a powerful planet after human transformation.

The most frightening thing is that on the surface of the planet, there are two huge satellite orbital cannons, which exude human breath.

Behind the planet, large and small thrusters are pushing the planet forward.

The appearance of the whole planet is similar to that of the earth. Without the existence of those two railguns, it would be an enlarged version of the earth.

The atmosphere of the planet is very strange. It can change the weather and temperature, and there are countless artificial suns hanging on the surface of the planet to provide light and energy.

The planet is prosperous, the city of steel can be seen everywhere, and all kinds of aircraft in the city are in good order.

What's more terrible is that there are human flesh flying, shuttling between aircraft, acting as a policeman.

In a monitoring room in the huge dragon head fortress in the center of the planet, several researchers who control computers suddenly received strange signals, and their lazy bodies immediately became excited.

"Come on! After receiving the signal of sealing the planet, report to the king immediately!"

Several people are obviously excited. Maybe they haven't been so excited for decades.

Probably the information about the sealed planet is what the "King" is most concerned about.

The three immediately summoned the guards and ran to the king's palace deep in the fortress.


The speed of these people was so fast that almost all of them reached the level of great masters. In just one minute, they crossed tens of thousands of meters and came to the outside of the palace.

"Report to the king quickly! There is information about the sealed planet!" The first one, dressed in neat blue and white military uniforms, looked awe inspiring and excited, bowed to two strong gatekeepers who were three meters tall.

The two gatekeepers slowly opened their eyes, and their eyes suddenly shot out a fine awn, which seemed incredible, "you mean... Seal the planet? The mother star of the lord king?"

"Yes! Let us in!"

The two gatekeepers took a deep breath and immediately got out of the way.

The crowd hurried in.

Half an hour later, the whole planet seemed to be shaken by the news.

On a wasteland on the planet, a huge circular arch began to operate, and a large number of spacecraft flew out of the steel city and gathered outside the arch.

The arch is about 3000 meters high and 1800 meters wide. The circular frame is about six meters thick. Many dotted black lines are engraved on the frame. After the energy surge, it will emit light blue light. In addition, several red lights crisscross to form a water grain like light curtain.

Soon, at least ten giant spaceships with a length of more than kilometers disappeared through the arch.

Space portal.

If those scientists on earth know that there is really a space portal described in science fiction movies in the universe, I don't know what it will be like.

At the same time, in the galaxy tens of light-years away from the blue planet, a huge planet as ferocious as a skeleton also received some signal at the same time.

Black giant city, a fortress towering into the cloud night, a huge figure four meters high sat on the throne, and the voice came out.

"The mother star of the Lord of the front hall of the king finally has news. He ordered the troops to go immediately and be sure to find the last successor of the front hall of the king!"


The mighty Legion in black armor was ready to go.

More than a dozen black spaceships passed through the interstellar portal and headed for the earth.

Control room of Huaxia military headquarters.

The violent energy surge came to an end, and the eight light spots gradually disappeared. Without the fierce transmission just now, peace has been restored all over the world.

However, the number of masters soared again. Soldiers who were stuck in the silver level in the past also made rapid progress under the bath of the vitality of heaven and earth, and golden soldiers sprung up like mushrooms.

I believe that over time, these golden warriors will further break through the great master and become real masters.

Looking at the information flying like snowflakes, Lin Xiao and many generals were worried and couldn't find a solution for a while.

"Go, general! General darang of the American Legion requests to talk to you!"

Just then, a major general came quickly with a wireless phone in his hand.

After Lin Xiao switched on, an image of general Dalang appeared on the screen.

"Admiral Lin!"

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