"General darang, what can I do for you?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

Lin Xiao had fought with Dalang in the past and had completed the assassination of important American officials under his nose.

It can be said that Dalang hates Lin Xiao to the bone.

However, Dalang is unconventional at the moment. He not only has no expression of hatred, but also has some restraint and expectation.

"Admiral Lin! You should know what happened recently?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly. "Do you mean the energy tower?"

"Yes, yes..." Dalang said with a bitter smile, "not only China, but also our country was affected. A large number of experts poured in, and the four heavenly kings revived..."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Does it have anything to do with me?"

Dalang said in a deep voice, "there is news from the poisonous snake temple that a mysterious expert has succeeded the poisonous snake king and expanded his power and territory again. There are also news from the Titan king and the red eye king. There are new kings. This is definitely not good news."

Lin Xiao sneered, "their territory is in the West. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with China. Are you afraid of these underground forces in the United States?"

"Not afraid, but..." Dalang frowned slightly. "I heard that these new successors are from China and are Chinese."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was really surprised this time, but in a moment he laughed and joked, "it seems that all of us Chinese are talents. If we go out, we can become the king of the underground world."

Dalang's face turned black at that time and said with a dry smile, "so I asked the Chinese military for help to investigate the origin of these people, and then make corresponding arrangements to avoid unpredictable consequences."

"We can't manage this matter. After all, China is in a mess now. There are so many experts. Who knows who is who?" Lin Xiao faintly rejected Dalang's proposal.

Lin Xiao knows Dalang very well. The top military officer of the United States has always been known for being good at intrigues. At this time, he proposed to cooperate with the Chinese military, which was obviously ill intentioned.

When dealing with such people, we should keep a hundred minds. If we can't cooperate, we must not cooperate.

What's more, there is chaos in the United States. It's something Lin Xiao can't ask for. How can he help.

Of course, I hope the more chaotic the other party is, the better.

Since the four new heavenly kings are all Chinese, they are at least one mother compatriots, which may not be a good thing for China.

Dalang was silent for a moment. "Since admiral Lin is not interested, we have to use our own means to check. I hope there will be no unhappiness at that time!"

"Darang! You don't have to threaten me! I know what you mean. You want to find out if I sent those people, don't you?"

Dalang looked slightly sluggish. He didn't expect his mind to be seen through and smiled awkwardly. "You think too much. I just want to ask for help. In that case, I'll go to China in person later. I'll meet and talk about it at that time!"

Dalang hung up the line in a hurry.

"I didn't expect that even the United States was in chaos." Wan Quan said in a deep voice, "it seems that after the emergence of the eight towers, the world power pattern will change."

Lin Xiao leaned on the table with both hands. After a long silence, he said in a deep voice, "the top priority is to ensure that those emerging warriors don't make trouble. I'll go to the martial arts meeting immediately and restrict those emerging warriors through them!"

"It's really too much to talk about these fighters. Recently, the military has received a lot of requests for help from the police. They are all disturbances caused by fighters. Those guys are too strong to be dealt with by ordinary police."

"Admiral Lin! I have a proposal. Would it be better if we could study a set of rules and schemes through the martial arts association to bind those martial artists?"

"These people have no sense of rules and make trouble everywhere. If they are not controlled, something will happen sooner or later!"

"I heard that an organization called chaos alliance has recently emerged in Kyoto. The leader is a 15-year-old child. It's incredible. Is the world crazy now?"

"I've also heard that the chaos alliance only recruits great masters. The number of alliance members is not 100, but also 80. This force is terrible and must be restricted!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "little child?"

"Yes! It's a child named Xiaosu. It's said that his strength is very terrible. Those great masters are obedient to him, otherwise they won't respect him as the leader of the alliance!"

Lin Xiao's heart jumped.

He didn't expect Xiaosu to develop so rapidly that he could accept a large number of great masters and establish a chaotic alliance, which really surprised him.

"Admiral Lin! Where are you going?"

Everyone suddenly found Lin Xiao walking out, and the generals shouted one after another.

Lin Xiao went out without looking back. His voice came from a distance, "I'll go to Kyoto wuhui!"

Nangong other hospital.

Nangong Jian and Nangong Jing go straight to Weilong courtyard.

When she came near, Nangong Jing cleared her throat and rang the doorbell.

"Sister Jin?" Nangong Jing cried softly, "it's me! Nangong Jing!"

When Nangong Jin first came, Nangong Jing ran on her, but now she looks like a close sister. She is uneasy and kind at first sight.

However, Nangong Jin has no memory and has only a vague impression of Nangong Jing. He can't remember the unhappiness in the past.

He didn't hit the smiling face. After Nangong Jin opened the door, he didn't ask much, so he let them in.

"What do you want from me?" Nangong brocade has no intimacy to Nangong family, and has no sense of belonging to Nangong family, so its voice is very cold.

"Elder sister! This time, it's a great joy!" Nangong Jing turned her big eyes and said with a smile, "Grandpa asked us to come to you!"

Nangong Jian echoed, "Jin Mei! Grandpa has made a strong friend recently. It is said that Mr. Bai has reached the great master and is supported by the chaos alliance behind him. He is definitely a new generation of Tycoon!"

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Nangong brocade was confused.

"Of course..." Nangong Jing went to Nangong Jin, took her hand affectionately and said with a slightly coquettish tone, "I envy you! Grandpa said! If you want to marry Mr. Bai, as long as you climb this marriage, the power of Nangong family will rise! You can continue to walk horizontally in Kyoto!"

"What?" Nangong Jin was stunned. She didn't expect this kind of thing.

"Sister! Aren't you surprised?" Nangong Jing said with a smile, "as long as you marry Mr. Bai, our Nangong family will take off again in the future!"

"Mr. Bai is a great master. He has a big brother named Heisheng. Together, they can resist five or six great masters. Where can I find such a person? It's not much better than Lin Xiao's waste?"

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