Nangong Jian pretended to sigh, "in recent days, the world has changed, and the whole world has been in chaos. Countless great masters have emerged, and all major forces have experienced a reshuffle. In just a few days, our Nangong family's business and wealth have been taken away by others, and more than 20% has been returned?"

"Mr. Bai is the backbone member of the chaos alliance. There are hundreds of great masters behind him. What a terrible force do you think it is?" As a lobbyist and a woman, Nangong Jing naturally gives people a sense of intimacy, which makes it easier for people to fall into a certain emotion.

However, this emotion affected Nangong Jin and made her angry.

Nangong Jing continued, "as long as you marry Mr. Bai and grandpa says, you will be allowed to enter the five member group of the ancestral family. No one will object at that time!"

In the past, Nangong Jin was afraid to enter the five member group of the ancestral family, but now she is so generous. That's because Nangong Jianglong knows one thing very well. As long as Nangong Jin marries Mr. Bai, it doesn't matter whether she enters the five member group of the ancestral family or not.

Although the two saints of black and white are strong, they are a martial arts man. They want to have a foothold in the world. They can't do without the forces of Nangong family to pave the way behind them.

Nangong subdues the dragon. He believes that the black and white saints cannot cross the river and tear down the bridge. They will be firmly tied with Nangong's family.

Nangong Jing then looked at Nangong Jin and said with a smile, "sister, what are you hesitating about? You and Lin Xiao just have a marriage agreement. Now in this world, what's the use of that marriage certificate? It's your freedom to marry anyone you want, isn't it?"

Nangong Jin's face slowly turned cold and drank coldly, "you can say that? Who am I? Is Nangong's chip for free trading? Get out!"

Nangong brocade, whose attitude suddenly changed greatly, made Nangong Jian and their faces slightly changed.


Just then, a cold hum came from outside the hospital.

Then Nangong zongxue pushed the door and came in.

"Jin! What's your attitude?"

Nangong zongxue seemed to forget the slap. His face was very gloomy. Behind him were two strong boys in white suits.

They held their chests in their hands, stood on both sides of Nangong zongxue indifferently, and turned around without squinting.

"Uncle!" Although Nangong sword has good strength, it is much worse than Nangong brocade now. He was frightened by the momentum of the other party. When he saw Nangong zongxue coming, he immediately had confidence, walked quickly to meet him and whispered, "Nangong brocade seems unwilling!"

"You have to be willing if you don't want to!" Nangong zongxue swaggered onto the sofa, crossed his legs and said proudly, "this is your grandfather's decision. Dare you refuse?"

"Hum!" Nangong brocade frowned and sneered, "Grandpa's decision? Don't you know I'm married? Can one woman marry two husbands?"

"You mean Lin Xiao?" Nangong zongxue sneered, "this boy will soon become the ghost under the sword of black and white saints. If he dies, won't you be single?"

Although Nangong brocade doesn't have much affection for Lin Xiao in her memory, after all, this paper engagement is still there.

Nangong zongxue's words made her angry suddenly.


Nangong Jin slapped on the table and said angrily, "what nonsense are you talking about? It's really disrespectful! I tell you clearly that I can't agree to this!"

"I can't help you!" Nangong zongxue seems to have expected that Nangong Jin would not agree, so he brought two experts from Bai Sheng.

These two masters are the top gold warriors.

Nangong Jin wants to fight, but he can't get well.


Nangong Jin wanted to rush out and was stopped by them on the spot.

"Go away!"

Bang bang!

He threw his fist at them, but was easily avoided. If he didn't want to hurt Nangong Jin, I'm afraid she's lying down now.

Although Nangong Jin's body has been transformed by nano robots, she has not received combat training. In the face of these two experienced fighters, the first one fell into the upper hand.


Pedal pedal

Nangong brocade was hit and his body was unstable. He stepped back and leaned against the wall.

Nangong zongxue's eyes brightened and his expression became more proud. He said with a smile, "ah Jin, the person who knows current affairs is a hero. Do you still need to consider this? As long as you marry Mr. Bai, it's equivalent to a chaotic alliance behind you. What else do you want to do?"

"Bah!" Nangong brocade's face was cold. "Shut your mouth. What do you think of me? Do you exchange chips at will?"

"Don't toast, don't drink!" Nangong zongxue patted the table, stood up and angrily said, "it really gives you a face, doesn't it? Believe it or not, I'll catch you and send you directly to Mr. Bai's room?"

"Asshole!" Nangong Jin smiled angrily, "it's shameless that you are an elder of Nangong family. You can say such words!"

Nangong zongxue had some wrongs. He was ridiculed by Nangong Jin. He suddenly felt that he couldn't get over his face. He simply didn't do it and ordered, "tie her up and take her away!"

Two martial artists in white rushed over with a ferocious smile. Unexpectedly, Nangong brocade resisted fiercely and had extremely strong physical quality. They were helpless for a moment.

Bang bang!

The room was in a mess, and Nangong Jing screamed repeatedly, "ah! Sister! Are you crazy? You don't grasp such a good opportunity. Do you really want to spend your life with that waste Lin Xiao? Can he compare with Mr. Bai?"

"Mr. Bai is not only a member of the chaotic alliance now, but also heard that he will be incorporated by the military and become a general in the near future. Don't you seize the opportunity?"

"Cut the crap!" Nangongjin's attack is becoming more and more fierce. The activity of nano robot in her body is becoming more and more hot, and the combat ability of this body is becoming more and more powerful.

Nangong Jin's nano battle body is very different from the previous nano robots. It not only retains its own consciousness, but also continues to grow in the battle.

In just a few minutes, Nangong Jin was in a tie with the two from the beginning.


A martial artist in white was thrown on his head by Nangong Jin's whip leg. He immediately flew out like a broken sack and hit the wall heavily. He was stunned at that time.


The other man was stunned, "how could it be? Just now he was a weak chicken and became stronger in the twinkling of an eye?"

Even Nangong brocade did not expect that the learning ability of nano battle body was so strong that she learned all the moves and combat means of the other party, and used them more skillfully.

"Hum!" Now that she had torn her face, Nangong brocade's eyes turned and fell on Nangong zongxue, and quickly bullied her.

"You, what are you doing?" Nangong zongxue retreated violently and screamed, "I'm your uncle, you..."


Nangong Jin gave him a slap in the face without hesitation. His mouth and teeth fell off, and his blood sprayed on his face.

"You deserve to be my uncle?" Nangong brocade approached step by step with a sneer on his face. Lightning grabbed him in his hand and dragged him out, "I want to see how Nangong family forced me to get married today!

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