The next second, more than a dozen experts rushed out.

These people are the elite trained by Nangong family since childhood. They have never been used to deal with the family crisis.

Now, Nangong Jintai is too strong. Nangong Zongzhe is afraid that because of her, there will be flames in the family. He decides to take her down by thunder.


After the recent baptism of the vitality of heaven and earth, the strength of these more than a dozen people has soared. They are all golden soldiers, and their hands are extremely fierce.

Bang Bang

Nangong brocade is hard to parry. In order to protect Grandpa, he can only take one step and carry everyone's attack.

After all, she has no combat experience. Even if the nano system can give her extraordinary learning ability, the battle in front of her obviously exceeds her affordability.


As the first punch hit her shoulder, the ensuing punches and kicks fell on Nangong Jin like raindrops.

Bang bang!

Nangong brocade stumbled back, and the corners of her mouth were stained with blood. She had suffered internal injuries.

"Ah Jin! You go first! Leave me alone!" Nangong Fuhu was shocked. For fear that his granddaughter would be more seriously hurt, he jumped up and hugged one person's legs and feet, "go!"

"Shit! Old man!" The man was so angry that he flew out with a hard kick, directly threw Nangong Fuhu out for tens of meters and hit the beam column heavily.


A person's thick and thin beams and columns are cracked due to the huge impact. The room is shaky due to the impact, as if it would fall apart at the next moment.


Nangong Fuhu opened his mouth and spewed blood. His eyes were blurred. He couldn't even see people clearly.

He wanted to climb over and stop these people from bullying his granddaughter, but he was powerless. He opened his mouth, but only a lot of blood gushed out.

Nangong Zongzhe frowned. He was afraid of human life. He said in a deep voice, "tie Nangong brocade up quickly!"


Dozens of people surrounded and chased Nangong brocade to a corner.

Although the situation is steep, Nangong Jin's expression is not flustered. The nano system runs crazy and starts to evolve and learn again.

Unfortunately, in such a short time, even if the nano system has strong learning ability, it can not resist the repeated attacks of dozens of gold soldiers.

Soon, Nangong brocade fell into the disadvantage again. There was a serious problem with the body load. The speed was slower and slower, and the reaction could not keep up with each other's rhythm.

The two attacking fighters looked at each other and knew that the opportunity was coming. They quickly separated their sides and took advantage of Nangong brocade's Parry to attack fiercely.

"Go away!"

Nangong Jin felt the sneak attack behind her, subconsciously turned around and hit her knees, but was stopped by the other party's hands and pulled to the ground.

"Don't let her run!" Nangong zongxue shouted. He didn't expect Nangong brocade to be so difficult. When he saw the opportunity, he stamped his feet anxiously.

"Let go of me!"

Nangong brocade struggled around, but her strength was unsustainable and was tied up again.

"Shit! This smelly girl is really hard to do." Nangong zongxue breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Nangong Zongzhe. "Brother, what should I do now? I think it's better to send it directly to Mr. Bai's room and cook cooked rice, so as to save more dreams!"

Nangong Zongzhe shook his head slowly, "no! It will be talked about by others. This matter must be announced by the five members of the ancestral family and held a grand wedding. First, we can announce that we have become relatives with the black and white saints, and second, we can tell outsiders that we have the support of a chaotic alliance behind us!"

"Or brother, take the overall situation into account!" As soon as Nangong zongxue's eyes lit up, evil smiled, "then shut Nangong brocade to the dungeon first and hold the wedding directly after everything is ready!"

Nangong Zongzhe nodded, "that's what I mean!"

"Take it away!" Nangong zongxue waved his hand.

Nangong Jin was escorted away by a group of people.

The bloody Nangong Fuhu slowly propped up his body and angrily said, "you two beasts! She is your niece. Is that human?"

"Second uncle!" Nangong Zongzhe walked slowly to Nangong Fuhu, pretended to be concerned, helped him up and said with a smile, "I did this for the good of a Jin! What's wrong with marrying the two saints of black and white? In the future, we will be supported by the chaos alliance. Don't we walk horizontally in Kyoto?"

"And you see, the world is in chaos, martial arts are rampant, and forces are rising. What little love do you have to worry about at this time? Only if the family does not fall down can individuals be safe!"

Nangong Zongzhe looked serious and sincere. Instead, he was teaching Nangong Fuhu a lesson.

"Aren't you afraid that Lin Xiao will come back and turn Nangong's house upside down?" Nangong Fuhu vomited blood and chopped his feet, "do you want to destroy Nangong family?"

Nangong Fuhu knows Lin Xiao's temper very well. He knows this kind of thing. It must be a bloody storm.

At that time, whether Nangong family can exist or not is a problem.

"Hum!" Nangong zongxue interrupted and sneered with disdain, "Lin Xiao is a fart! Black and white saints are great masters, and there are so many masters in the chaos alliance. They are all heroes. If he knows this, he won't be scared?"

Nangong Fuhu was angry and smiled, "Lin Xiao has long been a great master of Jin, and he has a supreme puppet as a helper. Don't you know?"

Nangong Zongzhe smiled, "I'm afraid you don't know one thing. There are also supreme puppets in the chaos alliance, and there is more than one..."

"What, what?" Nangong Fuhu was surprised.

"Otherwise, do you think we dare to make such a decision and easily go to war with Lin Xiao?" Nangong zongxue said proudly, "Lin Xiao is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the chaotic alliance!"

"Second uncle! Don't be angry! Don't you want to enter the ancestral family? It's easy as long as ah Jin marries Mr. Bai!" Nangong Zongzhe smiled and patted Nangong Fuhu, and casually ordered, "come on! Send my second uncle back to Weilong courtyard and let him recover well!"

It's a delivery. In fact, it's a surveillance escort.

Nangong Fuhu is unwilling but helpless. He can only be forcibly taken away.

"Nangong Zongzhe! You'll regret it!" Nangong Fuhu's angry roar is getting farther and farther away.

"Elder brother," Nangong Zong Xueshen said, "what if Lin Xiao comes back? That boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. We have to prepare early!"

"Don't worry! I've already mentioned this matter to the black and white two saints. When Lin Xiao comes back, he will die. This time... He won't escape!" Nangong Zongzhe's killing intention appears in his eyes.

"Great! This smelly boy has been against us several times. I've been against him since beating my daughter. Finally, it's time to settle!" Nangong zongxue said with a grimace, "I'm looking forward to seeing him kneel down and beg for mercy. Then I must humiliate him!"

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