Lin Xiao is sitting in the Kyoto Martial Arts Association.

The Kyoto Martial Arts Association, known as the martial arts association or the martial arts association, has always been in a detached position in the Wulin.

When the eight sects gathered in Zhennan and agreed to form an alliance with Lin Xiao, the Kyoto Martial Arts Association stood firm and did not respond. It just felt that it was the orthodox martial arts association and disdained to associate with other martial arts.

It is said that there are so many experts in the martial arts club. They are all senior experts hiding in the Jianghu.

Influenced by the explosion of the vitality of heaven and earth, the senior experts in the martial arts association have also succeeded in advancing to the rank. There are golden warriors and great masters everywhere.

Martial Arts Association living room.

"I've heard Mr. Lin's name for a long time. When I see him today, it's true that there are dragons and phoenixes among people. The future is unlimited!" Lin Yuanyang is dignified and speaks slowly, giving people a very steady feeling.

When Lin Xiao first met Lin Yuanyang, he was attracted by the other party's bearing. He was very respectful in his words. "Elder Lin has great virtue and respect. It's a pity that he didn't have a chance to visit in the past!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Yuanyang smiled politely. "I don't know if Mr. Lin is here today. What's the matter?"

Lin Xiao pondered for a few seconds and said slowly, "there is really a big event..."

"Oh?" Lin Yuanyang's eyes were slightly bright. "I'd like to hear it in detail!"

"Recently, the vitality of heaven and earth has soared, and great masters have emerged all over the world. These people are very harmful. They even pull gangs and threaten the lives of ordinary people..." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "I hope the martial arts association can unite its strength and bind these people!"

Lin Yuanyang was stunned, his face became gray, and said with a bitter smile, "I didn't know such a thing was happening? But the armed forces association is only a non-governmental organization after all. How can it have such a great authority? Its power is really limited..."

Lin Xiao seemed to have expected that Lin Yuanyang would pass the buck, so he smiled and said, "don't worry, President Lin! I can help the armed forces Association on behalf of the military headquarters. As long as we cooperate, I believe we will curb this kind of thing!"

"Military headquarters?" Lin Yuanyang is a little confused.


Lin Xiao took out a certificate.

Lin Yuanyang picked it up, looked at it and was stunned. He lost his voice and said, "five-star general?"


Lin Yuanyang jumped up as if he had been electrocuted. "Is Mr. Lin the newly appointed top military officer and commander of the three armed services?"

"The military headquarters should not directly attack the people, so we want to use the armed forces association to bind those fugitives. We will provide personnel, weapons and battle sequences. As long as President Lin presides over the overall situation!" Lin Xiao said faintly.

The identity of the five-star general obviously made Lin Yuanyang more respectful to Lin Xiao, and he didn't dare to prevaricate at will. After thinking about it, he carefully tempted, "as far as I know, the most violent thing in Kyoto recently is the chaotic alliance. Does the Military Ministry dare to fight them?"

"There are 78 great masters recorded in the chaos alliance. This force is not small. Even the ten thousand people Legion may not be able to help them. Once there is a violent conflict..."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I know your worry. You don't have to use force to deal with these people. As long as you deter and induce them, they can fall apart!"

"Mr. Lin means to break each one?"

"I know that it's not difficult for the armed forces association to master the details of these people and find their weaknesses and weaknesses? It depends on the other party's attitude to accept or annihilate them!" Lin Xiao's purpose this time is to disintegrate the chaotic alliance.

The chaotic alliance has sprung up and poses a great threat to the whole environment.

Especially knowing that the leader of the chaos alliance was Xiaosu, or the former Runner King, Lin Xiao decided to solve it as soon as possible.

At that time, the runner king had great ambition, bent on controlling the whole Chinese Wulin, and even wanted to control the power of the country.

If he succeeds, the whole world will be in chaos.

Lin Yuanyang frowned and said, "it's easy to say but difficult to do. After all, they are all great masters. They are not a dog, and I heard that there are supreme puppets in the chaos alliance. In case they annoy them..."

"Supreme puppet?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "how could they have such lethal weapons?"

"I'm also hearsay. It seems that their leader has a deep relationship with an organization. They provide the supreme puppet!"

Lin Xiao thought of the evil house and the dark king at the first time.

The dark king got the supreme puppet from the supreme wooden tower under the South China Sea. It is said that he also mentioned many puppet cores. It is not difficult to make several puppets.

I just didn't expect that Xiaosu might join hands with them.

As a result, the situation is more serious.

"Admiral Lin! The great master is already very difficult to deal with. Coupled with the supreme puppet, this force can not be destroyed simply. The armed forces association can help investigate the intelligence of those people, but there is nothing to do about the specific action plan!"

Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice, "how many great masters do the martial arts association have now?"

"No more than twenty!" Lin Yuanyang answered truthfully, "and several are wavering and may join the chaotic alliance at any time!"

"The gap is really big!" Lin Xiao frowned.

Not to mention the supreme puppets, Lin Xiao's side is short of money just because of the number of great masters.

Lin Xiao sent four puppets to support the heaven and earth court. At present, there is only one invincible around him.

Even if we do not consider the crisis of the heaven and earth academy, we will transfer all the great masters, and the total number of great masters in the martial arts association will not exceed 50.

The whole army may not be able to win the chaotic alliance. Moreover, the armed forces association may not go all out, which virtually widens the gap between the combat effectiveness of the two sides.

"Admiral Lin! It's not that I don't want to help, but the gap between the two sides is too big. If you start rashly, you will only sacrifice the innocent for nothing!"

"Moreover," Lin Yuanyang continued to analyze, "in addition to the chaotic alliance, there are many other small organizations and small forces. Although there are not so many great masters, I'm afraid there will be chaos if they are united because of the official arrogant means!"

Lin Xiao clenched his fist and said in a cold voice, "but we can't allow these guys to act recklessly. If they develop and grow, something will happen sooner or later. At that time, the status of the martial arts association may not be guaranteed!"

They kept silent, each with something on his mind.

Lin Yuanyang thought for a moment. "Otherwise, I will be responsible for secretly investigating the relevant information of the members of the Confederation of chaos, but the concrete action plan is entirely responsible for Lin, and he will clear up the relationship with the martial arts association, so that even if there is an accident, he will not be angry with the military Association."

"President! You can't promise this!"

Just then, a rude voice sounded, and then the door of the conference room was pushed open.


A fierce figure swaggered in.

The visitor is two meters tall, with strong muscles and strong skeleton. At first glance, he is practicing his family.

Seeing the visitor, Lin Yuanyang frowned, obviously very afraid of him.

Lin Xiao slowly raised his head, stared at each other like a hawk and falcon, and asked in a deep voice, "who are you?"

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