"Lin Xiao! Others say you are the leader of the Wulin alliance! Why, do you really think you can command the whole Wulin? Don't forget! Kyoto is an important place in the Wulin. Without the consent of our Kyoto Martial Arts Association, you are the leader of the Wulin alliance. Don't you have a good name or a bad word?"

As soon as Cui Jian came up, he was very gloomy and sarcastic, which made Lin Xiao's face gloomy for a moment.

"Cui Jian! How can I talk to Admiral Lin? Mr. Lin is now the top officer of the military headquarters! Do you know?"

"Military headquarters?" Cui Jian obviously didn't care. He swaggered to the opposite side and said with a sneer, "can the military headquarters control our martial arts association? If we don't make trouble, what about the military headquarters? I just don't give the military headquarters face!"

"Enough!" Lin Yuanyang looked at Lin Xiao with a bad complexion and scolded Cui Jian on the spot, "what do you want to say?"

Cui Jian said coldly, "president, the purpose of the martial arts association is to seek the well-being of our martial artists. We never need to be the running dog of the military headquarters."

"You..." Lin Yuanyang was so angry that he said, "pay attention to your discretion! Our duty is to cooperate with the military headquarters. How can we call a running dog?"

"What measure? If we agree to Lin Xiao's proposal, we will become the running dogs of the military headquarters and will be ridiculed by heroes all over the world!" Cui Jian looked unreasonable, "unite to deal with the chaotic alliance? That's a big mistake!"

Lin Xiao asked quietly, "Cui Jian, isn't he? Vice president of the martial arts association! The chaotic alliance acted recklessly and didn't abide by the rules. This kind of behavior is very dangerous. Do you want to help the tyranny?"

"Hum! Rules?" Cui Jian slowly pressed forward and looked at Lin Xiao disdainfully. "The rules are made by the strong! In today's world, it is already the world of the martial arts. Of course, the rules should be made by the martial arts. Our Martial Arts Association and the chaos alliance should be in the same breath. How can they lean against each other?"

"Are you trying to rebel?" Lin Xiao patted the table, "dare you openly confront the military headquarters?"

"Ha ha... Lin Xiao, this is a bit of forced hatred. I've never said such a thing. I just said that we and the chaos alliance should be allies, not enemies!" Cui Jian said lightly, "you don't have to button my hat. When is it the turn of outsiders to tell me about our martial arts association?"

"Cui Jian! You've had enough!" Lin Yuanyang was very angry.

Cui Jian has always coveted the position of president of the armed forces Association. I'm afraid he is also trying to put pressure on Lin Yuanyang by openly establishing relations with the chaotic alliance.

In terms of strength, Lin Yuanyang and Cui Jian are equal.

In terms of influence, Lin Yuanyang is a little better.

However, with Cui Jian's conspiracy behind his back, many people within the association began to tend to join hands with him.

"President! The black and white saints of the chaos Alliance came to me a few days ago and expressed the meaning of the chaos king. As long as we cooperate sincerely with them, we will have our share in the world in the future!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yuanyang was shocked. "Are you entangled with the people of the chaos alliance?"

"Ha ha..." Cui Jian said with a smile, "those who know current affairs are heroes. The power of the chaos alliance is growing. It's only a matter of time before we completely control Kyoto. Why should we resist?"

"You!!! Too much! These people of chaos alliance are bandits and robbers. How can we collude with them?" Lin Yuanyang angrily said, "I don't think you want to be a vice president!"

Cui Jian was not nervous at all. Youyou said, "so the president is unwilling to cooperate with the chaos alliance?"

"You're a traitor!" Lin Yuanyang stood up and said, "our Martial Arts Association will never allow rebellious elements like you!"

"What a pity..." Cui Jian pretended to shake his head and sigh. "I wanted to live in peace, but you old man didn't appreciate it."


The next second, six people crashed into the door.

Lin Yuanyang's pupils narrowed sharply. Three of them he knew were new great masters in the martial arts association.

The other three were dressed very differently, with a ferocious cloud on their chest. The sign was very dazzling and memorable.

"People of the chaotic alliance!"

Lin Yuanyang shouted in a deep voice, "what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Cui Jian stood up slowly and sneered, "please President Lin go to the chaos alliance and see the king of chaos!"

The six great masters who broke through the door separated with a smile and surrounded Lin Yuanyang.

Cui Jian glanced contemptuously at Lin Xiao. "Lin Xiao! I advise you not to mind your own business, or disaster will come from heaven! For the sake of being the chief of the military, you can leave now!"

Lin Xiao did not move and said faintly, "what if I don't go?"

"No?" Cui Jian had a cruel smile on his face, "then I don't mind leaving you here forever today!"

"President Lin!" Lin Xiao smiled, "see? This is the result of your repeated tolerance! You can't hesitate to treat such a mean man with wolf ambition!"

It was too late for Lin Yuanyang to regret. In the face of seven great masters, he had no ability to resist.

Cui Jian pinched his waist with both hands, pressed his huge body forward slowly, and said fiercely, "Lin Yuanyang! Come with us, or do you want to fight with us?"

Lin Yuanyang said angrily, "Cui Jian! Don't deceive people too much!"

"What's the matter with you?" Cui Jian made an innocent look, deliberately widened his eyes and asked, "do you need to be more obvious?"

The six great masters roared and laughed.

"President Lin! Come with us! Lord chaos Wang wants to see you!"

"Obey obediently. You can continue to be the president of the martial arts association and command thousands of martial artists, otherwise you will have to die!"

"What are you doing? Don't be shameless!"

"Don't wait for us!"

The six people spoke and scolded one after another, and Lin Yuanyang looked pale.

"All right! Stop talking nonsense to him! Take Lin Yuanyang away!" Cui Jian sneered.

"Mr. Lin! You go first!" Lin Yuan rose up and stood in front of Lin Xiao. He also expected to go further through Lin Xiao and become the president of the Chinese general martial arts association.

With general Lin Xiao here, he can become the president just around the corner. He doesn't want to be destroyed.

Lin Yuanyang guessed that Cui Jian didn't dare to do anything to himself, so he dared to block in front of each other.

However, it was unexpected that Cui Jian came with a task this time. He grabbed Lin Yuanyang to please the black and white saints, and then entered the chaos alliance to occupy a place.

"I don't know!" Cui Jian shouted, "do it now!"

The six great masters did not mention it. They started directly and were extremely fierce.

Lin Yuanyang took a deep breath and quickly drew out the short knife. He had to fight with the other party desperately.

Facing the six great masters, no one dare to ignore them.

Cui Jian stepped back to watch the excitement, with a sarcastic arc around his mouth. He found Lin Xiao slowly standing up, so he roared.

"If you dare to fight against me, beat up Lin Xiao first and let him understand who is in charge here!"

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