"Dad!" Nangong sword dragged Nangong Fuhu, who was dying, and shouted to Nangong Zongzhe, "I have Nangong Fuhu in my hand. Lin Xiao dare not do anything! Today, I just took the opportunity to make things clear and let Lin Xiao die!"

"Yes! Brother, since Lin Xiao has been killed, I will directly tell him to divorce Nangong Jin!" Nangong zongxue followed Bai Sheng and escorted Nangong brocade.

Nangong Zongzhe looked at his father Nangong subduing the dragon and said, "there are two saints in black and white. Lin Xiao dare not do anything. The top priority is to make an engagement first and announce it to everyone!"

"Yes!" Nangong subdues the Dragon slightly and signals Nangong Zongzhe to act as planned.

The black and white saints swaggered in the first place.

Dozens of important figures of Nangong family stood under the hall, and Nangong brocade was also loosened and guarded by several martial artists.

Seeing that grandpa was seriously injured, Nangong Jin's anger surged, "you're too much! My grandpa is also Nangong's family and one of his successors. How can he be treated like this?"

Nangong sword patted Nangong Fuhu's injured cheek and said with a smile, "Nangong brocade! He did it himself. If he was obedient, why should he suffer this torture?"

"Ah Jin! You can't promise them!" Nangong Fuhu seemed to have some difficulties, and hurriedly said, "you can't marry this white saint!"


"When is it your turn to tell?" Nangong sword slapped Nangong Fuhu and said angrily, "shut up!"

"You stop!" Nangong Jin angrily said, "let go of my grandpa!"

"Let him go? OK! Now promise to marry Mr. Bai immediately, and honestly don't resist, I'll let him go!" Nangong Jian said fiercely, "otherwise, I can't guarantee that he will live with the next slap!"

"Bai Sheng! You promised me!" Nangong Jin suddenly turned back and shouted to Bai Sheng, "let my grandpa be the master of the house. Now he is beaten like this. What should I do?"

Bai Sheng was determined to get Nangong Jin's promise. At the moment, he looked a little bad. He waved and said, "OK! Let Nangong subdue the tiger go! Find a doctor!"

Although Nangong Jian was reluctant, he winked at the two children of Nangong family and asked them to do it.

"Mr. Bai, I don't know you called us..." after Nangong subdued the dragon for a moment, he asked suspiciously, "what can I do for you?"

"Nangong Jin said that as long as Nangong Fuhu becomes the master of Nangong family, he will promise to marry me! I have promised this, don't you mind?"

"Ah?" Nangong Jianglong and others were stunned.

This kind of thing is a big thing. How can it be decided only by Bai Sheng's word?

"Mr. Bai! This matter is a little too sudden. We have to think about it in the long run..."

"From long fart!" Bai Sheng was no longer silent and eager in front of Nangong Jin. "This is settled! Let Nangong Fuhu be the master! I will marry Nangong Jin in three days. Please all celebrities in Kyoto to witness this!"

There was an uproar.


Seeing that the people were talking about it, the black Saint didn't seem to agree with it. He immediately took the case and said, "don't forget that there was no accident because the Nangong family was covered by our black and white saints. Without us, you were subdued by the chaos alliance every minute. Do you want to disobey our meaning?"

Nangong Jianglong blushed and quickly explained, "that's not what he meant. It's just that the owner of the house is too important. It's not so easy to decide things involving property rights, shares and family property distribution. Besides, the old man is still alive, this matter..."


Suddenly, the black Saint directly threw out a throwing knife and hit the old man lying on the chair.


The old man was stabbed in the chest and killed on the spot.


The crowd took a breath of air-conditioning and was stunned.

If you don't agree, you kill.

The current Nangong family owner was killed.

Too arrogant!

Too domineering!

He didn't pay attention to the Nangong family at all.

This is the great master's strength, above the secular world.

Nangong Jin's face changed. She didn't feel much about the old man's death. As long as Nangong Fuhu could control Nangong family, her goal would be achieved.

"Now that the old man is dead, you can decide Nangong subdues the dragon?" The black Saint said lightly.

The whole audience was as silent as death, and the dropping of needles could be heard.

Even the old man dared to kill, let alone others.

No one dares to come out and touch the mildew of black and white saints at this time.

Nangong subdues the Dragon without saying a word. The other party is slapping himself in the face, but he can only bear it.

"Mr. Black! I have one condition..." Nangong Jianglong knew that it was difficult to change today, so he said in a deep voice, "as long as you deal with Lin Xiao and let Nangong family have no worries, the owner can let Nangong subdue the tiger!"

"Lin Xiao?" The black Saint smiled, "it's just that he doesn't come. Since he comes today, our brothers naturally teach him to be a man. You don't have to worry! Just do your own thing!"

"Good!" Nangong Jianglong exchanged eyes with other family elders and nodded hard, "then it's up to the two gentlemen!"

Bai Sheng nodded with satisfaction, looked at Nangong brocade and said with a smile, "Nangong brocade! Are you satisfied now?"

Nangong Jin felt the power of black and white saints and took a deep breath, "no! You have to release Lin Xiao! Let him leave safely, otherwise I'd rather die than follow!"

"This girl......" Nangong subdued the Dragon angrily and used his strength to beat down the dragon head crutch. "When are you still helping Lin Xiao, an outsider?"

"Lin Xiao is my lawful husband. How can he be an outsider?" Nangong Jin sneered, "I'm saying, when did you treat me as one of the Nangong family? I've never been admitted by the Nangong family?"

"Is your surname Nangong? Are you the granddaughter of Nangong Fuhu? Do all the properties under your name belong to Nangong family?" Nangong subdued the dragon and said in a deep voice, "it's your great honor to let you marry Mr. Bai now. Don't give me any more conditions!"

"In short, don't promise my conditions! I won't marry Bai Sheng if I die!" Nangong Jin said stubbornly.

"No, you don't agree!" Nangong's old face was livid with dragon subduing Qi.

"Then try!" Nangong Jin looked at him provocatively.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder between the two.

"Enough!" Bai Sheng shouted angrily, "that's it! Let Nangong Fuhu be the master of Nangong's family. I can spare Lin Xiao's life as long as he promises to leave Kyoto forever. He is not allowed to step into Nangong's house again. It's nothing to let him go!"

"Yes! My second brother is right! He's just a hairy boy. Why be so nervous? Even if he is a great master, he doesn't pose any threat to us!" The black Saint smiled proudly, "don't say it's him! Even if his master's sword Wuji comes, it's not better!"


The door of the assembly hall was suddenly smashed to pieces.

Lin Xiao stepped in and said coldly, "when are two cats and dogs worthy to talk about my master? Overestimate!"

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