Dozens of eyes fell on Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiao! How dare you!" Nangong zongxue stared at Lin Xiao and said angrily, "what place is this? Do you dare to break in?"

Lin Xiao looked at him. There was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes. He suddenly raised his hand and cut it gently.


Nangong zongxue's huge head fell to the ground.

Blood dyed everyone's eyes red.


The crowd screamed in horror and turned pale.

Lin Xiao dared to kill people in public. It was an important figure of Nangong family.

"Lin Xiao! Dare you!" Nangong subdued the dragon and had a heart attack at that time. Before he was unconscious, Lin Xiao became more and more free, like a devil.

Lin Xiao walked in leisurely, looked directly at the black and white saints, and said faintly, "it's you who support the Nangong family that let them be unscrupulous?"

"Bastard!" Bai Sheng stood up and pointed to Lin Xiao's nose and roared, "you are Lin Xiao! How dare you hurt me!"

"What are you? Why don't I dare?" Lin Xiao waved his hand.

A dozen people suddenly ran out behind him, blocked the door and locked the door directly. It was obvious that no one could go today.

"Bring people here!" Lin Xiao ordered directly.

Several men rushed over and brought Nangong Fuhu and Nangong Jin together.

The faces of the Nangong family were very ugly, especially Nangong zongzheqi's eyes were red and his voice trembled, "you rebellious thing, how dare you kill my brother?"

"Damn him!" Lin Xiao pointed to the guide palace sword, "and your son, damn it!"

Nangong Jian was already scared out of his mind and stumbled behind the black and white saints.

"Shit!" Nangong Zongzhe roared, "come on! Go and call someone!"

The housekeeper hurriedly called and began to call.

Lin Xiao didn't stop him and let the other party do whatever he wanted.

"Hum!" Bai Sheng angrily said, "arrogant boy, send it to the door yourself. No wonder others!"

"Second brother!" Black Saint suddenly pulled white Saint nervously and whispered, "be careful! This boy is a little strange!"

"What's weird?" Bai Sheng didn't pay attention to Lin Xiao's means of killing.

Lin Xiao shot too fast just now. Bai Sheng focused on Nangong brocade. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to have a magical means to breathe inside and release outside.

The black Saint saw it really. On the one hand, he couldn't believe it, on the other hand, he was careful enough.

"Lin Xiao! What did you do just now?" Asked the black Saint carefully.

"You have no right to know! Hand over the Nangong sword!" Lin Xiao pointed to the hidden Nangong sword, "let him kneel in front of me and apologize to Nangong Fuhu! Then waste his martial arts! I can spare his life today!"

"What are you talking about?" Nangong Zongzhe, who has a high level of self-discipline, can't bear it anymore today. He said to the black and white saints, "gentlemen, Lin Xiao is too arrogant to let him do whatever he wants!"

"What do I care about him?" Bai Sheng saw the color of dependence on Lin Xiao in Nangong Jin's eyes. He was jealous and grew up. The breath in the Dantian was strong, "I want to see what you can do!"


Like a big bird attacking the prey, Bai Sheng rushed to Lin Xiao in an instant, bent his palm into claws and grabbed it hard.


The air was torn. Sure enough, I have some skills.

Lin Xiao Wensi didn't move, looked at each other indifferently, and suddenly blew a punch.

This fist is simple and direct, without any tricks, not even the wind howling. It's light and surprising.

A great master should not have only this strength.

Bai Sheng's heart was filled with contempt. It turned out that the boy was just a silver gun and candle head, far less powerful than the legend.

Thinking of this, Bai Sheng was determined in his heart, and his claws added a little more confidence.


This claw hit Lin Xiao's throat accurately.

"Lie down!" Bai Sheng will abolish Lin Xiao as soon as he pulls.

The next second, the white Saint thriller happened.

Lin Xiao's throat seemed to be made of refined steel. His claw, which could open a stone tablet and crack a stone, could not shake his "fragile" neck. He even felt a strong recoil force drilling down his fingers into his arm's meridians.


Bai Sheng's body was shocked, and his five internal organs and six abdomen seemed to explode. The whole person rose up in the air and spewed a mouthful of blood.



Bai Sheng turned several somersaults in mid air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


Nangong Zongzhe took a breath of air conditioning. He never thought it would end like this.

"Stop!" The pupil of black Saint shrinks into the tip of a needle. When he wants to rescue, it is too late. When he rushes to stop, he finds that white saint has only one breath left.

"Hand over the Nangong sword!" Lin Xiao said faintly, "otherwise none of Nangong family can leave today!"

"This boy is too arrogant!"

"Do you still want to kill us all?"

"Give you a courage!"

Everyone spoke and scolded one after another. It seemed that they had forgotten how miserable the Nangong zongxue was when the blood was still warm.

Nangong Zongzhe realized that the problem was a little serious, and Lin Xiao's strength should be above imagination.

"Mr. Black, you have to decide for us..."

Bai Sheng lost the move. Only black Sheng has the strength to fight Lin Xiao. Nangong Zongzhe can only hope on him.

Who knows, the black saint has long been stunned.

Only the great master can understand how terrible it is to hurt people in the air.


Black Saint knelt down directly to Lin Xiao in everyone's dull eyes.

"Brother Lin! All misunderstandings! All misunderstandings! Have something to say!"

The numb Nangong family, monk Zhang Er, couldn't touch his head and didn't understand why Heisheng, such a powerful man, knelt down without fighting.

The quiet scene showed a strange atmosphere.

"Shall I repeat it again?" Lin Xiao's voice was cold.

The great master of the black Saint hall, the black and white saint, is also famous in the Jianghu, but now he doesn't even want his dignity to protect his life.

He knows very well that a great master who knows how to breathe inside and outside is a master close to the Supreme Master. He can handle himself with a wave of his hand.

This kind of master, even the chaotic king, may not be an opponent. He doesn't have to lose his life because of the Nangong family.


Hei Shengdang immediately made a decision, directly grabbed Nangong sword, and without saying a word, put his hand to his abdomen.

"You!!!" Nangong Jian was surprised, but he couldn't resist. He could only watch Heisheng punch heavily in his Dantian.


The Dantian of Nangong sword was abandoned at that time.

Dantian is the most important source of strength for a warrior. Especially after becoming a golden warrior, its role becomes huge.

Although the golden warrior can't mobilize Dantian internal breathing as an attack and defense means, it has begun to breed internal power, which can nourish the body and improve various physical qualities.

The destruction of Dantian means that a warrior is also destroyed.

Nangong sword was paralyzed like a pile of garbage. He knew he was finished.

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