Nangong sword, which has become waste, can no longer attract Lin Xiao's attention.

"Since everyone is here, I won't talk nonsense!" Lin Xiao said with a joking expression, "I don't think Nangong family needs to engage in a five member or thirteen member Parliament of the ancestral family. In the future, Nangong Fuhu will be the master. His words are orders. Do you understand?"

"Lin Xiao! You are a traitor!" Nangong Zhenjun was strong and courageous, and said in a deep voice, "if you do this, you will be laughed at!"

"Laugh?" Lin Xiao said lightly, "you collude with outsiders, kill the old man, and want to force your daughter to marry an outsider with ulterior motives. Who will be laughed at if you say this?"

"Who can prove what you said? Who will everyone believe?" Nangong Zongzhe angrily said, "you killed zongxue. This is the worst crime. I must sue you!"

"All right!" Lin Xiao smiled, pointed to the door and said, "now I'll open the door for you to sue!"

"You..." Nangong Zongzhe just wanted to scare Lin Xiao.

Let him sue, and there is no way to sue.

Lin Xiao is now the highest officer of the military headquarters. Should we take him to the police station?

Let alone whether the police accept it or not, even if they dare to accept it, Nangong Zongzhe dare not really Sue.

Nangong's family is no better than in the past. He hasn't cleaned up a pile of shit under his ass and is afraid of being pulled out of his pigtail.

"I don't think you have any opinions. Then prepare to sign and pledge!" Lin Xiao hooked his finger at Nangong Jing and joked, "you write. I said you write. If this thing is done well, you can forget the past. Otherwise, you should know what will happen if you are thrown into the shampoo room?"

Nangong Jing was just a little girl. She was instigated by Nangong sword and did some reckless things. At the moment, she was scared and trembled.

Heisheng, who knelt to the ground, knew that if he wanted to get out today, he must satisfy Lin Xiao, so he immediately turned back and scolded, "Nangong Zongzhe! What are you still in a daze? Let your people listen to Mr. Lin."

Nangong Zongzhe's old face flushed with shame and anger. He really wanted to find a seam to drill in. After hesitating for a few seconds, he said helplessly, "a Jing, listen to him!"

"Good!" Nangong Jing trembles to find a pen and paper and carefully comes to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao didn't even look at her. "Now let me say, you write the agreement and print several copies. Everyone in Nangong family should sign..."

Everyone in Nangong family looks ugly, but they can't listen.

Half an hour later

The agreement is signed.

Nangong Fuhu becomes the owner of Nangong family and controls numerous industries. Nangong brocade is the designated successor of the next owner and can control the resources of Nangong family at will.

To put it simply, Lin Xiao did nothing this time, completely cut off the future of Nangong subduing the dragon and others, and transferred more than 90% of the Nangong family's industry to Nangong Fuhu and Nangong brocade.

If it were not for the recent chaos in the world, Lin Xiao's means would not be easy to use.

Nangong family has a deep background. It's not so easy to control all Nangong family at the same time.

Nowadays, Nangong's family are in danger. They don't want to create new problems. It's good to keep a third of their land per mu, so they all choose to compromise in humiliation.

The Nangong family had little ability to resist. The black and white saints they supported fell down, and no one would help them.

Soon, there was news on the Internet that Nangong's power had changed, and even Kyoto forces had a new reshuffle.

The large and small enterprise groups following Nangong family have also started a new round of power change, but this process will take a long time.

The matter of Nangong's family is settled, and Lin Xiao releases the black and white saints.

It's not Lin Xiao who wants to let the tiger go back to the mountain. He knows that these two sinister guys will not give up, but the chaotic alliance is powerful, and Xiaosu is a time bomb, so he can't do too much.

Xiaosu's strength is outrageous. Besides Lin Xiao, he is the second great master who can breathe inside and outside and hurt people in the air. He is also the closest master to the Supreme Master.

Fighting Xiaosu now will only benefit other forces.

Nangong Fuhu, who was seriously injured, soon recovered under Lin Xiao's treatment, and Nangong Jin's attitude towards Lin Xiao also changed.

At night.

"Lin Xiao, I always feel something wrong!"

After Nangong Fuhu had a rest, Nangong Jin took Lin Xiao to the balcony of the villa, bathed in the moonlight, and said something thoughtlessly.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao couldn't help holding Nangong Jin's hand. The latter didn't resist, "you, do you think of anything?"

Lin Xiao, with an excited face, asked excitedly, "do you think of the past?"

"A little bit," Nangong brocade looked up at the moon and said carelessly, "look at the moon. Is it bigger than before?"

Lin Xiao looked in surprise and said casually, "isn't it still the moon? It seems that the clouds are more blurred, probably because of the vitality of heaven and earth. What do you mean?"

"Just restless, always think something will happen!" Nangong Jin covered his chest, "it's very flustered here. I can even feel that the nano robot in my body is running a certain life track spontaneously!"

Lin Xiao looked at her suspiciously.

"That's..." Nangong Jin said thoughtfully. "For example, it's like my body is a vast universe, and nano robots are the people living in the universe. They reproduce and develop according to a certain law of life, okay?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "everyone's body has its own universe. Aren't cells the subjects of the body? Nano robots are smaller than cells. There are countless nano robots in each cell. It's normal for you to feel this way!"

"You don't understand what I mean, I mean..." Nangong Jinxiu frowned and hesitated for a moment. "Forget it! Maybe I think too much. I've been having nightmares recently, dreaming that explosions are happening everywhere, as if many people are dead and the end of the world!"

"You are too tired! Have a good rest tonight and turn off your cell phone to avoid being disturbed!" Lin Xiao took Nangong brocade inside.

"Can you... Accompany me in the evening?" Nangong Jin blushed and asked in a low voice.

Lin Xiao couldn't wait. He nodded excitedly. "Of course, how long haven't we slept together? I thought you had forgotten me long ago."

"Go away! I didn't mean that..." Nangong Jin's little face turned more red and pushed away Lin Xiao's salty pig hand. "I just want you to accompany me!"

"Cough... I don't mean that either! Accompany, certainly!" Lin Xiao closed the door on the balcony with a smile and pressed the remote control of the electric curtain.

Nangong Jin slept until dawn. Lin Xiao was with her. She seemed very relieved and didn't have nightmares anymore.

Lin Xiao happily made a big breakfast. They seemed to return to their former husband and wife life, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Until a phone call came.

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