Lin Xiao felt nervous again when he saw that it was the perfect number.

"Go, general! Come to the military headquarters quickly!"

Something happened again.

The energy line on the monitor changes again.

The eight supreme wooden towers are completely shrouded in a powerful energy mass, showing an extremely unstable state on the map detection map.

The energy lines gathered by the eight towers become stronger and stronger, almost forming a substantive energy column. Even in the sky, you can see a faint giant column through the sky with the naked eye, directly breaking through the atmosphere and shooting into the universe.

"The energy feedback is getting stronger and stronger. Our Hubble telescope has observed abnormal energy fluctuations outside the solar system, and the scientists say..." Wan Quan's face is very cautious and hesitant. It is obvious that the information obtained is very shocking.

"Say!" Lin Xiao's heart moved.

"Scientists who study space science said that if there are abnormal spatial fluctuations, there may be spatial transmission, or it may be a space gate..." Wan Quan was vague. He didn't quite understand what space science is. He just repeated what scientists said, but after talking for a long time, he found that he couldn't speak clearly, so he immediately turned around and said, "invite academician Zhang!"

Academician Zhang is the chief scientist of the Academy of Sciences. He has been studying wormholes and space science all his life. The spatial signals monitored this time are also the research and speculation made by his team.

Academician Zhang has white hair and is hale and hearty. He walks step by step without a trace of aging.

The probability of a warrior becoming a scientist is very low, and academician Zhang is one of the best.

"Go, general!" Academician Zhang was neither humble nor arrogant in front of Lin Xiao, and his face was filled with unspeakable excitement. "After my team's research, it was found that there were abnormal spatial fluctuations outside the solar system, which was very close to our research theory. If the speculation was good, it should be... Space gate!"

"Space door?" Lin Xiao didn't understand this subject, but he could understand the meaning of the representative, "do you mean there is a space door to open?"

"Let me put it simply. The two nodes in space will form a space channel after the wormhole overlaps, which can connect two places far away from the universe, just like opening a door and letting people outside the door in..."

Academician Zhang became more and more excited. "This theory has been studied by our Huaxia scientific research team for 50 years. Recently, we finally made a breakthrough, but we didn't expect to monitor the emergence of space doors outside the solar system. If this thing is true, the world will change greatly..."

Wan Quan muttered, "the world has changed greatly. It's strange that so many martial artists come out without chaos!"

"Academician Zhang, how true is your theory?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"At least 30% is true!" Academician Zhang said this figure, and he was very surprised. "Don't underestimate this 30%. Compared with one in ten thousand, this possibility is already very high!"

Academician Zhang pulled Lin Xiao to the monitor and nervously pointed to the crisscross lines, "general, please look! These lines are the peaks caused by spatial fluctuations. Every time they change, they are two wormholes accumulating energy! Only when the energy is enough, the spatial barrier will be opened!"

"What will happen if this door... Is opened?"

Academician Zhang took a deep breath, "maybe! Another civilization is coming! I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse! The earth asks for more blessings!"

Lin Xiao nodded silently and immediately ordered, "inform the United Nations immediately!"

Half a day later.

The United Nations convened 140 heads of state to hold a rare online video conference.

Everyone is red in the face about the space door.

More than 70% of the countries do not believe in such things and slander China for alarmism.

However, some superpowers privately contacted the Huaxia scientific research team and sent a team of experts to hurry up.

The first to arrive was general Brown of the United States.

For this old opponent, Lin Xiao did not embarrass him. After all, it is a crisis facing the whole mankind.

Brown brought an elite team of scientists who are also studying space science. Together with Chinese researchers, they conducted intense discussion and Research on the spatial fluctuations outside the solar system.

Lin Xiao could only understand a few words in this professional discussion, so he simply didn't attend the meeting and waited for the results.

The discussion lasted three days and three nights.

These scientists were as excited as taking stimulants. They didn't eat or drink for more than 100 hours. They plunged into the research theory and finally came to a reliable conclusion.

The space gate will open in seven days, and the energy of the eight supreme wooden towers will be increased by a geometric level.

After getting this conclusion, the Chinese government did not publish it. After all, this kind of thing will cause chaos.

Before there is no substantive evidence, everyone is very conservative and dare not make a conclusion easily.

But Lin Xiao did not think so.

Although the matter of space gate has some fantastic color, Lin Xiao knows that this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

The huge nuclear reactor like Qiankun city and Xiacheng has long surpassed today's science and technology. I don't know how many years, which means that a powerful civilization appeared thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago.

In this case, the emergence of space doors is not so strange.

What worries Lin Xiao most is, once the space door is opened, what kind of race will appear, extraterrestrial civilization? alien?

"General! Academician Zhang suggested sending a spaceship to the moon for closer observation!" Wanquan took academician Zhang and other scientists to the military headquarters.

Lin Xiao stood in front of the monitoring screen and didn't speak. His mind was full of things about how to deal with if the space door was opened.

"Yes! I'll send some people to follow up, or I can take care of it!"

Lin Xiao has summoned the eight King Kong back. Gao Haijian and they are on their way back.

The vitality of heaven and earth exploded, and the strength of his brothers also increased rapidly, breaking through the great master one after another.

Gao Haijian's skill has increased the fastest. He has oppressed all his brothers, and there is even a faint sign that the sword Qi is released.

It will be much safer for these scientists to set up observation stations on the moon with Gao Haijian.

"Good!" Wan Quan said in a deep voice, "I reorganized the dragon and tiger special team to escort academician Zhang to them!"

"This time, the American and Russian military will also participate, but I told them that everything should obey the command of the Chinese side!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "you can arrange it. If there is any trouble, let me know at the first time!"

The mighty moon landing began.

Two rockets took off and the spaceship landed on the moon two days later.

The real-time picture was also transmitted back synchronously. A huge monitoring station was soon established and began to collect all kinds of signals from outside the earth.

Due to the explosion of vitality again, the density of martial artists is greater, and different martial organizations have appeared all over the world.

Even some small countries have been robbed of power by powerful fighters and become new independent small countries.

For a time, the world was in chaos.

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