"Hum!" Yang Bu looked at the five-star general next to his eyes and said in a low voice to Yang Shi, "let me say what's good for you? Don't you inquire about it before doing things?"

Yang Shi was stunned. "Brother, what's going on?"

"Go back first!" Yang Department stepped back unhappily and ordered, "take Mayor Yang back!"

Even his own brother, Yang Bu had no plan to show mercy.

The five-star general next to him, as the supervisor, said nothing, but put great pressure on Yang bu.

This time, the military headquarters directly ordered Kang Wen and Yang Shi to be arrested. The specific reason was not said, but Yang's department still heard some news through internal personnel.

Together with Xiao Zhiqiu of the martial arts association, they calculated Lin Yuanyang.

It's nothing to annoy Lin Yuanyang, but behind Lin Yuanyang is Lin Xiao, the highest officer of the military headquarters.

The whole military is supporting Lin Xiao. How can these people in Yang city turn over the waves.

Afraid that his brother would be targeted, Yang Bosheng specially led a team to come in person, hoping to have room for relaxation.

"Yang Bu! I hope you can handle it impartially! Your brother and Kang Wen are involved in illegal operations and bending the law for personal gain. I have informed the procuratorial organ to file a case for investigation. You know yourself!" The five-star general Dong Jianwu was once a great hero with outstanding military achievements. This time, the military headquarters sent him to deal with the matter because it was extremely serious.

Yang Bu nodded helplessly, waved and ordered, "understand! Take it away! Stop the team!"

The police car roared away

A dozen people jumped out of the remaining military vehicles. They didn't wear military uniforms. They were all soft black armor. They looked majestic with a light silver dragon and tiger mark on their chest.

Xiao Zhiqiu has been silent. He is a member of the martial arts association and will be promoted to the president of the martial arts association soon. Moreover, he was originally a master of great masters. Just now, the police couldn't help him.

However, seeing these people, he felt a drum in his heart.

More than a dozen people who appeared in the military car had their temples bulging high, and their bodies were full of explosive power. The Dantian was rolling like thunder, and their momentum was incomparably strong.

Who says the military has only ordinary combat power?

The military also has secret troops.

These people are members of the dragon and tiger team. After being baptized by the vitality of heaven and earth, their strength has soared and has broken through to the realm of great masters.

The dragon and tiger team is the elite of the elite. They are superior in both physical quality and IQ. It is expected that they can be promoted.

Dong Jianwu brought the dragon and tiger team with a deterrent force to warn Xiao Zhiqiu and others not to make unnecessary resistance.

In the face of these people, ordinary great masters don't see enough.

Relying on Xiao Zhiqiu, who usually treats others with dignity and relies on the vitality of heaven and earth to soar hundreds or thousands of times, he reluctantly opened up the Dantian gas sea. Even a great master without actual combat experience, each member of the dragon and tiger team can easily sweep it away.

"Xiao Zhiqiu! You admit your mistake! Or should I take you back and let admiral Lin personally make you admit your mistake?" Dong Jianwu shouted in a deep voice.

Xiao Zhiqiu's eyes narrowed slightly. "Admiral Lin? I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding between us, general? I don't have any holidays with the military."

"Hum! Don't pretend to be confused! You calculated Lin Yuanyang to go to the chaos alliance, which has violated the military taboo! General Lin specially ordered to take you as a question! No one can protect you today!"

"You mean... Lin Xiao?"

Xiao Zhiqiu's heart jumped violently.

When did Lin Xiao become a general of the military headquarters?

"General Lin's name is something you can mention at will?" Dong Jianwu snorted coldly, "do you plead guilty or not!"


More than a dozen soldiers came murderously.

Xiao Zhiqiu glanced at the dozen experts of the dragon and tiger team and knew that if he tried hard, he would die miserably.

Kang Wu slipped away long after Kang Wen was taken away. He is a wall grass and falls on both sides. He knows that there will be no good fruit left.

Seeing that he was surrounded in all directions, Xiao Zhiqiu didn't even have a helper. His face became more and more ugly. After thinking about it, he had better bow his head temporarily, so he smiled and said, "OK! I'll go back with you! See what I can do!"

Two members of the dragon and tiger team suddenly rushed over, couldn't help but say that they captured Xiao Zhiqiu, and suddenly hit the Dantian with heavy hands.


Xiao Zhiqiu could not have imagined that the other party was so cruel, and there was no sign. His face was green at that time.

"Ah!!! You bastards! You dare!" Xiao Zhiqiu felt that the Dantian was destroyed and his cultivation decreased rapidly. Later, he was a loser and roared angrily.

"Take it away!" Tung Chee Wu was expressionless.

Now the situation is dangerous. I don't know how dangerous it is outside the unknown space. However, Xiao Zhiqiu acts recklessly in the rear for his own self-interest. The military will never assess this behavior.

Xiao Zhiqiu was abandoned and captured by the military. The news went by no means, not only the members of the armed forces Association, but also the media.

On the Internet, it began to be widely publicized that Xiao Zhiqiu had colluded with relevant personnel with the intention of defecting to the chaotic alliance of "terrorist organizations". He was caught by the joint law enforcement of the military and the police.

In the morning, he was still satisfied and ready to take over the armed forces Association and the public security management committee. In the afternoon, he was taken away by the military. It took Xiao Zhiqiu less than eight hours from rising to the peak to landing in the abyss.

He can be called the fastest unlucky president of the martial arts association in history.

When Lin Yuanyang got the news, he was surprised and happy.

Surprisingly, Lin Xiao's efficiency is too high. Such a big thing has been perfectly solved in the past half a day.

Fortunately, the martial arts association has finally preserved its purity and has not been used by conspirators.

After this incident, the armed forces association became famous. With the support of the military, it was more confident. In just half a day, the number of people who came to register increased.

As we all know, the armed forces Association relies on the military and will have a lot of convenience in the future. Those who want to stand out are ready to join the armed forces Association.

In order to assist Lin Yuanyang in managing the armed forces Association, the military headquarters also specially sent several experts to take part in the battle, and the general team was stationed there at the same time.

In the next two days, the newly established public security management committee under the name of the armed forces Association began to exert its authority, rectified many crimes committed by armed men, and curbed the chaos.

However, the chaos has just eased, and a more terrible thing committed by a martial artist began to spread on the Internet at this time.

There's a story all over the streets. Aliens are coming.

Aliens, once the hottest subject of science fiction movies, will really come to earth one day.

The news became more and more mysterious and almost came to an end.

"The end of the world is coming!"

Every family's TV and computer are filled with such shocking remarks.


It is already a cold winter, but the sky is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and there are signs of rain.


A flash of lightning cut through the night sky, which made Xiao Zhiqiu tremble.

At the detention center of the Municipal Bureau, Xiao Zhiqiu was handcuffed and looked frightened.

"Go ahead, coordinates!"

Lin Xiao sat opposite, as if he had mastered something. His face was very ugly.

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